Park Central @ AMK


New Member
Ced, thanks, i kinda recall some of the agents telling me it wasn't approved... but I wd take the town council at its word. It does seem like this access card thing is not new and in fact, been implemented in a bedok hdb estate, the upcoming cityview project as well as some pilot project in punggol... so I think we wd try pushing the idea... but it has to be soon since I thk most of us wd be signing the SPA within the next few wks...


New Member Forum > Living In Punggol > Punggol Spring

Draft Letter to HDB for Block-Level Access-Card Security Gate System at PS


New Member
yes...some of the old flats in bedok implemented it. but in the end, it didn't work out.

Anyway some of the cons i can think of.

1) Maintenance: extra access card or replacement card needs to pay and also configure
2) Additional Annual/Monthly maintenance
3) spoil need to pay and also waste time if there's a technical glitch or individual home system down. Needs time to for them to get back, configure and you may get locked out of ur own house
4) Hosts have to pick up guests from ground floor. The most hassle. Imagine a lift failure if u stay on loft. And i was stuck once cos my relative can't come down n get me and i really haf to wait a gd 20 mins before i followed someone in. Nobody really bothers who i am. (Security breach)
5) And if you're carrying a million things. And you got no hands to open the security door. And if u put down ur stuff... get the keys, open it and it closed on before u grab ur stuff.

nil>>>>to rebut
2. prevent karung gunu from accessing

i wan karung guni man. where else can i discard my old clothes, magazines and unwanted appliances?

3. avoid having stickers from locksmith "vandalising" our doors/gates

never have any such problems and i live in a mature estate. plus i think its gd cos i know who to call in case i locked myself out.

4. when away from holiday, may be safer.

gd neighbours are safest. but remember to lock up too.



New Member
hi valerene, thk the bedok system is still present.

the cons are but small inconveniences in light of the added safety provided by the system.

guess it's a matter of different views=)


New Member
valerene>> to say you rebut the pros that i've put forward is a bit too much. if you refer to a dictionary, rebut is to "prove a statement or criticism is false".

you are entitled to your own views. you may not have encountered the senarios that i've put forth doesn't mean that they are false.


New Member
the developers must have thought through the idea of adding security features in lift, etc in PC.

as we know now, there are no plans to include these features.

further debate on the pros and cons on this matter is but a futile exercise which serves little purpose; the people present/active in this forum are but a fraction of the residents who will be staying in PC


New Member
hi simba, what ppl here are hoping for is to generate enough interest and support to try and petition for this system.

i do understand that the ppl here are just a small number. however if this topic is "hot" enough, it might spread through word of mouth. we might garner more support, who knows? nothing is absolute in this world.

ultimately, even if it doesn't go through, at least we have tried.


New Member
ya. meanwhile we can also enquire abt fencing around the parks. that might do some help to the 1st floor residents


New Member
I'm a park centralian and though new to this forum, I have been following the discussion here closely. I am definitely for a security system, but from my experience in this area, it is not going to be easy for the developers to achieve it.

If you have studied the site plan carefully, it will involve fencing up the whole area with gates at 3 pedestrain entry points (left and right of carpark entrance, plus one at junction). The design of the carpark entrance also makes it difficult to secure without installing any barrier, which comes along with security guard to handle visitors and situations where the barrier doesn't open.

If we are to write a letter to the town council and developer, it will be wise to word in sufficient room for compromise so as to get them interested. One suggestion will be to utilise "Speed Pass"-like tokens, similar to the ones used in Bedok North, to secure entry to individual blocks at least. Though that will also mean forgoing the common amenities.


New Member
yes wilson, what we are talking about is to secure the entry to individual blocks.
PC is after all a public housing at heart and we don't actually want to restrict the whole area of PC, but rather to prevent unauthorised strangers from accessing our block/units.


New Member
of course we must take into consideration of those staying in lvl 1 so hopefully there will be some fencing or sorts to prevent access to their area.

if this can be done at City View, i don't see why it can't be done at PC.


New Member
just a question, the security features at City View were installed becos it was part of the developer's plans or was it added in after residents pushed through a petition?


New Member
sang> you mean fence up the entire park? think it's not quite feasible considering that the park amenities are for public use?

