Problem sleeping with hubby snoring


New Member
Hi gals

I am a newly wed and just married. I am a light sleeper and wakes up easily with noise. My problem is my hubby snores so I am unable to sleep at night.

Anyone with same problem kindly advise.


New Member
u'll have to urge him to have his snoring treated by a specialist..otherwise, u'll just have to get used to his snorings..the last thing u wanna do is to sleep in separate rooms.


New Member
tortoise is right..u either get him to sleep on his side or perhaps, try raising the pillow

i'm not sure if those nasal patch which u stick on your nose bridge might work? no harm trying.


Hi Troubled & J,

my dad snores like crazy. my mom has gotten used to it after 20 over years of marriage. she says it's her lullaby. hhahaahaah....

my dad & I went on a trip to Europe together. the worse night was when we took the overnight train from Paris to England (the channel tunnel not out yet). we were booked on a 'sleeper' cabin with 2 other german guys. i tell you, my dad and the 2 germans were performing a snoring symphony!!!

you should get your husband to go for a check with the ENT specialist (Ear, Nose, Throat). most of the time snoring is due to some blockage of air going in & out of the nasal cavities. it might even be that your husband is not getting enough air into his system. some serious cases require a 'readjustment' to correct the block.

Or they can see a sleep specialist. i think NUH has a sleep dept. they specialise in sleeping disorders and snoring is one of them.

can try lah...


New Member
SGH has a Sleeping Clinic. Can seek treatment there.
My hub also snores like crazy...I find that he snores less when not sleeping with aircon.


New Member
Get used to it I think. Snoring is also a sign of stress. My husband snores and grinds his teeth, right beside my ear! You really wonder if he grind halfway will bite on your ear anot.

When you trying to sleep, and he snores, push him a little and he will stop. Use that short interval before the next snore comes up to sleep. Once you fall asleep, you will not hear it.


I agree with Linda,... it's stress related. my hubby said he used to snore every nite, and he does not get a good sleep at all.. he wakes up at 5am everyday, and then falls asleep again.. but when he wakes up at 7.30, he still feel tired... after marriage, his snoring has stopped, and his sleep does not break at 5am too.... he says it's bcos he is sleeping with me... i think it's bcos we are relieved of one big stress, as our marriage was a big stress to both of us... thank god, we are happily married now :)


Just like to clarify something...for those hubby that snore, do they exercise regularly? I have heard stories like not exercising will causing snoring at night..


hmmm.... not sure if related,... could be, seems logical to me.... my hubby seldom, thou he tries hard :)


Hi ladies!
My father, Brother & now my hubby snores....Yap! Tough luck!
Stress is the cause ..many ppl say this...not not medically proven..
Btw, some ppl when having Flu & lots of flam in the throat also cause snoring..

Made some 1st hand experiment (it somehow works abit):-

1) Most ppl who snores when sleeps on the back..Get him a bolster, so he sleep on his side & doesn't roll back on his back so easily.

2)If bolster doesn't work...get him to sleep on his front...only problem is they might drool.

3)Tilt the pillow end the top of his head higger so his chin moves closer to his chest, so to keep his mouth close..cos for ppl snores, U find their head tilt backwards causing their mouth to open.
(This might not stop the snore but at least it help to lower the VOLUME....Hee)

4)If really stress causes it try to get him take deep & slow breathing b4 slowly falling to sleep ..U ease him tension by trying to talk to him softly ...slow & LIGHT massage can help too..

Good Luck!

another sufferer

hi all!my hubby snores like mad too!he denied it at first until i secretly recorded his snoring using a hp and played it back for him.

tried making him sleep on his front/back/side but all are equally as loud.but the good thing abt him is that if he gets woken up, he doesn't have problems falling back i will just push him when it gets too loud to tolerate.

another method which i heard but have not tried is that there is this nasal spray which can help...get him to spray into his throat before he sleeps and it is supposed to ensure that the air passage is clear. haven't tried it though.but quite expensive.may be better to cure it once and for all at the doctor's.


