Park Central @ AMK


New Member
no boss to approve my leave and my work stuff.. so i got to go look for either the director or the other manager who will comment alot...


New Member
I going bangkok for holiday soon!! So, no more worries abt work.. haha!!


New Member
Hi All! I'm new. It's so exciting to read through your conversations about PC. I've booked a 5 room on 30th floor. Just wondering if anyone has got a confirmation about your HDB housing loan yet? They've just asked for my 12-mth payslip - that worries me a little.


New Member
hi grace, they also asked for my wtb's 12-mth payslip.. i guess its because u r both commision based? anyway, who called you? connie?


New Member
Hi All,

Regarding bay windows and planter boxes for Park Central, are they being counted as part of the floor area?

According to the following, private condominiums exempt planter boxes and bay windows gross floor area (GFA) calculation.

Does anyone have good knowledge in this area?

Pls advise.



New Member
Ern... I really have no time for you! Haha... my parents n hubby coming over next week to visit me!

suena... can u take the honour to bring this up to the developer? Haha... Pls la... I give u a nicer position? I bet sang, nil, Jane, chewingum n company will all agree de!


New Member
Hi Folks,

Believe we'll need to work together as a team if we were to negotiate with the developer. Right now, the developer might still listen to us as we have yet to sign the payment agreement. Even if Town Council allows, the developer might do away with the system in order to cut cost. Also, there will be the ongoing issue of maintaining such a security system.

Might be good if we can gather consensus of majority preference on the security access system.

Some thoughts,


New Member
gals, be serious....

makania> Any plans on your side? We'll be the more than willing to sign any petition should there be a need. Perhaps we are even willing to fork out probably 1k or 2k/unit which probably might be enough to cover most of the cost of the installation? Card access is one of the reasons why I prefer condo to hdb (though now I'm settled for PC) and I believe a number of us here have the same thoughts. Rather impressed by your initative to approach Town Council directly for this. Since PC did approach TC for the idea, I believe having the card access is not impossible.


New Member
Suena>> First of all, would you be able to help confirm with the relevant developer whether City View has the proximity access system and what are their arrangements like?


New Member
i went the the City View showroom and i checked with the agent there on the proximity access system. apparently it will be at the lobby or lift and is connected to your home landline. to allow visitor to access to your unit, you just press a code (i assume the homeowner will assign their own code) which will allow the visitor to access the lift.


New Member
Wow! the proximity access system in City View seems so similar to those condos.. actually i would also prefer such system. Like that no strangers can gain access to our lifts and so, to our corridors.. more privacy!


New Member
morn all~
does anyone know if there are other alternatives to the proximity access system, if the town council rejects this?


New Member
Grace> I knew it.. hahaa!! Enjoy yourself next week wor!!

FYI my HLE is approved today. I applied on 26th Sep 08 and call them on 9th October 08 to expediate. I guess calling them really work!!


New Member
if town council should reject the proximity access system, i would want to know the basis for the rejection. i do know that some other older hdb estates have similar security feature too (like access gate)...

and if City View can have it, why can't PC have it???


New Member
i thk we wd need to be coordinated in our response and possibly approach the town council/developer/and maybe even the mp (if need be)


New Member
saw the post by X-factor on another forum... thk the argument abt the safety of the different neighbourhoods (bk v amk) can't really stand and in any case, i believe if the developer pushes the idea hard enough, there may be a gd chance for us...


New Member
detonate - hmmm no, not connie. Someone called Raymond called instead. The thing is I lost my IC!! So I only presented my passport when I book the flat. I will only get my IC tmr... hope I will get the loan approval soon after that. This is so stressful - if we can't get HDB loan, we might just give up.. we bought the 30th storey so would be "safer" to have HDB loan I think.


New Member
finally got my HLE approved. now waiting for the actual HDB loan.

ced >>> i did ask the agent for the bay windows and planter boxes. He told me that normally it will be 5% of the gross floor area (GFA). And its definitely included in our GFA. which works out to be 5 - 6 sqm for a unit with 112 sqm. my guess is that estimate is not far off cos i did try to measure for the 120 sqm one.

for the security system>>> personally i find it quite restrictive and if you have guests sometimes have problems entering and may need to and fetch cos the system is not working properly. Also if the system spoilt the maintenance may be pretty high not to mention the a annual maintenance.

i'll prefer an option to choose the tiles of my rooms cos laminates though easy to maintain but it will create air bubbles (uneven flooring) if accidently spill water and didn't wipe it off. i prefer a timber flooring or tiles for the rooms in anytime.


New Member
yah lor, i think can't stand too. even though the surrounding is quite serene, that is no guarantee that no crimes will happen. can they give 100% guarantee?

this is a "premium" flat, with the prices we are paying, i don't think the proximity access is a tall order.


New Member
valerene>> you might wish to consider other factors apart from the negative point you have mentioned on the proximity access system

some are mentioned by another user (sorry, can't remember who)
pros :
1. less possibility of vandal/urination by strangers
2. prevent karung gunu from accessing
3. avoid having stickers from locksmith "vandalising" our doors/gates
4. when away from holiday, may be safer

1. inconvenience in case of malfunction

the list is not exhaustive. welcome anyone to add on!


New Member
Park Centralians,

I created a poll to obtain general stand on security access system for Park Central. Please cast your vote.

Suena>> We're collecting votes first. Then we can better see Park Centralians' preference for a security access system. We can proceed from there.



New Member
wow many enthu-ists here!!! Great! I am for the proximity card access thingy too (VERY SERIOUS). Else, suena will scold ppl.

I don't think we ought to pay anymore cos' we paid quite a lot for this flat.

Elspeth, zuo4 gong1!!! Your job is here!!!

Thanks, Ced for setting up the voting thingy in the PC blog.


New Member
makania> good idea. Just cast my vote. In my opinion, based on the current voting results, we may have a hard time getting the system. Only 2 (including myself) are willing to pay up to 1k for the system to be implemented. I guess we have to be fair, in the sense that no one will cut his own profit to satisfy a large number of people. Most probably have to pay. That's what I feel personally.

grace> i never scold la. Just that this is REAL serious stuff...


New Member
i think this will be a bit hard if you expect pple to pay, because not everyone is willing to pay for this feature.

but if its free, no one will mind. So we need to push for free add in

although i think hor, give free dryer better, haha


New Member
Given two choices "Free" or "pay S$1000". Of coz, FREE will be best.

Does City View come with the proximity access system right from the beginning?


New Member
ya definitely all will want it to be free. Me too, we can push for it but i feel that quite unlikely with the price set

ern> ya, i believe right from beginning CV has this system in place already.


New Member
Like the idea of the proximity access system. Just cast my vote. Of course prefer it to be free. If we really have to pay, I hope it's not too much. Feel 1000 quite a lot to collect from all of us.


New Member
ya i also think we shld position ourselves at zero cost. now we have to negotiate with them we cannot give them choice rite in the beginning that we can pay.

$1000 is our limit if they refuse to install at zero cost which is v likely.


New Member
was thinking, ced, did u say the town council mentioned that they haven't arrived at a decision as opposed to what the agents said which is that it wasn't approved?


New Member
Yesterday, the town council told me they have not arrived at any decisions. I believe one of the Park Centralians reported that agent(s) said the security system was not approved by town council.

I also checked with one of the agents. He mentioned there are no information passed down with regard to security access system.



New Member
pwah, 500k is way way more than needed. i think a contribution of $200-300 each household is more than sufficient for the security system ler...


New Member
500k? haha, can do video feed to each unit and direct link to cisco, and while we are at it, we could wire up the whole estate and have our own WAN

