Hi Carol,
Some police officer will try to persuade you not to report as this will prompt an investigation. However, now with the automated IT system in place which require all police reports to be entered into a central system that is linked to all police resource and apprasial system, the nearest police post responsible for the area of crime will need to follow through and complete the investgation report. If any officer try to tell you off, you can note down his name and he will be in trouble.
With a police report in hand, this will wake up the management office managing the security guard to keep them on guard else it will only keep the matter under wraps.
Anyway, security guards are not suppose and not given authority to do any investigation, the police do. This statement was given by government while answering to public concerns on security guards not trained/sleeping on the job allowing certain crimes to take place.
Unlike other countries, security guards in Singapore are not empowered to do anything. They are suppose to act as the eyes and report things that is no right to police or to building management. Why do you think security guards are mostly old and feeable in Singapore post 911?