New Member
My husband snores every night!! and at the begining, I could not sleep. I will wake up in the middle of the nite to beat his arm n asked him to shut up!!

However, that doesn't really help.
So he tried to sleep with his back facing me n he continues to snore.... better than him snoring right into my ears right?

We even bought the "raise" pillow with the "U shaped" like one. That is suppose to reduce snoring. N that helps a little.... Right now, maybe I have already got use to his lullaby..heheheh, but I feel that his snoring has subsided quite a lot. If he is extremely tired, the heavy snoring will come back n i will hit him in the middle of the night to ask him to shut up!


New Member
hey i once tried recording my fh's snores on my hp and played it for him to guess. he was surprise to hear the sound and was wondering wat that could be that is so loud and thunderous !!!! never did he expect it is actually his own snores !!!!


New Member
Hi dopey,

hahaha me did the same thing!!
I just shut very loud at him. "shut up!!!". same as edde. I tried recording his snoring which end up both of us laugh and laugh on hearing it
hahaha finally convince him that his snoring is tat terrible though. I tried sleeping in another room but his snoring is so loud that i can hear it in another room!! So frustrating!!

Anyone tried using ear plug? But i only scare that in the morning i cannot hear the alarm clock

another sufferer

looks like we have all tried the same method of recording his snoring!!! my husband was so shocked that it was so loud too! he tried to deny it at first but good thing i had eye and ear witness with me so he can't deny!he was sleeping on my bed at my house so i got my younger sister as the ear and eye witness!

and matsu, you are right that the snoring is so loud that you can even hear it in the other room. once he fell asleep in the afternoon inside the room and i was watching TV in the living room and i could still hear his snoring!!!thunderous!!!

i did think of ear plugs too but haven't tried it yet.


New Member
Hi all,

so funny, luckily, my hubby is a light sleeper. So he doesnt quite snore. I've seen some vitamins in Watson's acalled "Snorless" or something. Maybe you girls can check it out?


New Member
n we even know whether is he sound asleep or is he trying to get to sleep.

I told him before his snoring sounds like a monster n I told him i have noghtmare because of his snoring. He couldn't believe his snoring is so loud. Too bad I dun have a recorder to record it down.

anybody try dropping some essential oils?? I wonder whether does it work ?


New Member
hello gals..

I face the same problem too
...I am a very light sleeper and my hubby snores loudly!! Sometimes I really feel like kicking him off the bed
I suffered for a few mths b4 marching down to Guardians and get myself a pair of ear plugs :p The one I got are bullet-shaped and made of some kind of soft rubber. Quite cheap I think..abt $1.50. I use only for one ear 'cos I usually sleep on one side and also to ensure that I can still hear the alarm clock. As I use only one side, the sound wont be blocked completely lor but i normally sleep first so that I wont be woken up so easily when he snores after that. If I get woken up, I will push him! Haiz...I hope I will get used to his snoring eye bags are getting darker and darker!!


hi gals

funny i oso did some of the things you all did e.g. recording his snoring (i tot i was really bo liao but we really have a good laugh at it), asking him to 'roll over'... the 'roll over' part really helps, at least he snores into his pillow instead of in my ear.

you know wat, the first time when we spent our night together, i was kept awake by his snoring so he beri 'generously' said he let me sleep first but within 3 seconds he was happily snoring away again. i dun have the heart to wake him again so i just beared with it the whole nite. now i just use the 'roll over' method.

i am always amazed at the speed he can fall asleep. now we can be chatting on the bed and he tells me he still beri jing shen, a few seconds we stopped talking he can begin snoring away! maybe he have a on/off switch somewhere???


New Member
Yo gals,
My FH too!! I'm not a light sleeper, yet his snores can keep me awake the whole night during our holidays... i beginning to dread having to sleep with him EVERYDAY after marriage!

I've seen some nasal drops kinda thing at watsons (or are they pills? dunno...), anyone's hubby tried them?

another sufferer

hi pigforahusband, my hubby is exactly like yours!!! we can be chit-chatting this minute and then suddenly there will be no response and he has fallen asleep!!!! he also offers to let me sleep first but even i am even near falling asleep, the "symphony" has started liao!!!

i really wonder which "component" in the male body results in this. seems like only guys are like this. any gals out there who are like this? or any husbands want to complain about their wives/FWs?


