jane>> my appointment time is 10am, yah we same same the day
sang>> they are looking for trouble! ask us to enquire the available units?! anyway, sure have tons of people calling in to ask the units available
Revarye>> ya somehow I think people who say 'aiya can get a condo with this price or pay slightly more you can get already' are those who not sure of the price or don't take into account the location. With the same price, you can only either get a condo of lousy location or a minute condo which you'll eventually need to shift again in a short time. Not that I'm green eye. I also prefer condo, but I know my limits. I believe that's why we opt for this condo-like flats! =)
grace>> if all get the units, wah then everytime walk out of house take lift will have high possibility of meeting someone we know.. interesting
chewinggum>> yup! I was very impressed with hdb as well. seldom am i so impressed with a company. I submitted about a month ago , like you, on a sun and i think i got the letter from them about wed as well!
seems like many newcomers joining in the big discussion for the big day which is TODAY!!!