Sembawang Green BTO sep 06


New Member
wow, the flat is very nice hehe, duno how long we still have 2 wait....

thanks for the pic


New Member
Hi summer82 and princesspig84,
I am oso in 489!!

Not sure on the key collection part but if they release all at one time, wont they be super busy? Probably block by block ba...not sure, wait till someone here gets the letter from HDB first ba..
Hope can get as soon.. I am oredi shopping ard for IDssss.....


New Member
most prob i'll be going tmr for the modern living too..although i'd gone for a few of these fairs, but the response i gotten is not very good..didn't follow up with me though..


New Member
i not going..

I dun have enough vitamin "M" and only will engage a contractor to help to do those needy things.. like kitchen... warerobe that kind.


New Member
Hi simplet0tz,
Just to share, today, I went to take a look at the progress of the flat (sorry didnt take any pix) and one of the foreman told me that they have to hand over the completed flat to HDB by march. Looking at this timeline, might be able to get our keys somewhere around Jul / Aug (Which falls in the 3Q as per HDB indication on their website).

Personally, I find its just right time to choose ID cos I can slowly go around shopping for the right quality and right price ID, cos comparison take time and when the ID has been choosen can start on application of renovation loan, start to do plan home design concept and when all completed, can relax and wait for key arrival. Once collected the key, can commence on renovation straight away..


New Member
Its still early if u oredi have an idea on how to reno ur flat...from the time we get hdb letter to the time we collect our keys we have enuff time to source oredi...

No point speculating when to get keys...we will get the letter first and we will noe when we will get the from hdb was that once the inspection was done and contractor hand over the flats to hdb, hdb will stat sending out letters to prepare to handing over of keys to owners...

so...dun worry...


New Member
Hi Everyone,

Mine is 490 10 Floor, looks like very little from 490..

yup had check with HDB also, said roughly Q3 2009.

First thing must confirm ROM place liao. AD will be held next year.


New Member
hi summer82! when is ur AD? me too same as u! gotta b real busy handing both wedding n reno. guess most of the couple here is oso facing this problem. jus treat as another stage for us to go through. hehe.. happy preparation ya!


New Member
hi summer82! when is ur AD? me too same as u! gotta b real busy handing both wedding n reno. guess most of the couple here is oso facing this problem. jus treat as another stage for us to go through. hehe.. happy preparation ya!


New Member
me too! we gotta plan for our AD for end of Q3 for this year as well as the renovation too...stressed and with all these coming, really need to pray for a windfall..haha!


New Member
kirvin, so envy u less out 1 stress le.

Raynard y pray for windfall?? hehe.. mine is Q4 AD, by den already complete reno. but still nd $$. haiz...


New Member
Oh, cause i prefer to take as little loan as possible, hence a windfall will take away these problems..hehe.. *dreaming on* :p


New Member
Piggylover >> ya.. Really haf to Jiayou. =) You muz jiayou too k.

Kirvin >> Me opposite of u. Me is renov than follow closely by wedding.

Raynard >> Me n bf oso tinking of taking as little loan or no loan if possible. Else the interest rate can really kill pple. Dun wan to be in debts. So muz really be very thrifty. Sigh...

Everybody HUAT ar.. Me dreaming next Singapore sweep winner is me.. Still dreaming on..


New Member
Hi piggylover my AD is tis yr sept thats y hope the reno come ltr part cz will FAINT without $$$$..all pray hard for 4D den i shall pray hard for 1st prize?LOLX...All come one shot can make ppl faint i to of loan aso but nw economic so BAD,tink the bank aso hard to approve.Haixx


New Member
jessie & summer82, yup yup!! all of us willl jiayo together!!

everybody gotta aim high high!! hmm next s'pore sweep when huh? hehe..


New Member
hmm hehehe my AD in Mar-09 so definitely flat wouldnt be in time... i'm broke before my flat comes haha.. so hopefully not much renovation to be done....
Still got electrical appliances AHHHHHH


New Member
Congratz kirvin!! =D

Guess in bad times like this, the IDs may be more willing to lower their pricing in order to secure a deal to keep their cash flow healthy.. So can try squeezing the IDs a bit though..


New Member
Kirvin >> Congratulation on your BIG day.

Ya.. must go all out to squeeze those IDs. But they now like still not willingly to go lower. Hmmm..


New Member
Hi all,

Great to know that there is a forum for sembawang Greener. Nice to know that there are so many discussions going on abt the new flats, especially on the IDs part. Maybe we can start sharing information which we have gathered and hopefully we can get a cheaper price on the IDs.

By the way, I m staying at Blk 488 level 14, Hopefully I m welcome here...


New Member
Ang >> Welcome! =) I am staying at Blk 487 level 5. So lucky of u to get high floor.

Hon >> Thanks for the update. Hahah.. Finally the crane is gone from Blk 487. Means, the flats are one step closer to completion.


New Member
Hi Jessie...thanks...ya me too feel very lucky to get high floor...So excited to hear that all the crane is gone, might be going down this sunday to take a look...


New Member
Went around different ids looking for ideas and design advice...

Most ids mentioned fr them experiences once doing inspection...keys will come fast...most estimated will come abt apr-jun period... not sure abt tis but if thats the case it will be gd...


New Member
Good News...for those staying at Blk 488..

This morning I juz went down to the site, happen to spoke to one of the guy doing inspection for Blk 488. According to him, they will be doing 2 inspection for Blk 488 in March and hand over the Key to HDB in April and he said most likely those staying at Blk 488 will be getting the key in Jun or July...


New Member
check with you guys, anyone from 488 received any letters from HDB recently informing them about the key collection or sorts?
