ONLY Us....Do Not Disturb


New Member
haha.... so the hot topic is on aircon!

ok, here's my contribution.
my prev aircon service guy told me the jelly thing come abt due to water cannot drain properly, not just due to dust trapped in the filter n then get 'sucked' onto the coil in the blower n then water vapour form on the coil n remain damp for extended period of time n fugus will grow n your aircon will not be cold liao.
so moral of the story.... vacuum or wash the filers twice a wk.
the drainage thing.... it's really heng suay thing cos we can never tell whether the aircon worker did a gd job when install those drainage pipes.

the other thing which we can do to help with the maintenance of the compressor is rinse the back part of the compressor to clear away the dust trapped there. so this can only b done during rainy days else your neighbour downstairs will come banging on your door!

oh, also setting on your aircon blower is impt. was told that if set to too high a temperature and left on auto mode..... not a gd idea bcoz the compressor will cut in n out very frequently n this will shorten the lifespan of the compressor.


New Member
morn ladies!

snowflo, i think u better enlighten us what is the difference btw the diff mode. yest i was trying to understand the diff mode until i gave up and juz sticked to my usual auto mode. haha.


New Member
good morning.

aiyo.... now i know my ability to confuse is way better than my ability to enlighten! haha.....

the service guy strongly recommend us to use the cool mode only.
the fan speed is up to individual to decide.


New Member
goodness.... i just reread my posting y'day on the aircon thing n i really very confusing!!

clean filter once every 2 weeks. (twice a wk?!! what m i thinking of?! mad leh!)


New Member
oh, cool mode..... ok, i go back and see which symbol on my remote control is the cool mode. haha. snowflo, the clean filter twice a week portion i never notice leh, hahahaha.


New Member
I thought wedding banquet pkg seems quite std? For me, i will compare the price versus the dishes offered btw diff hotels. Is there free-flow beers/ free wines, FOC food-tasting etc. Does that answer you?


New Member
U the same as me..I was playing with my IL aircon...they put as cool mode...
then I chg to auto mode...hheeee...

What to look for in banquet?
After I get all the pricing, I will check for the min & max table cos no point looking for tables that I cant fit into the requirement.
Then check if the price is nett or +++
if there's any free table for X no. of tables confirmed; then on average how much is per table
etc etc...

but if you have already confirmed on which hotel.
then its a different story


New Member
1) Free Flow drink- normally will ve
2) Any Complimentary house wine or red wine/ beer
3) Complimentary Cockage fee? Cos I know 1 of the hotel charges for cockage
4) Complimentary Food Tasting- maybe some will need to pay 50%, some will give free tasting for 6~10pax
5) Complimentary Projector usage
6) X% of carkpark coupons
7) X% of invitation cards
8) Ice craving- dunno whats the actual word to use lah...will give you special rate if you want to
9) Florist- depends on how particular yr sis is...some just give standard flowers. May ve to top up if got special request
10) Got any helpers room?
11) No. of nights of bridal suite
12) Some will got free spa or free party night for X no. of ppl
13) Oh yes, some will also ve some light snacks for the guest during reception
14) Dinner or I should say supper for the couple


New Member
thks for sharing!

she looking at hyatt.

1) yes
2) think she will pick beer (using up 1 of the wishes given)
3) chargable at special rate
4) free for a table of 10
5) must ask on this
6) 20%
7) 70%
8) must ask
9) included. your pt noted.
10) must ask. but if need a 1 night stay for helpers will need to use up a wish.
11) 2 nights
12) dont think hv leh
13) must ask
14) must ask


New Member
my ice cream fren's wedding was held there last year.

I dunno how much they pay...but I know they upgraded the dishes...
then got 2 projectors
drinks during reception
got 1 day time helper room
dun think ve snacks duing reception cos I didnt get to eat any.
If U go to my friendster blog, got 1 of them is on my frenz wedding..but pic not clear on the floral decor

U try to ask yr sis to ask the pax to waive off the cockage charges...
so far I only rem the hotel that Zoe tay held her wedding has cockage charges...
food fr Li Bai


New Member
good morning.

this is short work wk yet..... yah man! so happy it's friday!!

oh.... we might be catching indiana jones too this wkend with our ex-neighbours.

does the new hdb ruling on application of new flat affect your coming ballot exercise?


