Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)


Active Member
Hi Ai Ling,

12/09/2010 - Clash to Goat. Cannot use
30/10/2010 - Clash to Goat. cannot use
12/11/2010 - Does not clash to anyone
20/11/2010 - Not a good day for wedding.

Only 12th Nov is 'potentially' good. However, this is only the 1st layer of filtering. It does not guarantee a good date yet.


Active Member
Hi colin,

15th Nov is not a good day for wedding.

Hope this helps


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Thank you. Any prefered timings for serving tea and praying ancestors? Your advice please.

Thank you


New Member
HI Master Tong,

Thanks very much!
Just to clarify - the couple lambs must be light at least overnight?

Also, the morning fetch bride :
1) the timing means stepping into bride's house? or it starts from groom stepping out of car and going through the gate crashing game?

2) Is the earlier hour good? ie groom leave at 7am, reach bride at 7plus and enters brides house by 8:30am.

This is cause we went thru the timing and 9-10:59 seems tight. also our videographer needs to go off by 1pm latest.

Appreciate your kind advise.




New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Can you help to determine if 30.10.2009 is a good date for my ROM and if 30.10.2010 is ok for the chinese customary wedding cum dinner.

Groom: 31/10/1981
Bride: 31/10/1982



Active Member
Hi Kidose,

the timing i gave you is for fetch the bride and tea ceremony. The groom will have to step into bride's house at 9am, fetch her to groom's home and complete tea ceremony/praying to ancestors by 11am.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi colin,

Everyday is suitable for a purpose. I know that 15th Nov is stated as auspicious for wedding in the tong shu, BUT the purpose is not correct. There is an additional layer of filtering that should be taken into account in the tong shu but most layman or amateurs do not know of. Hence this day belongs to one of those day where the purpose is not correct. It is not an ideal day for wedding. It is hard for me to explain here without you visualising it on a real tong shu. My clients whom i've done wedding dates for will know what i mean as i've always showed them this during our meetup.

29th Nov 09 is a general tong shu auspicious date and will clash with Monkey. So long as none of you are born in yr of Monkey, you can use this general date. Note that this is a general date only. It does not guarantee an auspicious date yet as the Bazi is not taken into account.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi dreamz,

Just to clarify - the couple lambs must be light at least overnight?

>> yes that is correct. you can light overnight on the AD day.

Also, the morning fetch bride :
1) the timing means stepping into bride's house? or it starts from groom stepping out of car and going through the gate crashing game?

For 9am - 10.59am, it means the the groom will have to step into bride's house at 9am (gate crashing is before that), fetch her to groom's home and complete tea ceremony by 10.59am.

2) Is the earlier hour good? ie groom leave at 7am, reach bride at 7plus and enters brides house by 8:30am.

This is cause we went thru the timing and 9-10:59 seems tight. also our videographer needs to go off by 1pm latest.

>>You can use the 7am - 8.59am timing as well, but the 9am - 10.59am timing is better if you compare both. if you use 7am timing, the groom have to step into bride's house at 7am....(procedure same as above for 9am).

Hope this helps


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Can advise if 18th Jan 2010 is good day for Guo Da Li and 25th Jan 2010 is good day for Dowry/An chuan?

These are exactly 1 and 2 weeks from wedding date.

For An chuan, what are the must have items?



Active Member
Hi Kelvin,

30th Oct 09 is a general tong shu date for wedding and clash to Tiger, which is none of you.

30th Oct 2010 clash to Goat, which is none of you as well. However, if it is a general tong shu good dates or not, we will have to wait for it to be out before i can determine that.

fyi, an auspicous date in the tong shu does not mean the date is good for both of you. it can still be deemed inauspicious for both of you if the date is not compatible with both your Bazi.

Hope this helps.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Can I check if the below dates are suitable for wedding?
5 June 2010
20 June 2010

Groom 1978 Horse
Mum 1942 Horse
Dad 1936 Rat

Bride 1979 Goat
Mum 1944 Monkey
Dad 1948 Rat



New Member
Hi Master Tong

Below are our details:
Groom: Rooster 6 Jan
Bride: Snake 14 May

Parents animal signs: Goat, Rooster, Rabbit, Dragon

Pls advise if 18th Jan 2010 is good day for Guo Da Li and 25th Jan 2010 is good day for Dowry?

These are exactly 1 and 2 weeks from wedding date.

We will do An Chuan on 31 Jan 2010 in the morning.

For An chuan, what are the must have items?

Thanks in advance!

PS: what is the most important timing, items we should follow for an excellent marriage?