I feel that whether or not you live in mature estate one is exposed to the 'risk' of having those advertisement from locksmith pasted everywhere from door bell switches, doors, mail boxes, lifts, you name it they have it...

It's true and basic knowledge that we have to lock up our doors, windows when we are out of house or even out of sight. I myself have things stolen from my house (not mine btw) when the windows are left open. With the card access, I believe would help to minimise this type of thef. This is just one of the many benefits.

Regarding the issue on garung guni, I feel that there are 2 types of people. One who wishes to sell to 'get back' some returns or one who genuinely wishes to put to good use (by the garung guni). If there is no garung guni, we can discard the items and there will be cleaners to clear up. Or if bulky items, they can be arranged to be cleared.


New Member
nil>>> its never my intention to say that your statements are false.

in dictionary rebut mean to refute by evidence or argument. I'm only putting forth my views and you are of course entitled to think otherwise.

I see your concern for PC staying on the ground floors but i don't see how much it will enhance security since the balconies are essentially open concept.


New Member
I think everyone here meant well for PC and let's not be too focused on the implementation. Let's surface our concern on security to the developer and town council and see what they propose?


New Member
which meant that in City View's case, the developer has already catered for the security features. It would be unthinkable if PC's developer did not consider including these features, which would add to the devt's marketability, afterall as is pronounced in this forum, but just a fraction of the overall costs involved.

Having left them out in the first instance would mean that it is likely to be a futile effort to petition, even if residents volunteer to pay.

My point is, we have paid for/bought a premium HDB apt knowing full well what will come with it. I dun see the point in trying to squeeze features out at the last minute.

I agree security is of utmost importance to our families, but even the best of features has loopholes.

just trying to throw some rational thought into the discussion.


New Member
i agree with Simba, but i think we are not trying to squeeze things out but rather suggust to them the features that we think is appropriate for us.

We bring up our interest and see if it is suitable to incorporate into our house. in anyway, we are the one going to stay in it for the next 20 yrs or so. not the developer.


New Member
of coz the developer/town council can say that u already agreed to the terms that security system are not included. but i see no harm in trying. jus like wat nil say. at least we tried.


New Member
wilson, agree with you that everyone here means well for PC but was thinking since the developer had broached the subject of the proximity access card system with the town council, maybe we should push that idea further rather than generalise the issue and leaving it in their hands.


New Member
thks stersang, just another point on security, or privacy as it may seem to be the issue...i.e. keeping out karang gunis man...

i dunno how others dispose of "old newspapers" but, personally i use my friendly neighbourhood karang guni man.

if our postboxes are behind a locked door which residents/postmen have a common key to, it sorta eliminates unnecessary mails.

we ought to remember that its a HDB devt, not a pte condo...those with other expectations shd not hv bought a unit at PC.

also, in some cases, secured lifts/stairs can prevent others from reaching safety in would be really stupid to die in a fire becos ur security card burnt up and u can't access the stairs??!


New Member
i thk ced did previously mention that the developer had certain discussions with the town council but the town council had not arrived at a decision. However, some of the agents had also previously said that it was not approved... so there's a bit of a confusion here which we may want to explore further.


New Member
hahaaha simba tts a good point!

seems like i am being contradicting. For clarification, i am sitting on the fence, have or dun have the security system is ok for me.

I still thinking fencing is a better idea than card system.


New Member
sang> I think it's true that having the card access won't benefit those on the 1st fl.. how does CV cater to this, any one knows?

It's true that chances may be low for this added feature but I believe developers won't even listen to us if we have not booked a unit with them.

I agree that even the most secured system can be penetrated, it's just a matter of time. But the golden words here are "Prevention is better than cure" Don't wait till something happens then we start to think, if only ..... (we have the security feature in our case)


New Member
er, nil, do you know how to spell rhetorical

ultimately, talk is cheap. who is going to approach the developer for discussion?


New Member
sang> i feel that e.g. in an office, having card access to limit block access is like locking one in his/her room; fencing up will be like locking the entire office, preventing outsiders from entering. logical?


New Member
globetrotter> the issue here is simply security, right? i just think we should not be prescribing anything onto the developer and town council at this point of time. let us surface our concern and see what are theirs, before we take things further. like what simba has suggested, this discussion is going nowhere without a proper discussion with the developer.


