wa.. very heated discussion here.
Like sang... to me, have is a plus, don't have won't die. Seriously I don't mind approaching the developer if I am back in SG. It's a little hard for me to call the developer and hear out their thoughts when I am stationed overseas. Probably when I am back in SG and this issue is still not resolved, I will volunteer to call the developer and find out more. Afterall, asking questions won't die also.
Better than all of us speculating here, isn't it better for someone to just pick up the phone, call them and find out their thoughts? For all you know, discussions are on the way (like some have mentioned) or probably they told you they tried but were turned down due to a long list of reasons.
Well, understand that some don't want this. It's good to point out your concerns, point out the pros & cons of this. However, think about it! If developer were to think about going ahead once they seek the necessary approval, they would have to inform all residents because when we bought, there weren't such a feature. Residents would definitely be asked to vote. And then let the vote decide.