Park Central @ AMK


New Member
hey girls,
how many time(s) you have submitted application for flat?

my HTB's friend has applied for more than 6 times, still cant get a sweet number to get a flat unit lor...


New Member
me 4th time.
first time= city view, no. 1097
2nd time = hdb bi monthly sale, no 4000++
3rd time = punggol spring, also 1000++

4th time = PC, no. 111

happy like siao lor ~

limmo first time 2 digits, wahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member also 1st time applying for flat. number is 100+ leh :p somemore i almost gave up this chance >.<

btw CONGRATS MY DEAR NEIGHBOUR SANG! u've made the right choice! best choice! happy for u~~~


New Member
HAHAHAHAH yeah, we were soooo enthu of city view yet we got a lousy q number.

we did some homeworks, knew that the location it's like factory area, and too, we thought it was a little bit too ex ...


New Member
ya.. i think we all reli got fate to become neighbours leh.. all same same so chatty and '38' one.. hahahaa

actually now think think PC ex abit oso not too bad liao.. treat it as spending more to get gd neighbours? hahahahaa

cos nowadays ppl where got tok to neighbours one.. esp. younger generation de..


New Member
eh, coz ppl now very guarded mah. imagine if someone suddenly smile at you in the lift, you would think that person siao or got ulterior motive right? hehehe....


New Member
hee..tomatojuice, at least u got a unit now. numbers are a thing of the past~
