Actually, my mom is a PT maid as well. I'm not here to advertise for her, but to let you know of the charges. All along my mother has been charging the addition $10, so i'm not sure why there are people not charging that. As in the past when my mother started working as PT maid, it is the market rate to include the additional $10 already.
And she usually does 3 to 4 hours, per hour is $10, and with additional $10. If i'm not wrong, the addition $10 is for her expertise as she is a very experience with household chores and she does things well. And many people are recommending her.
My mom has household owners who always asking her for slots, as she is fully booked. Further to that, she has been working for many of the household for 5 years.
One of the household has asked her to work from mon to fri 8am to 5pm for them as domestic helper. Unfortunately, my mom declined due to her schedule, but they made it to be 4 days a week rather. And that household owner trusted my mother a lot that whenever there are people coming over to install stuff, she will always asked my mother to go into her room, just to look after her expensive jeweleries since she left them lying around. And even left their keys with her, also leaving my mum with the kids alone at home, while the she goes out to do her stuff.
There are actually people some who are unwilling to let her go even my mother raised it on her own.
There is even one who moved house, and asked my mother to go over to help her at her new house too. Too bad that the owner moved somewhere quite inconvenient, hence my mom kindly reject the offer. As soon as she give up the slot, there are people who called her up for a slot and now her schedule is fully booked again.
My point is if you would like to look for PT maid try to look for experienced ones, as they will do better jobs. Of course, you may have to try to engage others, on trial and error basis to determine if they are suitable for you as well as if they can be trusted.