New Member
Hi all

Wow cannot believe theres so many of us in the same boat.
OK, my hubby and I did look through this thread and followed some of the ways in it.

He got the nasal sprays for his throat, the patch on the bridge of the nose and raise the pillow higher, sleep on his side. But still the snoring continues even though it has more or less quietened down.

Hehehe one very effective way just found out only which is to have lots of sex till you get so sleepy you just fall into deep slumber.


hi another sufferer
my hubby did complain b4 sometimes i do snore or/and grind my teeth. he says the snoring part is still bearable. it's the grinding sound he finds simply terrifying, sort of like screeching sound and he feels like chking my teeth to see whether they are all intact after the grinding.


New Member
hahahaha... pigforahusband,
My husband also like that!!!! He can talk with sense and humour and with brains and than suddenly, when I was waiting for his reply, he simply fell asleep! My goodness! Makes me wonder if I am stupid or idiotic.... I really do think they have a on-off switch for everything!

another sufferer

hi troubled, i wonder if there is a possibility that Mr Pig falls asleep halfway through sex!!! maybe while taking a break from the thrusting, the symphony will suddenly start! hahahaha.....


New Member
oh no!!! SO my husband is not the only one. When he tells me he is going to sleep, within 1 min, i can hear the lullaby.

I think men can switch to "sleeping" mode very fast.

Well, if he snores so loudly that i couldn't sleep, I will nag at him the next morning n make sure he give me a good massage :p


New Member
Hi all,

there is alot of reason why pple snore. Sad to say i snore too. it is quite bad as my FH is the light sleeper. I told my doctor abt my problems and the most likelihood is due to my nose. I always get block nose and i used my mouth to breathe so i snore. then the doctor want me to try the nasal spray to open up my airway. and i make sure i keep my mouth close and try very hard to breathe thru my nose and it works! my FH told me i didnt snore. But occassionally it still come back.


haha so all our hubbys of the same species...

tot mine snores bcoz he is of the 'wen zhong xing'. so it has nothing to do with his weight lah????


New Member
Hi all,

my hubby oso snores..n he oso drools....soo horrible...

it used to be so bad tt i hve to go to another rm to sleep...

nowadays though he snore...i oso can sleep liao...cos i'm too tired...n if he snore snore,i will hit him.....hehehe


New Member
My hubby is very skinny and is under weight so can eliminate linking the snoring with weight problem. He also got the problem of grinding his teeth. Sometimes I woke up in the middle of the night thought got some insects on the bed leh!! Then I realise the noise comes from beside me. hahaha feel so angry but also want to laugh out loud. Really mixed feeling hahaha


New Member
Mine is also skinny, so weight has got nothing to do with it! I suspect part of the reason is his smoking, cos the phlegm blocks the airway?

Hi Pausini!

So the nasal spray worked for u? Next time will ask him to try!


New Member
Hi Joni,
Are u the joni i used to chit chat with?

Ha, forget to add on the nasal spray need doctor prescription so have to consult a doctor 1st. I used the nose drop before. is very powerful, it open the sirway very fast but the nose willg et block very badly after that. My family doctor told me that is a temp solution but the nasal spray is a long term one.

Hi matsu,

My FH also grinding his teeth too but only when he is begin to fall asleep. Luckily not very loud and its easy for me to identify that he is sleeping soon.


it is really interesting to read this thread. Didn't know so many of us actually have this problem. My FH snores too!

I already forsee I'd have difficulty sleeping when we are married! Anybody tried "zhen jiu" before for snoring? My aunt said can work, wonder how true.

Like some of you, I also shove him a little when he snores too loud, and quickly use that time to sleep. haha.

