Park Green


New Member
Hi Beauty,

Thks for yr contact no. Can I pop by to your unit to see your sunshield? Pls PM to me if u available. Thk


New Member
Hi all,

so surprising to see such an active forum for PG... guess i was in the well for too long.. only until a frenly neighbour mentioned bout this forum..

firstly happy new year to one & all, so i guess majority of the members in this thread are residents of PG....

i'm not sure if i'm the only one or me being too sensitive... is the quality of the work done at PG F***ed up or wat man...!!!! pls advise this nooobie here...


New Member
and by the way, my place is at BLOCK 2 of PROBLEM GREEN ... anyone has got a case of 2 weird looking, badly cut, out of the blue, definitly not the norm, loose, turnable, rotatable rectangular tiles in their master bathroom's shower point. Its super visible and disturbing for one's eyes. ARGH!!!! Y IS IT THERE?!!!!


New Member
Hi All,

I noticed that many units in PG has yet to begin renovation likely due to unsatisfactory quality of workmanship and delays from the maincon ever since the last unit collected keys

I wonder any owners out there has intended or proceeded with avenue to issue the Notice to Intent to developer offcially to get your units rectified to your expectations.

If anyone intend to or has proceeded to do it, please share your knowledge on this thread.


New Member
To be fair, I think the workmanship is pretty ok (i've seen worse). However, some of the design is really stupid though :p


New Member
Well, its always I see urs good and u seen mine good. For us, there are certain defects which made myself and hubb unhappy. But the joy of owning our own house is good enuff to cover all unsatisfactories! Some defects u can close one eye...and when u live abit longer, u forget all about it

Adrian, for ur case, u can ask them to change the tiles for u rite?


New Member
I agree with ah eng. before we moved in, we were so busy and concerned with getting the defect rectification done... but after we move in, even though there are still defects that the main con has not rectify, we dun really see them.... we took our time to get them rectified, which the main con did last weekend...I think they will do what they can.. dun think there is a need to complicate matters by issuing notices..

I think through my own cleaning and mopping, I created more scratches on the floorings than the main con!!!


New Member
Definitely when things comes to the point of issuing notices offically to developer would logically meant that the defects concern are serious enough to prevent an owner from moving in. For example, leaking window panes, leaking ceilings/walls, hollow tiles/marble which need to be rectified by hacking.

I would say no owner in the right mind would want to go through the lengthy process to issue notices to developer just because the maincon delays in the rectification for some minor defects.


New Member
hi ah eng,

i raised the issue like 7 weeks back ... but shockingly it wasn't done up at all last week ... only after my complains again then i saw results.. they changed the tiles but thats not the problem cause the same 2 stewpig rectangle tiles still there just slightly more pleasant looking ... argh!!! the issue is y got that 2 funny thing there..??? furthurmore, after changing the tiles the adjacent tiles got worse with scratches and chips... KAO!!! they say it only happens to a few grouns floor units.. BUT I WASN'T INFORMED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

was at PG the whole afternoon... i realised that the problems are directly propotional to the number of visits to the site... NO! worse! exponetially infact!! ARGH!!!


New Member
Hi everyone,
Is anyone interested in hiring a part-time cleaning service? Alvin, have you settled on one yet? I was wondering if the cleaning company would give a discount if we hired in bulk.


Alvin you have a picture of your problem. I cant seem to visualise.... Maybe I have but never see.
you stay on the ground floor? which block?


New Member
er... i think its Adrian MUAHAHAH!!!

blk 2 ground floor... will be at PG tomolo again.. those who wish to see the 2 funny thingy can drop by ...



New Member
Merci puku,
I just dun understand these contractors. It seems that they are not so busy now. Why they still delaying their rectifications?

I also cannot visualise ur problem too. Hmm..7 weeks??!! U are indeed very patient to wait that long!

Not for me for the time being. Still can manage. But might consider later in the long run.


New Member
Hey Grin - yes, we would be interested in getting a weekly cleaning service...cant see myself spending the weekend mopping & ironing! Was thinking of getting "maids on wheels". Have yet to check around, but if you have any recommendations, do give me a holler


New Member
hi all PGers,
can i confirm whether the kitchen top is Corian solid acrylic top?

any of you have white stains / discolorations of the common bathroom black granite top?



New Member
hi all,
another thg is that did anyone get your contracter to remove the toilet bowl & water closet from the wc to convert it into a wash area? if so how much does it cost?


New Member
Thanks Beauty for the contact!

Grin, I'm interested in the part time cleaning service too... Can't imagine spending my weekends cleaning the house..

jes, I have no lightings in the house yet, so now cannot really see the granite clearly...


New Member
Hey Grin, if the price is reasonable, I would join in too. Let me know if you have any recommendation although I did receive a flyer on this. I recently bought a robot broom that runs around the house itself but have not tested it out.

