Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)


Active Member
Hi dreamer11,

For date selection, we do not use the lunar calendar.Hence it doesn't mean that for 8 Aug, it is a good date coz the number is nice etc.

Whether be it feng shui, bazi or date selections using Bazi, we use the Ten Thousand Year Calendar ("Wan Nian Li").

26th Sept 09 is not a general good Tong Shu auspicious date for wedding. This is in general only. I can only give general dates in forum as I can't go into each individual's Bazi here.

I have no idea how your shifu calculates the date. If he uses Bazi date selection to calculate the date, then he might probably be right as Bazi date selection is more accurate than Tong Shu date selection. It will be able to tell you if a particular date is specifically good for both of you only, and not everyone else.

Hope this helps.


New Member
Thanks for clarifying david!

does that mean he
might be using bazi to calculate the date
If we have provided our date birth and time birth?


New Member
Heard tat 3mth before or after the traditional marriage, we are advised nt to attend other it true? any tin we can do?


Active Member
Hi dreamer11,

Yes he 'might' be using Bazi if you've provided him your birth date and time of birth as well as your parents animal zodiac signs.

But I won't not be able to confirm if he is using your birth data for Bazi calculation or just solely to ensure that the selected day doesn't clash to your birth year.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Child,

Yes you are right. This is a Chinese belief that 3 months before and after your wedding, you are not advised to attend other people's weddings as well as any funerals.

Since wedding is such an important event, it is best to avoid. I believe the other couple will understand since they themselves are holding their wedding too.

Hope this helps.


New Member
Hi David ,

Can u kindly advise us on general auspicious dates in Sept, Oct, Nov & Dec 2009 that does not clash with us?

Groom: Pig
Bride: Goat
Groom Parents: Dog and Monkey
Bride Parents: Cow and Horse



New Member
Hi David

For the ba zhi which you refer to, must it include the timing also. If we give you our birthday dates, will you be able to find a date which is auspicious for us (if without the timing)?



New Member
Hi David,

Could you kindly advise us on auspicious dates in year 2009 for us?

Groom :rat
Bride :pig
Groom's Parent: Rat & Ox
Bride's Parent: Rabbit & Pig

Thanks a lot...


New Member
hihi david ...

thank u very much for your reply ...

unfortunately my fiance is a catholic and prefers to get married on onli saturdays ... and the church we wanted are fully booked on the the good days we read fr calendar ... and 24 oct is the onli date available. ....

is there any way which i can neutral the effect?


Active Member
Hi purinne,

In this case, what you can do is to at least select an auspicious timing on that day itself to sign your ROM papers.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi JoSky,

It is not true at all. West facing house can have very good feng shui as well. The location and direction of where the main door of the house is located in very important, as well as other factors such as the stove positioning, usage of bedrooms, placement of beds, placement of water features such as aquarium or water fountain etc. All these contribute to the feng shui of the whole house. And not forgetting the external factors such as availability of swimming pools (esp for condos) etc.

These are just some of the factors that determine if the feng shui of the house is good or bad. There are many more other factors to be considered. So the idea that a West facing house equates to a bad feng shui house is not true.

Hope this helps


New Member
Hi David,

Could you kindly advise us on auspicious dates in year 2009 for us?

Groom :rat
Bride :pig
Groom's Parent: Rat & Ox
Bride's Parent: Rabbit & Pig

Thanks a lot...


New Member
Hi David

Can u kindly advise us on good wedding dates in Nov 2009 for us?