New Member
Master Tong,

Just to check with you, when finding the date to get married, we only need to check against the couple n couple's parents animal sign and bazi right?


New Member
HI Master Tong,

Just wondering if 19 Jan 2010 is good for Guo Da Li and Dowry?

If yes, please advise timing for both items.

Thanks once again. Apologise for asking so many things but you have been extremely helpful in your advises.



New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Can u advise on a good day for ROM and wedding ceremony during May and June 2010?

Groom 19th Dec 1980 Monkey

Bride 27th Sept 1983 Pig

And can i ask, if my boyfriend's brother is getting married on 10th oct 2010, is it necessary to have a 4 months gap between our weddings? Thanks alot.


Active Member
Hi Molly,

5 June 2010 does not clash to anyone.

20 June 2010 clashes to Goat and is not a good day for wedding. Avoid.

So 5th June 2010 is potentially a good date, but this is only the first layer of filtering. It does not guarantee a good date yet as the bazi is yet to be taken into consideration.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi dreamz,

Only 19th Jan 2010 is good for GDL and Dowry. the other 2 days are not. timing for GDL will be 1100hrs - 1259hrs. You can do both GDL and Dowry within these 2 hrs.

For An Chuang, it is simply alignment of the bed back to its intended direction and location. No items are required for that day. After that, you are not suppose to sleep or touch the bed till AD day.

On AD day, when you go back to your new home, then you do the customary side of the An Chuang. Basically you will put one plate of the following items on the bed (you don't have to put all if you don't want to. This is just a tradition, Even if you decide to skip this whole thing, it will NOT affect your marriage).

1. 2 oranges
2. Peanuts
3. Dried red dates
4. Dried lotus seeds
5. Dried longans
6. Sweets
7. Dried persimmons
8. A twig of pomegranate leaves
9. 2 red packets

This is my list. If your elderly have different idea, just follow theirs. There is no right or wrong answer.

After which, you will light the bedside lamp overnight and get a small little boy to roll on the bed.

All these can be done on the An Chuang day as well. But now, most people do it on AD day when it is more crowded and with the photographers etc present.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Jade,

I can't advise on general 2010 dates now as the Tong Shu is not out yet. Right now, the only way and right way to do it will be using Bazi to calculate the dates, which does not require the tong shu. Tong Shu is meant for mass consumption only and a good date in the Tong Shu may deemed inauspicious for you if the dates are not compatible with both your Bazi.

According to Chinese belief/superstition, siblings should not get married on the same year (not 4 months gap). Some "cheat" by doing it on different calendar years. If really no choice, then some do it 3 months apart. However, by right, it should be 1 year apart.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi everyone,

Thought I should post this again since the previous thread was archived. I will be holding a first ever Wedding Feng Shui Seminar on the 29th August 2009 (Saturday).

This seminar attempts to address and answer all your doubts about Chinese Wedding, Feng Shui, Bazi and Date Selections. My aim is such that at the end of this 4 hour seminar, you will leave fully prepared, knowing what to do for your wedding. You will have a clear idea what is a must to do for your wedding and what is a superstition, which if not followed, will not affect your marriage.

In addtion, I will dispel all myths about Feng Shui, and I will also share with you secrets and techniques on how to select a good Feng Shui home as well as using Palmistry and Face Reading to analyse compatiblity, character and destiny.

If you've ever been to a Feng Shui seminar before, this will be a very different experience. No preaching of crystals, jades or feng shui ornaments. In fact, you will realise that there is no 'hocus pocus' in Chinese Metaphysics. There is an explanation for everything.

For registration and a more detailed outline & synopsis of this seminar, check out David's Blog, July section, in my website at

What I've listed in my blog is just a teaser. Much more will be covered. Hope to see you there


Active Member
Hi Janice,

For wedding dates selection, I will not go into both your Bazi analysis. I will only use your Bazi to derive your wedding dates, not to analyse your marriage and compatibility. That is a separate service under Bazi Consultation.

If you are referring to Bazi Destiny Analysis consultation, then the answer is Yes and No. Compatibility is not just simply one character clash to another in a Bazi. That is way too superficial.

It also means to understand each other's character and if you can accept that type of character. For eg, if the guy has lots of Tao Hua (Romance luck) in his destiny chart, it might mean that 9/10 of his friends are all girls. To him, going out with them for dinner is normal friendship. But if his girlfriend's chart indicate that she is someone that gets jealous easily, then to her, every girl that he went out with is an affair and she cannot stand it and will get paranoid every single time. Hence, as you can see, do you think this couple will be able to get along happily? I foresee arguments and quarrels often.

