My 2nd bill was around this figure too. But I have gotten my 3rd PUB bill and they did adjustments. Think my total charges from early Dec to 24 Jan is around $60+, as my latest bill reflected a credit amount of $40+.
I hardly cooked (only during weekends and cost about $6+) and turned on the air con for a few hrs just before we sleep.
Maybe you guys will see adjustments in your next bill.
Are you staying in Blk 12?
Ah Eng is right. You can get the Sofix from NTUC or Cold Storage. Quite pricey considering it's only a small bottle.
Ah Eng,
There shouldn't be any expiry for that detergent... no worries. That day we were contemplating to buy the stone clean but didn't cos we felt it's ex... lucky me, now get it free
Balcony facing the pool still hang undies?!! Oh ill... so unsightly... Imgaine you can see them from your unit's balcony... Hey, that's quite a view for the swimmers