New Member
the new HDB ruling said that if a couple had forefited their chances twice when selecting the flat; then they wont be getting any priority for 1 year.

So example, even if everafter getting a very lousy #, its still a number...then she dun want to select the flat...N it happens twice. Then next time, she wont be given a priority..

1st timer- 2 chances
near parents- 2 chances

However, she will "lose" her chance if she got a number & dun want to select


New Member
what happens is everafter's no is very lousy and then all the flats snapped up b4 her turn? this will not be considered as a forfeit right?


New Member
aiyoh...the stupid HDB really making me mad..i only glance thru the new rulings..i dun think their so-called improved priorities is goin to help me lor..cos old system is when u fail 5times, then u will get double chances. Now the new system, if u failed twice, then 3rd time ur chances will double. but it only applies for BTOs! crazy right?!! i think they're just trying to sell off the BTOs lor cos recently the take-up rate is very bad..i think i might really end up with resale eventually!! R told me that if we failed in the oct balloting, then we'll go n search for re-sale after my confinement


New Member
everafter, y dun u guys start looking ard now when u haven't deliver? cos it will take a while for u guys to find a place also.


New Member
well...we're still pinning on last hope for 1st hand hdb flat wanna try last time for oct lor..anyway, now we're too tied up to go view flats also


New Member
i agree with miaka leh.
if got intention to buy resale, it will be a gd idea to start doing some field survey at least like what's the pricing like in the areas u like, what's around that area, etc.


New Member
I tot finding a hse to u is necessary...
then u can take the chance to source for contractors during yr maternity leaave....N can move in by end of the yr...


New Member
still have a hse to stay in not so urgent to move by end of the yr. R is too busy also and my antenatal class starts in july for 6weeks, still hvnt buy bb stuffs yet..tired leh


New Member
side-track abit.... which brand of hood, hob and built-in oven (if any) r u all using?
your comments on the ones u r using too pls. thks!


New Member
my weekend ah...
went taka & OG on sat
Sun went Queenstown to make Ed's spec...then at the same time shop ard...
there's a pl that sells s-XXXXXLLL clothes....
but price is the same as u shop in shopping mall...N is very HARDSELL


New Member
good morning.

miaka, your hob surface is stainless steel or glass?

over the wkend, went to look at hob, hood, oven, laminated flooring, engineered flooring n wallpaper.


New Member
snowflo, my hob surface is stainless steel. the glass one is more ex so i never buy it. so u found anything tat catches your eye over the weekend?

piggy, so did u buy anything from queenstown? how come ed go all the way to queenstown to make specs??


New Member
snowflo, tat time i bought rinnai cos my contractor told us their flame is strong or something. he mentioned dunno which brand, the flame is very weak.


New Member
i also go queenstown shopping ctr to get my reading glasses done one leh. :p

me only for stainless steel fr day 1 coz i dont hv much faith in glass being able to withstand long extended period of heating.

this hob, hood, oven thing is making me feel really stupid. i really thot buying these items would be a breeze.... like just make sure it's not too expensive can liao until i realised tat electrolux got not showroom.
so chged focus to ariston, so went to mayer to view the range. very smooth trip coz able to more or less picked the models we think meet our requiremts quickly. then, erh-oh.... i came across bad reviews on ariston products. so dont feel 'safe' anymore n no choice need to do more leg work n visited harvey norman to look at electrolux and brandt. sad to say the selection not wide there n i dont feel 'safe' making purchase in there too. machiam like no sys one, in tat the discount/freebies not fixed n hv to nego with the salesperson.


New Member
rem my glass hob?thats fr mayer....
aarrggh till vomit blood with those XYZ then can chg a new pc.

cos its cheap lor..


New Member
i didnt know your hob is fr mayer. which brand is your hob?

i m simple or maybe i shld say ignorant when it comes to hob n hood n even built-in oven. so when i realised tat i hv to run around to look at electrolux.... i could only think of ariston as my fallback.
