Pan Pacific Singapore


New Member

she was my co-ordinator as well... this is my 3rd change liao... sigh.. i think before she leave, better get wat i want from her.. she called my hubby and told him abt it... maybe she will start calling the rest...

ya, its really irritating to keep changing... sigh... must complain to hellen liao... think we can be pass here n there... not once but thrice!!


New Member
yeah, this is my 3rd change of coord too!!! And best is, i've only met up with my FIRST coord.... the 2nd and Jen, i've nvr even met b4!!!

gigi, skali you call Helen only to find out that she's resigned too!!!! *FAINT*


New Member
guys & gals,

Thanks for informing that Jennifer's resignation. I just called her early this week and SHE DIDN'T MENTION TO ME AT ALL.

I really gog to faint too!!!

PPgroom ~ How's yr preparation?? we still meeting for breakfast?? ha ha ha


New Member
hey cutiebear!! long time no hear from you!! how're you?

My preps ah? Now headache over guestlist lor... and my album delayed too... SIANZZZZZ

you leh? how's your preps?

yup, we sure can meet


New Member
PPgroom ~ me busy with my new job and HF gog for biz trip next week!! so everything have to be done far in advance. We start to distribute out the wedding cards already. Going to look at our album layout and also gog for food tasting tomorrow!! Will try to HAVE A WORD with Helen!!

in actual fact, the last change of co-ordinator to Jennifer, I did met up with Helen. I expressed my concern and unhappiness of the constant changes of co-ordination and also the renovation all w/ notifying us. NOW they did it again!!


New Member
Hi gal

I'm oso having my wedding banquet at PP... in Jun05...
Nt sure wat 2 do nw, cos food tasting still a long way 2 go.... oso nt sure whos my coordinator.. hav been liasing with Bonnie though...
Guess wif all the reno & changing of coordinator, it doesn't seem too gd for PP... & also made us nervous...


hi LFC,

I received a letter that states that my coordinator is Bonnie. I've not contacted or spoken to her yet. Just wondering if you could share if she is pleasant to talk to and accomodative to your requests?

Like you, i'm starting to get apprehensive about PP. My wedding's in May 05.


New Member
I agree with you. All these changes are making us very nervous.

Hi Cutiebear: Long time no hear from you. Busy lately? When is your AD? I miss Icy's list...


New Member
hi ying,

cutiebear's AD is same day as me HAHAHA!!! i'm using PB while she's at OB, thus we're thinking of meeting up for breakfast the next morning

Hi LFC, yuor AD is in Jun 2005, so dun worry abt the renos... confirm will be done by then. those having AD in Jan 05 whd be more worried, cos although they promised that it'll be done by Dec 04, but... let's keep our fingers crossed.

hi cutiebear, HF going on biz trip? HF mean your hubby right? i also dunno wat PP management is doing... dun they know that this high turn-around rate of staff does not look good on them??

hehe, my food tasting over liao, album also collecting this week. just tat we have yet to settle our guest list.

hmmm... Ladies, any comments on this Bonnie?


New Member

my account has been transferred to Bonnie.. and bcos of this change, i have to go down to meet her again... haiz... its really so disruptive..


New Member
PPgroom ~ we havent ROM yet mah,, so still term as Future Husband,, ha ha ha

Just came back from my food tasting, the sharksfin and Ee Fu Noodle abit tasteless,, other then that,, ok lah!!


New Member
hi all,

it seems dat their coordinators are leaving one by one. can any1 recommend a coordinator that is reliable or at nice to work with?

i m interested in holding my wedding at panpac next yr but am wondering if i shld go ahead with all dat changes ( mentioned here..

pls advise..

thks a lot!


New Member
I think is better u make a call or email to Pan Pac coz most of us have changed our co-ordinators & think most of couples still not yet meet up wif their new co-ordinator.
I only met up my new co-ordinator once which was few months back, unable to tell u abt her services.


New Member
hi cutiebear, who's your chef? mine's a Chef Yong... our sharksfin taste ok leh... and mine is not Ee Fu noodle... it's fried rice wrapped in lotus leaves... very fragrant and yummy...


New Member
hi all!!
just finished my dinner last weekend!!

been very happy with the overall services! Pauline is great and so is johnson - the banquet manager.
my brothers and sisters have fun working with them.
I think Pauline is not as bad as everyone perceive here. I believe in her position she has her limitations and instructions to obey. Those issues that I have requested for if its within her control, she has never failed to obliged.
As for johnson, he was great too! he is very expereince and accomondative too.
i would say they are worthy of praise lah...
so dun worry I believe all your dinner will be carried out smoothly.
as for the reno, as I am having the PB so it doesn't affect me much. in fact with the valet parking and everything set up outside made the place so much grander. Yep the hall looks horrible. but bcoz the PB location it looks so exclusive. Anyway heheh i guess i am the only sicko that was glad that the reno was not completed before our dinner! hahahah ...
but brides be sure to cater for longer time for changing of gowns. because the wallk from ballroom back to the room will take a while but this is not affected by the reno the orginial layout is already like that.
anyway if still need any help please let me know.
overall everyone was happy at the dinner. the photo montage has the most response. have friends calling to ask about it! the photographer also sets a heartwarming mood to the event....


New Member
PPgroom ~ the chef didn't really introduce himself,,is a young guy,,, the sharksfin,, alot of ingredients, but the taste is not there

and the fish meat,, very hard leh


New Member
hi yiyi, congrats, very heartening to hear good comments from you!!!, can share your photo when ready?

may I know who did you engage for photo and video?

Thank you!