Seriously speaking, I'm quite worried as if I have insomnia, my temper will be very bad the next day :eek:


New Member
Yeah pausini, it's me. Haven't "speak" to u for some time, how are u?

oh, so the one selling at watson's is just temp solution? And nasal spray must get from doctor? okie, thanks for the info!


looks like our conclusion is weight and smoking is not the reason for our hubby snoring.....
most possible reason should be lack of exercise and stress... wat do u gals think,... my hubby is exercising less after we married,... me too.... too lazy man... but last weekend,... we went for a long walk at beach.... feels good to have little exercise after being laszy for so many months.


ya, agree weight & smoking not the cause cos my fiance dnt smoke & is thin.
haha, really didn't expect so many gals here face the same prob as me..:p
he got himself the spray but still snores. he sleep on his side but still snores. or maybe i'm too light a sleeper. i can even hear a small beep sound fr hp (when u put it to silent mode w/o vibrating & alert tone is just 1 tiny beep sound) in the rm when i'm asleep!
fiance doesn't want to go see sleep specialist in hospital cos its quite costly & i cant bear to put him thru the whole wat else can all of us try? i think i'll go crazy with the snoring after marriage this yr.


ya mine doesn't smoke too. he plays badminton for 2 hrs every week. does that count as exercise?

just chk on something else, do ur husbands sweat a lot? mine sometimes can even sweat in an air-con room! is it a medical problem?


hey, pigforahusband, my FH sweat profusely too!! hey, what's happening, all guys fm Mars?


dear all

am so consoled that so many gals out there face the same problem that i am going to face. my FH snores! worse thing is he denies it, or say that it is only when he is very tired! but when i am over his place and he falls asleep watching tv, he'll start snoring! and i am like jj, i wake up even when the tiny beep from the hp in my handbag indicate low bat! i am definitely not looking forward to having sleepless nights for the rest of my life.
think i am going to first arm myself with the earplugs, don't think i will be able to get him to use the nasal sprays, he does not like to have any drugs taken or to be inhaled! and if all else fail, i am going to sleep in the other room! think that will push him to start doing something, like go and lose some weight! although you guys have skinny hubbies that also snore, but after much research on the web, weight and alcohol consumption before sleep worsens the snoring problem!

it is with much trepidation and fear that i am stepping into marriage...and all because of his silly snoring! haizzzz....


New Member
I saw a doc's speech once & he said he drinks aloe vera juice without realising it cures his snoring until his wife told him.


New Member
Hi all....

Me too.. Snoring throughout my sleep and deprived my wife of her beauty sleep.."sigh"... She is light sleeper and recently started to complain of my snoring... Telling me that my snoring is like a few thousand CC heavy vehicles engine....Before marriage, had heard my mom telling me my snoring could be heard even when she was in the living room watching TV..Even my reservist mate can't stand my snoring...

Had tried several methods but I find it not really useful until I resort to using scotch tape...

Had tried the following..
Nasal Spray
Result - Still snore, but midly

Sleeping sideway
Result - bed flooded with my saliva... "Eeee" Don't know why sleep side mouth muscle tissue will not hold my mouth close...

Scotch Tape....
Result - Good night sleep for my wife...
How I use it.. Tape my mouth up...In this will somehow force my blocked nose to breathe instead of thru my mouth... as such.. snoring gone... And this is what I am been doing now...

As for aloe juice.. Hmmm.. maybe can try it out...

another sufferer

oh my nivlek!i hope i dun have to resort to asking my hubby to use scotch tape!i think it sounds very torturing!can't bear to do that to my hub-hub.but then your case sounds really quite bad.the saliva part sounds yucky!


New Member
Hey Nivlek,
Dun try the scotch tape! Wat if one day your nose is severely blocked and u can't breathe??? That's very dangerous... besides, the adhesive is not good for the skin, u can get pimples ard your mouth, and how are u going to explain if people ask u "how come only your mouth area got pimples har?"

But still, must applaud u for your "sacrifice", u're so nice to your wife!
Since u're so keen to rid the snoring, how abt going to your doc for more advice? Maybe there are other brands of nasal spray or other alternatives that the doctor can suggest?



Scotch tape can be very dangerous. Don't play play. What if your nose get 100% blocked..... and you're too heavy a sleeper to realise you are suffocating....HOw?