Groom :Rabbit
Bride :Rabbit
Groom's Parent: both Rats
Bride's Parent: Horse & Ox



Active Member
Hi happygirlgirl,

Classical feng shui is about how you use the Qi in your house, not the placement of auspicious or good luck objects. Hence, there is no need to purchase anything from me at all after the audit. All my fees are nett price with no hidden charges.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi wedding_0809,

For general auspicious dates, i will need to know what is the range of months you are looking at (eg Sept, Oct). By the way, if you are after weekends dates in 2009 for your AD banquet dinner, it is almost impossible now as most of the hotels are fully booked (at least for the general auspicious dates),


Active Member
Hi libra_kc81,

Yes, for Bazi, the timing is required and is very important. You can find the time of birth from your birth cert


Active Member
Hi jacasser,

Here are the dates:

- 8/10, 13/10, 16/10, 18/10, 25/10, 28/10, 30/11, 5/12, 6/12, 17/12, 29/12, 31/12

Note that these are general dates only. It may or may not be good for both of u.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi wedding 0809,

ROM is the day both of u officially become husband and wife, so it is very important. I suggest you choose an auspicious date according to both your Bazi, rather than using general auspicious days, which may end up not good for you.

Anyway, here are some 'general' auspicious dates you requested:

- 24/2, 21/3, 23/3, 25/4, 27/4, 10/5, 29/5, 3/6, 10/6, 14/6, 22/6, 26/6

Hope this helps


New Member
Dear David,
My partner n i actually have chose 12/12/2009 for our wedding but due to some financial difficulties, we thought of choosing either a weekday date as 12/12/2009 fall on a weekends. It's more costly to book banquet on weekends. By the way, will you able to give comment on 2010 dates now??

Can you advise on any auspicious dates for dec'2009 - weekdays?

Bride & Groom: Goat
Bride's parents: Rabbit & Rooster
Groom's parent: House & Dog

Thank you for reading my email.


New Member
Dear David,

My partner n i actually have chose 05/12/2009 for our wedding. Wondering is that a good day?

Bride : Dog
Groom : Rooster
Bride's parents: Ox & Rooster
Groom's parent: Rabbit & Dragon

Thank you for reading my email.


New Member
Hi David,
Need ur professional adv. We have selected 26/09/2009 as our wedding date,May i know it is a good date for us?:

Groom :19/04/1981
Bride :29/06/1982
Groom's Parent: Both are snake
Bride's Parent: Snake & Goat


New Member
Dear David,

Need your advice if 13/12/2009 is good for our wedding.
Bride : Wood Rabbit
Groom : Wood Rabbit
Bride's parents: Horse
Groom's parent: Ox & Dragon



New Member
Dear David

My htb doesnt believe in fengshui and dun wish to anyhow gv other ppl his ba zhi to find a auspicious date.

Can you based on our year of birth and choose a auspicious date fr us?

Groom: Monkey
Bride: Rooster



Active Member
Hi wannakoonzz,

12/12/09 is not a general Tong Shu auspicious good date for wedding purpose.

For general auspicious Dec 2009 weekdays dates, you can try the following:

- 11/12, 17/12, 23/12, 29/12, 31/12

For 2010 dates, yes I can choose 2010 dates. In fact, most of my clients are going for 2010 dates now as 2009 weekends dates for most banquet venues are fully booked. However, for 2010 dates, the only way to select is to use the Bazi method, which is the correct and accurate method over the Tong Shu.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi leong mei feng,

Yes, 5th Dec 09 is a general good Tong Shu day for wedding purpose (without taking Bazi into consideration).

It doesn't clash to any of you or your parents.


Active Member
Hi Esthee Lee,

26/09/09 is not a general auspicious Tong Shu date for wedding purpose. If you've already book the hotel and cannot change the date, not to worry yet as there is still a chance it might be a good date as this is in general only. The Bazi is yet to be taken into consideration, which is more important, and "overrides" the Tong Shu.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi rollercoaster,

13/12/09 is a general good date for wedding. It doesn't clash to any of you. However, I cannot advise if it is specifically good for both of you as the Bazi of both of you have to be taken into account.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi libra_kc81,

To choose a really good date, you will need the whole bazi, which is the birthday and time of birth. Only via this method can i select a date and time that is specifically good for both of you.