New Member
Sean ~ what u mean by which dish i taking?? hee hee,, i taking the Ocean Ballroom promotion package!!

had my food tasting last night


New Member
congrats yiyi!!

hi cutiebear,

yeah, their sharksfin quite alot of ingredients, but mine taste ok leh... hmmm, quite subjective cos different ppl different taste hehe... as for my fish, ok leh.. mine's garoupa, so meat usually abit tougher hehe

yeah, my chef quite young too, looks mid 30s at most...


New Member
HI, cutiebear

I mean you stick to the dishes listed in the Ocean package, is it? Whose's yr new coord? Wanted to talk to Helen (director of catering sales) today, but she MC. Will call her again tomorrow.


New Member
PPgroom ~ I agree with u. Cos my parents and my FH's parents all very particular in terms of food, esp mine,, cos they are food seller mah!!

my fish also garoupa, but really super hard leh!! ha ha ha

Sean ~ ok,, now i know what u mean. Yes, i stick to the dishes listed in the package. I dont know who is my coord yet, Kevin told me that Jennifer will keep me inform. & Pauline told me that Jennifer have left the company. Super Messy now. And called Helen a few times, seems like the Secretary trying hard to siam not to let her answer the call, left msg to ask her to call me back but still didn't call me!!

Was kind of disappointed, cos during food tasting we did mentioned that we would like to change the fish. The chef did say will ask the coord to call me, but they didn't call abt the changes, and also didn't bother to call to follow up on the food tasting too!!


New Member
cutiebear, your fish was steamed right? if so, how come still so tough leh? hmmm....

walau... PP super messy lately... what are they doing??


New Member

i managed to speak to Bonnie my new coordinator yest... she's actually the catering sales manager.. think kevin only in charge of stuff like food tasting, cards, etc..


New Member
Hi, cutiebear

tried to call hellen today but she again on mc. but managed to speak to kevin instead. My new coord is Pauline. Until now, haven even had a meeting with coord yet. Luckil, kevin is around to assist and I think he's been very accomodating so far and very professional.

You & ppgroom seems to be far better prepared than me even though mine is just 1 day later. In yr food tasting, was suckling pig served? Which deco u taking?

Hi, ppgroom

Whose's yr new coord?


New Member
hi, ppgroom

yes, jen yesterday last day. Itis either Pauline or Bonnie. Don't know which is better. Anyway, I don't ask for much except that they try to accomodate requests and most importantly, don't screw up on my big day. Maybe you want to ask kevin about whose's yr new coord?


New Member
Dear all,

Not sure what are your experiences with Pauline? I found her rather cold, distant and unaccommodating. Kevin, her assistant on the other hand, has been very professional and polite all the time.

Like to check with you whether your coordinator does follow up with you after the food tasting? Seems like my comments were totally disregarded as my coordinator, Pauline, did not even bother to speak to us on our feedback after 1 week


New Member
for mine, i initiated the comments and forward email to Jennifer... and now that she's gone, dunno anyone got take note or not...


New Member
hi, friendlygal and ppgroom

Pauline just gave me an call to introduce herself. So far, so good. Having my food tasting next Friday.

Hi, cutiebear
how did the dried scallops with brocolli taste? Does the dried scallops look compatible with the brocolli cos normally is cooked with fresh scallops?


New Member
Oh dear, reading postings the Pan Pac turnover for staff is very high. I spoke with a Paulina lady and she mentioned she is leaving early next year too. Does anyone have any comments abt this or is the handover from staff to staff ok wrt the wedding preparations? Worried about this.


New Member
well, FINALLY my new coord called. It's Bonnie. she sounds ok. She also mentioned that she'll meet up with us to discuss on some details next week. Let's see how it goes.


New Member
Hi all,
my experience with panpac is better to have everything written in black & white. Their catering staff turnover is very high and once somebody left, u are left with no choice. Mine for instance, Johnny left and was handover to Pauline. When I request for something Johnny promised me, she will say NO, NO, No to everything. Johnny promised me 80% of wedding cards, Johnny promised me many other things and when Johnny left, all Pauline say was no. I saw Jak's posting that Paulina is leaving end of this year. Is it Pauline or Paulina???


New Member
Hi Stephanie,

Maybe u should meet up your coordinator & review your contract and have everything that was promised previously in black and white so that handover will be easier for the next coordinator.


New Member
PPgroom ~ the fish is steamed, but the meat really tough lor.

Sean ~ that dried scallops with brocolli taste not bad BUT the scallops have been sliced until very thin, so if guest didnt go read the menu, i dont think they even know is scallops,,, they can only see the brocolli.

Even since last monday food tasting, today already is Sat, no one from Pan Pac called me and ask me how's things. and the best part is that we told the chef that we would like to change a few dishes.


New Member

met up wif Bonnie today... for all weddings previously handled by jennifer will all be handed to bonnie.... she's nice... but she looked very stressed up... but she will be wif us thorughout the whole banquet dinner.. apart from the banquet manager... which is great...


New Member

My coordinator is Bonnie too... hope she doesn't quit, if nt, I will have to liaise with another new coordinator from PP.

Too many changes in PP... guess its affecting our confidence and trust in them

Just saw their packages in PP's website.
Differs from mine.
Hopefully they honour mine.

My food tasting will be in Mar, still a long way to go....haiz!


New Member
I guess I just keep a look out now, no point liasing with a coordinator whom I dunno whether if they still exist on my ad.


New Member
Bonnie assured us she will still be here.. at least for my wedding.. hhhahh.. if stil can change within the next few days i rally salute to PP man...
