Pinkpetter: yes! pple do die from heatstroke! better be careful leh... i also went on mc for heatstroke last wk, headache+nauseous for the whole wk! must drink more water!
oh no, talking abt that, i dun have a fridge in my house and i cant provide cold drinks for all of u coming!
angel: no worries. Next time we can have mini gatherings to visit everyone's house. haha!
jovia/k0k0: can u pm me instead? sorry ah, cos if i send u it wun reflect in my inbox and i already lost track of who's coming, who's not. I'll be at my place from 3-5pm.
familyof4: i think he's carpentry is a mixture of both chipwood and plywood. fyi, i was surprise that CD using chipwood despite their carpentry 'sounded' solid.
Anyway, talking abt the carpentry, to be fair to the carpenter, i think he's pretty responsible when dealing with ah soon's client. maybe becos he kena scolded by ah soon for his worker's job, but its understandable that as a boss.. sometimes u have no time and energy to supervise every single worker.
He was at my place whole of Tues aftn making sure everything is checked, last night reach ard 7pm(!!) to fix up the problems n when we found new problems, he's also willing to rectify. Sometimes i feel so paiseh that Ah soon is screaming at him so badly for something that was beyond his control.
Anyway, my problems were not the super major problems. just some minor defects and chipped parts here n there.