If you only give the year of birth, all i can do for you here in this forum is to select a very general good day based on your animal sign to ensure it doesn't clash to you or your parents. Note that if the Bazi is not compatible with the day, it can still turn out to be a bad day for both of you, even if it is a general auspicious good day in the Tong Shu.

Pls provide me with the animal sign of your parents as well.


New Member
Hi David,

May I know what are the general good dates between Apr 2010 - Aug 2010 for Snake and Dog.

Parents: Rabbit, Dragons, Snake

Thanks a lot!


New Member
Hi David

You indicated these dates for me.

17/11, 18/11, 19/11, 29/11 and 30/11.

Just like to confirm, these dates do not clash with the zodiac of me , my partner and our parents rt?



New Member
Hi David,
Thanks for predicting the general dates for weekend - dec'09.Was wondering what is Bazi method? Sorry to bothering you again...Can you help me predict the following dates in 2010 to see whether it is good for marriage?

The dates are 23/02/2010,11/03/2010,11/09/2010, 12/12/2010.

Bride & Groom: Goat
Bride's parents: Rabbit & Rooster
Groom's parent: House & Dog

Thank you very much for your guidance.


New Member
Hi David

Below are the animal sign of both parents.

Bride: Rooster
Groom: Monkey

Bride's parent: Snake & Tiger
Groom's parent: Dragon & Rat



New Member
hi david,

if my husband is dog and i'm rabbit..
what is the recommended zodiac for baby that is better for us???



Active Member
Hi faith,

I just realised you are asking for 2010 general auspicious dates. As the Tong Shu is not out for 2010 (will be out sometimes in june/july period), there is no way to select Tong Shu general auspicious dates yet. The only way now to select auspicious dates for 2010 now is to use Bazi date selection, which is more precise and accurate than the Tong Shu method.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi wannakoonzz,

The Tong Shu for 2010 is not out yet, so i cannot provide with the Tong Shu general auspicious dates for 2010. It will only be out sometime in june/july period.

Basically there are 2 ways to select a wedding date. One is using the Tong Shu. And the other is using Bazi.

Tong Shu is a very general way of date selection. It only states that the day selected is auspicious for wedding. However, it will not state that if it is good for both of you specifically. Logically speaking, how can a particular selected auspicious day be good for every single person in the whole world? That is not possible. An auspicious Tong Shu date can still turn out to be bad for both of you.

Bazi date selection is the selection of dates using your Bazi, which is your birthday and time of birth. From your Bazi, we are able to fine tune whether if a particular auspicious day is specifically good for both of you.

For eg, if the Tong Shu states that a particular date is good for wedding, but if this date doesn't match both your Bazi, then this day is still consider a bad day for both of you, regardless of what the Tong Shu says. On the other hand, if the Tong Shu states that a particular day may be bad for wedding or a neutral day, but if this day matches both your Bazi, it can still be considered a good day for both of you, but bad for everyone else!

In short, Bazi "overrides" the Tong Shu. If you do some research, you will also notice the inconsistencies between different version or publication of the Tong Shu, as well as the online Tong Shu. So if we are to rely on Tong Shu alone, which version should you use? The online Tong Shu may tell you this date is good for marriage, but when you flip open a hardcopy you bought at bookshops, it may tell you otherwise!

In fact, all authentic date selections such as moving in to a new house, start of renovation etc are not selected from the Tong Shu. There are some houses facing certain directions that cannot be renovated throughout the year as it will "activate" the negative Qi if the renovation is carried out. If need to, a special date need to be selected to avoid activating the negative Qi. For eg, in 2008, if your house is facing North, you cannot move in or do any renovation to your house the whole yr, unless a special date is calculated specifically for that house, taking into account the feng shui of the house as well as the birth data of residents. But in the Tong Shu, it doesn't tell you all these and in every month, there are dates that is "good" for moving in or renovation, which if followed, is not good for the feng shui of the house.

Hope this clears up some doubts regarding the usage of Tong Shu vs Bazi in wedding dates selection as well as using the Tong Shu for choosing other auspicious dates
