Hi BoraBai
Apologies for not sending you an email. Here is what I would suggest you to do. I find it will confused you further by getting emails from users here and compare prices, because the work and description is different. Initially I thought all ID usually provides the same thing and focus more on prices... but then again, the description from the ID and Contractors varies... for example, ID1 qoute you 20K, ID 2 qoute you 18K, you might expect ID2 is cheaper, but ID2 does not provide you Kitchen Cabinets, then you think ID1 is better because they have Kitchen Cabinets but then the prices only stand up to first 10 feet of your kitchen. So, how do you make a final call which is cheaper? Confusing right? Thats' what happen to me initially until I get fedup and start visiting ID and ask. More importantly, you MUST know what you want, it will be wise to spend a few hours to go to the ID and understand what are they refering in that slip of paper they are offering you. Only when you understand what on earth they are saying, you will know what you want. At first I also feel paiseh walking into ID firms and ask... but... it's a process I encourage everyone to do because you are putting your hard earn money into it. Like I said, Ho Bee is a trusted CONTRACTOR and the best is that you know what you want and ask them accordingly. But, I really like their services, they even advise me to take the keys first and get an appointment with them so that they will walk the ground with you and understand what is needed and qoute you again.