Orchid Country Club


New Member
hi Melissa,

when is ur AD? the chinese restaurantdownstair will end their lease by mid09. if u getting OCC directly for their Grand ballroom or other fuction room for ur BQ, the only thing nd to b worry will be the food quality standard.

me too praying hard tat next restaurant taking over serve gd standard food.


New Member
Hi piggylover,

My Ad should be ard Nov 09 (we dunno the exact date yet), when is yours?

I wonder when will the next restaurant be taking over.


New Member
Hi Melissa,

wow.. u too BTB09.
mine AD fall on 26 dec 09, i b having their ballroom for my wedding BQ.

hmm.. as wat i get reply from OCC tat new tenant will start May09. but nt sure abt the caterer name yet. im still waiting for their reply.

think u can email them to enquire but if u hav ur AD date will b easiler to check on their availability. gd luck to u ya! ;)


New Member
Thanks piggylover...

I will find out more from them once i got my AD.
Really hope their new restaurant's standard is good...


Hi. I've just called OCC for their 2010 quotation. They say the new tenant will be from feb onwards and its called Peach Garden. They have outlet at thomson plaza, ocbc centre and novena. Been once to eat at novena outlet seems not too bad.but i know its ex.


New Member
Hi all,
I have the following items for sale from my wedding last Friday.
All items are brand new and only bought few days before my actual day.
Please send me an email at seanngyl@gmail for more details.

1) Martell VSOP, 70cl, duty paid, 8 bottles, $70 each

2) Berri Estates Cabernet Sauvignon, 75cl, duty paid, 22 bottles, $18 each


New Member
hi restless, hmm.. it is never to early to check with them de. my wedding fall Dec09.

i enquire frm them end '07 n confirm my banquet feb'08. so it is nt to early to ask for pkg nw.


New Member
hey rach!! ya lor. still hav 10mth+ to my AD. alot of thing to do, done up my whole yr schedule le. haiz... tis yr is really a busy yr, nw starting to source for reno ideal den $$$ again.. faint.. :"(


New Member
im with BC le, gg for my gown selection tml. hehe.. wish me luck can get my gown within 1day time. if nt gotta go down again le. :p


New Member
Dawn> wah.. u know my HB is ID?? hehehe.. u can give him a call if u are interested..

I'm sure he'll give u a good deal.. hehehe..


New Member
Hi all

wondering if any of you has any feedback regarding wedding at the OCC tea garden foyer? I have abt 25 tables so not possible to have it at the ballroom , the only available place at OCC is the outdoor tea garden foyer.

My worry is that it is too open and not private enough though the unique part is you will walk down the stairs for your walk in.


New Member
restless, u can email them @ [email protected] for more enquire.

rach, thank u for ur offer. me n htb is looking mainly at reno contractor nw, cos gotta budget to meet.

sharon, u r looking into lunch or dinner fuction? i hav saw once tat day happen to b super perk date for wedding. all room & restaurant are having wedding tat evening including tea garden foyer too. it is really nice wit decor at the stair hander, the march-in is very unique too, something different n special.

most recent wedding couple seem to b having indoor function. earlier there is a ladie looking at outdoor tea garden fuction, aft sometime didnt get more info from her if she had confirm wit OCC anot.


New Member
Hi Piggylover

I am looking at dinner. Ya the march in via stairs is pretty unique but dunno with the gown will pose any problem in walking down gracefully not? ;)

Plus not sure if sound system for outdoor is affected...


New Member
hi Sharon, oic.. i must admit tat may face problem walking down, if im nt wrong the staircase space is quite big de. mayb can go down take alook if u manage to meet up with the sales for discussion. for the sound system i will hav no ideal, but for standard sound quality with clear n sharp to ensure all angle guest can listen is consider very gd.. tried to ask them if possible for any doubt.

restless, hmm.. the pkg i got wit them is last yr de. get to knw from Fanny earlier tat the restaurant hav been change, nt sure if pkg hav been chg too. it will b gd if u can get from OCC for their latest pkg.


New Member
Sharon, hehe.. gotta try n testing walk slowly before banquet start.
btw when is ur AD?

rach, thanks for ur offer! i hav yet to get my key! shd enquire if we r interested on ID!


New Member
restless, hmm.. i forget le. but think within a week shd get reply from them le. u can try email to request for their pkg 1st. if both u n ur partner is comfortable wit their offer, u can arrange an appt with them to view the club n dicuss on their pkg. mayb can ask for extra goodies if they can accept. gd luck ya!


New Member
Hi ladies,

I read that the new restauarant will be opening in Feb 2010??

If my AD is on Jan 2010, any changes to the existing restaurant?

Thanks, Melissa


New Member
hi ryanmel, u can email OCC to get their pkg le. if u r comfortable wit their pkg, u may get getting a lower price base on 2009 den 2010. if u book this yr, as to secure ur pkg price.


New Member
hi restless, hmm.. mine still not reach yet. nt sure hw many theme r there. regarding the theme u can see some of the married couple photo during their wedding dinner.or u can ask OCC to show u some pic for some ideal.


New Member
hey piggylover, i have view all the room liao but for my AD onli left wif the function wif the reciption in e air-con room. so still thinking.. which function room u took.?


New Member
I was told that function room max 20 tables.
grand ballroom min 40 tables.
They dun have anything in between.

waiting to get my AD date, then will see how...

cheers, Melissa


New Member
hi melissa,

issit? i get to knw from someone here tat OCC can accept between the number of table, but will be holding outside the grand ballroom foyer area.


New Member

i got in touch with a representative of OCC Banquet, and was informed by this lady of the min & max numbers of tables..

Grand Ballroom,
min 40 tables.

Function rooms,
max 20 tables.

Cheers, Melissa


New Member
ya piggylove abt their grand ballroom.. Wah..!! it really BIG and grand really like their ballroom but for mi i dun have so many ppl so bo bian..
n ya how is their suite?? izzit Big??


New Member
melissa, oic.. mayb u can get ur AD 1st n decide on table u looking at den source from there.

restless, wow.. u date is a nice date!! so u manage to book with OCC already?

my AD is on 26/12/09, still hav 10mths to go on. hehe..
yup yup!! the ballroom is wat im like (fall in love with it when saw it 1st time). hehe..

hmm.. for the suite i did not manage to see it, cos at the moment i req to view. OCC told me tis yr they will be having major reno there, so hopping to be nice nice when i AD reach.


New Member
I am also thinking of going to the OCC -- planning to hold wedding banquet in Nov this year.

So less than 6 mths. Does anyone have a list of to-dos?!
