Mdm Foo Siew Fong/Jennifer Lim as JP anyone?


New Member
Hi all,

Anyone invited Mdm Foo or Jennifer Lim as their JP for ROM? Kindly provide some feedback /comments? Thanks!


New Member
I know Jennifer Lim through work. She's quite funny and have heard she is game enough to try alot of things couples want her to do (within reasonable limits lah). Think she'll make an interesting solemniser, plus she looks gorgeous. =P


New Member
Yup, i used her as my solmniser too. I chose to be in Cantonese and she did it wonderfully. All my guests love it.


New Member
i mostly be using Jennifer Lim too


New Member
Hi All,

Can anyone share how does Ms Jennifer Lin conducts the solemnisation?

Am desparately looking for a JP.. called 5 of the JPs recommended in the forum but none of them can make it...


New Member
Hi, is the Jennifer Lin that the thread is referring to as below?

Lim Lay Choo Jennifer (Ms)
Language preferred: English, Mandarin, Hokkien, Cantonese


wooo.. i had Ms Jennifer Lim as my solemnizer on my ROM 3rd Oct.

all i can say is. GOOD! she is very easy, casual yet professional. for me, i have no prep or vows at all. but on that ROM day itself when we saw her, she grabbed us aside and told us wat to do. it is soooo easy that rehearsals are not even needed at all. just 'i do', 'i will' and 'yes'. to end it with a repeat after me short paragraph. thats it!

she even helped the emcee when my emcee got stuck.. hurhur

oh ya, booking her. all through fax or emails. in fact, i communicated with her ALL thru sms even til the ROM we never actually talked on the phone. of cos it is still better to try to call her and ask vocally.


New Member
Hey Cow,

Quick check, did Jennfier have to refer to ROM for the green light before she agreed to preside your wedding?


New Member
Hihi anyone had Ms Jennifer Lim as their jp for next year? Cos i see the rom website her license expiring next year.. Thanks!


New Member
Hi Cecilia, i've book ms Jennifer Lim as my JP for my solemnistion coming Oct.. I sms her then call her.. there's no email provided by her.. U can try to sms her, she responds quite fast.


New Member
Hi all btb...I need help...
My wd is on 09 oct... When should I start looking for a jp??
I'm thinking of having it on the same day of my wdg bqt.


New Member
Hi Jsan, same here with u..having my ROM and banquet tgt. my AD is 15th Oct 11 but I've booked ms Jennifer Lim back in Dec 10.. Haha.

you can check with the JP u like whether they accept such early reservations, if not normally is 3 months before then book..


New Member
i have just confirmed and booked Ms Jennifer Lim for my solemnization on 11 Nov
so happy

i sms-ed her and she replied pretty fast