For me, it is now trying to clear the defects and doing reno. Thinking of closing one eye on minor defects and chase them on major ones.


New Member
Hi Limay,
You're back from yr honeymoon? Hope you had fun

Having stayed on our own at PG for 2 mths liao, both me & hubb surrendered to the amt of housework piling up every week. Have decided to employ a part time maid who is coming this weekend. Yippee! Finally can relax yah. She charges reasonably but dunno the quality of her work. If she can take on more assignments, will keep you guys posted

Hey Mobe,
How's Natalie doing? Is she in school already? Feel free to drop by, ok?

Hi Rachel,
Guess you're overseas now. Catch up when you're back


New Member
Hey Jes,
I also have the white discolouration on the black homogenous tiles in the common bathroom. I tried to brush the stains off using a toothbrush...helps a little, but not totally gone. Wonder what stains are they??!!

As for the kitchen top, dun think they are so "high class" enough to give us Corian, cos they are quite ex. Maybe a cheaper version of solid surface without the 3M branding.

Check with all out there... did anyone's PUB bill come up to $100+ during your reno period? Mine came up to that amount during my reno period... my first bill came before reno and it cost around $153 (including the $150 deposit), i.e. my electricity/water bill is only $3, but after I received my 2nd bill, it came up tp $100+ again! Is it common??! Pls advise...


New Member
Hey Carol,
Our PUB bill was also v high for the Dec period - estimated amount by PUB was $100+ (thou we stayed only one week in Dec). We are assuming that it was because the ID's reno workers used the water...still quite high thou, since our ID reno work took less than 1 week!

Alex thinks it should be more like $60-80 for a 2 member household..will have to wait for this month's to compare.


New Member
Hey Carol,

Mine 2nd month bill is also more than S$100 although me not move it yet. Was told by PUB that this is an estimated amount and it did not do a visit to the meters at our house. So you are expected to see some adjustment or refund in your next bill.


New Member
Hi Limay,
Confirmed you are back in Singapore liao... can reply so promptly

How's honeymoon? The magnificent scenaries in NZ must have made your honeymoon even better

Seems like you and Arieson also have the same problem... thou it's an estimated figure, it shldn't also hit that high...cos "inaccurate" can the PUB get? I have checked with a few neighbours on that too, theirs (should be an estimated figure too) are no more than $50. So I guess ours are SO MUCH higher than theirs! Do agree with Alex that PUB bill for a 2-member household shld not exceed $80, esp if we dun turn on the air con everyday...


New Member
Hi all,

All your comments on the Electrical bill make me wonder why my first bill is $156 (including $150 deposit) and my second bill is only $12 (reno period).

Now I'm worried that my third bill will be extremely high to cover up for the second bill....


New Member
My utilities bills were slightly more than $150 during the 1st month (including the deposit) and only $27 during the 2nd mth (we have shifted in by then). Understand that the 2nd mth was just estimated and PUB has not taken the actual reading. We're still anticipating for the actual bill to come.


New Member
Carol, that's what PUB said. Sounds funny as it was mentioned that the estimation was done based on pattern of past usage. No usage for the 1st mth = no pattern = zero bill. Still waiting to see what would happen to my 3rd bill.


New Member
Hopefully its just cos PUB's estimates are way off & not cos the contactors have been tapping into our water supply or something!

Carol - yah, came back on Tues nite. Thinking of all the backlog of work, so sian!! But NZ was great, way too much rain thou...the world's weather has gone freaky since the tsunamis
The temp was 10-15 degrees thou it was suppose to be hot summer, & it was raining most of the time! Took tons of scenic pix thou, think close to 900 on the digicams!


New Member
Not to worry, SP services quoted on estimated, they will credit the money back.

Once they estimated a over $500+ for my shop cos they do not have access to be unit. Then the next month, they credit the money back. That month, I need to pay $20+ only... hehehe...


New Member

u must constantly nag those workers to get things done, if nagging don't work then scold. this is their mentality....."why should we work harder? can get promotion meh??"


New Member
Hi all,
For those who had or will be having housewarming party, do you guys have contacts of the caterers to share? Please also comment on whether the food is nice or not....


New Member
I am using Neo Garden. My nephew 1st brithday party, my sister used them. The guests are full of praises for their food


New Member
Hey Carol,
When are u planning your housewarming party? You can consider Theme Catering - we used them for our wedding day luncheon at both homes after the tea ceremony. Not too bad, and the set up was rather presentable
Paid $300 for 25-30 pax.

We are planning to do ours maybe sometime after CNY - but going to make it small scale, one for my friends, one for Alex's and separate ones for the immediate family. Attempting to home cook


New Member
Hee Limay,
You very "brave" ah... you know how much cleaning you got to do after that? I'm not worrying about cooking, I'm worried about cleaning up after that *faint*. Imagine how many pots and pans and plates I've got to wash?!! That's partly the reason why I want to get a caterer (rather spend the $$ than getting burnt out after that
) Then all my family members can "squeeze" inside the function room and eat, without creating a mess in my house

Ah Eng,
I'll contact you one of these days to get the caterer's contact. Limay too. Will see which caterer suits my preference.