The answer can also be 'No'. In Bazi Destiny analysis, it works this way. If you don't know your destiny, it will surely happen. If you know, you can change it. However, there is no miracle cure. You cannot buy crystals or jades to wear and think that it will change your destiny. I wish it could be changed that easily, but we are not living in Harry Potter movies. Changes to your destiny depends on yourself, your own actions and decisions. Feng Shui can help as well.

Hence given the above example, arguments might often result due to the girl's jealousy. If the guy is sensitive and really loves his spouse, he might go out less with his girlfriends, knowing that his spouse will get jealous easily while at the same time, the girl must also learn to be more open minded and understand that they are just friends. In this way, arguments might be lesser and they might just savage a marriage.

To sum up, it is about understanding each other and if each of you can accept the other's character. If you can't, it can be deemed incompatible with each other.

This is not a perfect example but i hope you get what i mean.

Of course for marriage analysis, it is much more complex than this. There could also be chances of extra-marital affairs happening to your other half as well. It can show in a Bazi Destiny Chart. Hence, even if both of you are compatible, it doesn't mean this will not occur as this goes beyond compatibility...

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I just got hold of the 2010 Tong Shu today. It is out early this year. So if any of you who are just after general Tong Shu dates for wedding for 2010 (I still recommend you get it calculated using Bazi though as that is the accurate and right way to do so), you can post here.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Me and my bf are planning to get married in 2011. both of us are born in dog year. but my parents are born in dragon. i heard ppl said that we can't offer tea to my parents. is that true?

if we offer tea, they must not be seated down.
can you pls advise?? thanks


New Member
Hi Master Tong, thanks for the example of bazi incompatibility. May I ask, is there really cases of fatal incompatibility bazi? like the bride has "ke fu ming" like we see in the shows? or is this plain superstitious? If there's such a thing and since destiny depends on ourselves, is this avoidable?

if bazi is incompatible and since next year is year of tiger, will there still be possibility of having a good date? will the choices be very limited?

Thank you!


Active Member
Hi Agnes,

That is not true. I am assuming they said that coz your are born in Dog yr and your parents are born in Dragon year? In bazi, Dog and Dragon clashes, but that is used for Bazi Destiny Analysis, not in tea ceremony! What if both of you are born in different years and both your parents are in different years as well? Then with your 4 parents (2 from each side) and 2 of you, there are a total of 6 different animal signs. Isn't the chances of clashing is very high? Isn't it that most of the time during tea ceremony, most parents will have to stand?

Actually this is the first time I heard of this and i rest assure you this is not true and has no basis in it.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi RoseQuartz,

Yes. In some Bazi, the wife will bring bad luck to the husband, and vice versa. This means after marriage, the luck will be worse than before marriage.

There are also Bazi of children that brings bad luck to the parents or grandparents too. This means that after the child is born, the luck of the parents will go down, either the business of the parents go bankrupt (in serious cases), or one of the parents pass away not long after the child is born, or one of the grandparents pass away, or the child cannot get along with the parents.

This is true like what you saw in movies.

In terms of marriage, such as spouse bringing bad luck to each other, this is very very difficult to avoid or change. Whether if it can be done depends on the Bazi and the nature of the problem that causes it.

Incompatibility of Bazi has nothing to do with Tiger year. Date selection and Destiny Analysis using Bazi are 2 different things

Hope this helps


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Hope to seek your advice on this

My bf and I hope to ROM in dec 2009 or Jan 2010

we are looking at 6/12/09 or 23/1/10

Groom: Yr of Dog
Groom's Father: deceased
Groom's Mother: Yr of Pig

Bride: Yr of Pig
Bride's Father: Yr of Snake
Bride's Mother: Yr of Rooster

Are both dates ok?

Say if I wish to do it on 23/1/10, is there a specific timing i should adhere to or to avoid?

We are very curious if we are suitable to hold our customary in 2010 which is year of tiger. Do you think it might affect us? or is 2011 a better choice


Active Member
Hi Amelyn,

Both of these dates clash to Rabbit, and none of you are born in year of the Rabbit, so it is ok. (this is in terms of general tong shu good dates only. Bazi is not taken into account yet so this is not guarantee to be a good date specifically for both of you. A good date in the tong shu can still deemded inauspicious for both of you if the date is not compatible with both your Bazi).

For 23rd Jan, the timing for ROM will be 1100hrs - 1259hrs

To see if 2010 or 2011 is better for marriage, the whole Bazi will be have to be taken into consideration, not just the year of birth alone.

