Hi all,
Advice please. We are now past 7 months marriage and have argued and broken down multiple times cos Hb always puts his mother in priority, for house viewing, extravagant cny ang pows and spending etc. I feel that my needs as a wife is neglected.
Before marriage, we already agreed to stay together with mil cos she's pretty old. As we look for our house, Hb says wants to look for houses with big kitchens cos mil loves to cook. I'm trying to discourage him as it doesn't make sense paying for a big kitchen which both of us do not use and my mil won't be around too long to enjoy it anyways.
I'm so frustrated over being pissed off that I feel like giving this marriage up... Only after 7 months...
Advice please. We are now past 7 months marriage and have argued and broken down multiple times cos Hb always puts his mother in priority, for house viewing, extravagant cny ang pows and spending etc. I feel that my needs as a wife is neglected.
Before marriage, we already agreed to stay together with mil cos she's pretty old. As we look for our house, Hb says wants to look for houses with big kitchens cos mil loves to cook. I'm trying to discourage him as it doesn't make sense paying for a big kitchen which both of us do not use and my mil won't be around too long to enjoy it anyways.
I'm so frustrated over being pissed off that I feel like giving this marriage up... Only after 7 months...