New Member
Hi Limay,

We had a few small scale gatherings for my hubby's family, my family and some of our common friends on 3 different occasions, on 3 different weekends. We cooked.

The first session was fun, becos that was the first 'party' we were hosting at our new place, the second one with our friends is not so xiong, becos it's potluck, but by the time we have the third gathering, we were totally exhausted even though each is a week apart. We had wanted to cook for our official housewarming party, but gave up the idea. It's very tiring, and like what carol says, there's alot alot of grocery shopping, planning (of what to prepare), cooking, cleaning and washing (after the gathering).

I am having my housewarming this weekend. Caterer is Jack's Place. Was not recommended by to me by anyone, but we quite like the tea reception menu. Will let you know if it is good.


New Member
Hi Limay,

We had a few small scale gatherings for my hubby's family, my family and some of our common friends on 3 different occasions, on 3 different weekends. We cooked.

The first session was fun, becos that was the first 'party' we were hosting at our new place, the second one with our friends is not so xiong, becos it's potluck, but by the time we have the third gathering, we were totally exhausted even though each is a week apart. We had wanted to cook for our official housewarming party, but gave up the idea. It's very tiring, and like what carol says, there's alot alot of grocery shopping, planning (of what to prepare), cooking, cleaning and washing (after the gathering).

I am having my housewarming this weekend. Caterer is Jack's Place. Was not recommended by to me by anyone, but we quite like the tea reception menu. Will let you know if it is good.


New Member
Jacks Place? Ohhh... shld be more ex than the normal caterer? But they cater more to the western food and tea stuff right?

Dun need let me know lah... I will pop by and try lor

Just kidding... you must have gotten a shock since where got pple "bu qing zhi lai"!!


New Member
My first housewarming...was for my side immediate families and close relatives. My mum helped me to prepare the food :p

The forthcoming one on 21st..too many pple...cannot afford to gotto take a caterer.

Carol, u can go to the web :-


New Member
hehe...was thinking of cooking only lah...wait say say and never do at the end.
Think we will cater for the frens, but cook for immediate family. At least for my side, cos my sisters/bro in laws are all very "on" one - will cook turkey for xmas, make Xmas pudding, bake durian bread, make pasta from scratch, etc etc. So its expected that we cook for them...then again, I am rather lazy...hah...I received a bread maker from a friend, dont even know when I will get around to using it!


New Member
Limay, actually breadmaking using the machine is the simplest thing one can do on earth!!

You can buy those premix from the supermart and then add water and yeast to it...and voila! You'll get a nice loaf of bread in 2-3hrs time!


New Member
Hi fanta,
Was quite busy with my reno recently. Didn't really have much time to log on

Hi Carol,
Hows your reno getting along?

Hi limay,
I am sure you enjoy your HM very much.
Actually the day when you came back i was at the pool side. Saw 2 of you dragging the cargo bag and enter the lift. Wanted to call you but you guys walk very fast. Must be tired after long hour of travelling


so, out of curiocity, ssince most of you have moved in, how do you handle with the Dusts? it seems that no matter how well u seal the place, dust will find its way in


New Member
hi ppl..

another exciting day at PG... realise more problems.. there's major discolouration on my marble tiles.. one big patch of white but not visible during morning ad afternoon when there's ample light.. only saw it during the evening time..

my timber flooring in masterbedroom is uneven so when i open and close my door it scratches the floor.. i highlighted the issue and guess wat solution they gave me... they say the floor is fine, is the door that is the problem.. so they wanted to saw my door. KAO!!! i rejected the idea straight and did my own investigation.. and finally we all concluded that the floor was uneven...


New Member
envy all u ppl that have moved in oreadi.. dunno when then i can move in to stay... the contractors are way past their due date for retifying the defects and now they asking for more time...

think my maintenance fees are going down the drain + my fees for rented apartment + fees for storage space in warehouse for furnitures..

darn... has anyone looked into legal actions..???


New Member
I too heard lots of good reviews on Neo Garden.

Let me know how's the taste for Jack's Place...

I can have my housewarming cum baby's first born together... All at one go...

Hi all,
I saw my neighbour's flooring, problem like mine. Like sth seep into the 4 edges of marble. But dunno why leh, he didn't get PG contractor to solve the problem. His own contractor is coming in liao... Weird...


New Member
why not ask for legal advice from ur laywer?

21st come to my party for food tasting lah....kekeke...this neo garden quite flexible. They allow me to have a mix of rice and noodles items if i cater for 50 and more pax. And also can change the dessert item to a pastry item. (From several experiences, not many pple will take desserts)

so u will be holding ur party at the function room?