Hope this helps


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

With the 2010 Tong Shu, could you advise if the following dates suitable for wedding generally.

21 Nov 2010
28 Nov 2010
11 Dec 2010
18 Dec 2010

Bride: Rooster(1981)
Bride's dad: Dog (1946)
Bride's mum: Rat (1948)

Groom: Sheep (1980)
Groom's dad: dragon (1952)
Groom's mum: sheep (1956)

Thank you


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Based on Tongshu, are these 2 dates 30 Oct 2010 and 31 Oct 2010 general good dates for marriage (ROM/AD)?

Thank U!!!


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Hope to seek your advice on this

We intend to hv ROM & Customary Wedding to be held on the same day.

We are looking at 8th July 2011.

Groom: Rooster (1981)
Groom's Father: Snake (1953)
Groom's Mother: Pig (1959)

Bride: Rat (1984)
Bride's Father: Rabbit (1951)
Bride's Mother: Horse (1954)

Is the date ok?


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Reference to my earlier posting. We have 1 more special date i.e. 4th Oct 2011. For your advice pls.

Many Thanks.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Please advise if the following dates are suitable for customary dinner.

5 Sept 2010
12 Sept 2010
19 Sept 2010
26 Sept 2010

Groom: Horse
Groom's Dad: Sheep
Groom's Mum: Horse

Bride: Sheep
Bride's Dad: Dog
Bride's Mum: Snake

Thank you!!


Active Member
Hi hellogirl,

Here are the analysis for your dates:

21 Nov 2010 - Not a general tong shu wedding date
28 Nov 2010 - Clash to Rat. Avoid this day.
11 Dec 2010 - Not a good day for wedding
18 Dec 2010 - General tong shu good day for wedding. Doesn't clash to any one (clash to Monkey).

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Ctrus,

The tong shu for 2011 will only be out next year this time, hence i can't check for you if it is a general good tong shu day for wedding. The only way to select dates for 2011 now is using Bazi to select the dates, which is the correct method.

However, 8th July happens to clash to Horse, which is bride's mum,so not advisable to use.

4th October is a bad day for wedding. Avoid using this day.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi Snail00,

Here are the analysis for your dates:

5 Sept 2010 - 7th lunar mth. Avoid this day.
12 Sept 2010 - Clash to Goat (bride). Cannot use.
19 Sept 2010 - Very bad day for wedding. Avoid.
26 Sept 2010 - Very bad day for wedding. Avoid.

Hence none of these dates can be used.

Hope this helps


New Member
Hi Again Master Tong,

Thank you so much for the response to my messages to you. Here i am again asking for your guidance in regards to our decision of me and my Fiance on planning our wedding next year but no defenite month and date yet. We would to know what would be the suitable month for our wedding day.

Here is the list of our birthday and our parents too.

Bride : July 08, 1973
Father of the Bride : February 06, 1944
Mother of the Bride : August 25, 1952

Groom : September 30, 1963
Father of the Groom : February 13, 1943
Mother of the Groom : December 21, 1944 (deceased)

Would be very happy to hear from you soon. Thank you again.

We are thankful because you are there to help us in finding a suitable date for the wedding for all those who are planning.

Again thank you so much.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Bride: Rooster
Groom: Goat
I don't have the parents' animal signs.

We would be happy to just know if these 2 dates (30 Oct 2010 and 31 Oct 2010) are general good dates for wedding based on Tongshu.

Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks
Hi Master Tong,

I would like to hold my customary between Oct 2010 - Mar 2011 (weekends), can you advise us the general good dates for wedding base on Tongshu

Groom: Monkey (1980)
Groom's dad: Rat (1948)
Groom's mum: Dragon (1952)

Bride: Dog (1983)
Bride's dad: Goat (1955)
Bride's mum: Ox (1961)



New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Hope to seek your advice.

Groom: Goat (1979)
Mother of Groom: Rooster
Father of Groom: Snake

Bride: Dragon (1976)
Parents: Deceased.

My in laws had set our dates to be in April 2010.

15th April 2010 is for the Dowry and 19th April 2010 is for the wedding ceremony. However, I am concerned if the 2 dates fall during qing ming. And that it will be very bad luck.

Pls help me check?

Thank you very much.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

My fiance and I are trying to plan out 2010 wedding but can't book anything since we don't have a date. Our parents are very strict about finding a "good day" and I read from the posts that the 2010 tong shu is out now. Can you advise what days are generally good for wedding in august and september of 2010?

Thank you!
