Hi Ah Eng
Yes, I wish to know, in the event tat 1 party passes away, would the EC application be cancelled. If yes, wouldn't it be redundant to buy the mortgage insurance?
Or, you can ask him if it's advisable to buy mortgage insurance now or when it's TOP? Becos he's your husband's fren, so I presume he'll be honest!!!
We are also paying 20yrs loan. Capitalising on the low interest rates first. The rest, I quite blur too.... anyway, my bf is very sharp when it comes to big payments like these. So I always let him settle this. For smaller things like planning for tour, holidays, he leaves it to me!
The last time we went to see Park Green, tink they are still building the 1st floor units. Can roughly see the Bin Centre and Electrical Substation (halfway), and also the 1st floor units near the substation. My bf says tat they would definitely build the blocks near main road or LTR track first, so tat public can catch a glimpse of the project.
Update you more when we go there again!
BTW, how are u celebrating Christmas???