New Member
yah i do know to spell that, just dunno how you apply it here.

anyway the building i'm working in is like this. restricted access to certain levels but no restriction to lobby.


New Member
just personal experience. ever since HDB changed the mailbox to those the flaps are lockable, ppl who distribute flyers now come to each individual units and stick the flyers at the gate or slot them under the main door.

if you are away for a certain period of time, people can easily tell that nobody is home as the flyers are not cleared.

think the balconies are still secured as there's sliding doors which are lockable.


New Member
the basic security measures shd be in place, like LOCKING the front door, and maybe even windows when no one is home. except for the first floor, i think there are no window grilles to cut??

i actually feel quite safe already, living near the police station. if its about privacy, i hv already repeated a few times, this is a HDB devt!

i do not want to go thru the hassle of passing a security card to my mum whom i expect to visit me ever so often, and then for her to lose the card in the wet market! that wld expose other residents to security problems.


New Member
if you are away for an extended period of time, you can ask ur kind neighbour to help clear the flyers? that is if you have merited the kindness of ur neighbour...

these 'flyers' guys are very creative, as pointed out. i think some proximity card solution is unlikely to be a major obstacle.

btw as a would-be resident myself, i only want the best for the estate, but within reason and practicality. i dun like raising an issue for the sake of it, unless there are very justifiable reasons.


New Member
globetrotter>> yes, if we want to approach, it has to be done soon. however, even within this forum of a small part of future PC-ians, our opinions are so divided. there seems to be no basis to approach the developer as yet.


New Member
wa.. very heated discussion here.

Like sang... to me, have is a plus, don't have won't die. Seriously I don't mind approaching the developer if I am back in SG. It's a little hard for me to call the developer and hear out their thoughts when I am stationed overseas. Probably when I am back in SG and this issue is still not resolved, I will volunteer to call the developer and find out more. Afterall, asking questions won't die also.

Better than all of us speculating here, isn't it better for someone to just pick up the phone, call them and find out their thoughts? For all you know, discussions are on the way (like some have mentioned) or probably they told you they tried but were turned down due to a long list of reasons.

Well, understand that some don't want this. It's good to point out your concerns, point out the pros & cons of this. However, think about it! If developer were to think about going ahead once they seek the necessary approval, they would have to inform all residents because when we bought, there weren't such a feature. Residents would definitely be asked to vote. And then let the vote decide.


New Member
It's a little scary to read that the neighbours who were once chatting & laughing on this forum and now, we don't seem so cohesive, united and fun loving.


New Member
Hey chill out guys.. no need to argue so intensively..

As some have suggested, maybe we can just bring this up to the developer/town council and let them decide..

In the first place, when we paid for the option to purchase, it doesn't come with this security system. So I think it would be kinda hard to actually want them to install it.. especially when some residents are not for this idea, or if we need to pay extra for this system, as more will even reject to this.. U and I may not mind, but surely there will be some "cats" out there who will surely object if they are asked to pay abit more.. :X
Without 100% or majority's consentment.. I don't think the developers will approve yea?

But I'm definitely for this idea.. as who does not like to have more privacy? Plus, if it could be done FOC, why not?


New Member
for me, i KNOW this is public estate. but hypothetically, imagine that our surrounding is done up nicely and ppl come to vandalise, how would you feel? do remember that there are some funny ppl in this world who doesn't like ppl to have nice things, if you get what i mean. i'm not saying this will definitely happen but isn't prevention better than cure?

i just want us to have a more secure future home that's all and i personally believe this is worth fighting for. if there are enough support, i definitely wouldn't mind approaching the developer for a meeting on this topic.


New Member
just 3 questions for thought before I take an afternoon nap:

1) who is going to approach the developer?

2) with what proposal(s) are we approaching the developer?

3) and what justifications are we producing to back up our proposal(s).

if the developer is willing to accept it, he may choose to hold a poll. otherwise, ding donging thru this forum is just talk. might as well return to discussing about HLE approvals and interior design, which gives the impression of cohesion


New Member
basically that's why i ask ppl to put up pros and cons so as to be able view this from different perspective and then put forth our point to the developer.
