Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Can you please advise if my AD date is ok on 19 Nov 2009?

Me - Pig
Husband - Snake

Husband's dad - Dragon
Husband's mum - Goat
Husband's paternal grandma - Rooster (lives together)

My dad - Rooster
My mum - Rabbit

Can you please also advise the auspicious time for my husband to fetch me and the animal to avoid? Lastly, is the Rabbit year a good year for us to give birth?

Thank you! Really appreciates your time and efforts.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Can you pls advise if my AD date is ok on 30 May 2010?

Bride - Cow
Groom - Pig

Bride's mum - Cow
Bride's dad - Monkey

Groom's deceased mum - Horse
Groom's step mother - Rooster
Groom's father - Monkey

Please also let me know the auspicious time for my husband to fetch me and the animals we need to avoid on that day.

Thanks for your help!
hi master tong,
as you mentioned, the tong shu for 2010 is not out yet, so you are calculating for all the ladies whether their animal match those possible wedding dates?
or are you back calculating bazi with those dates?
i mean, those dates that are not compatible are based on bazi? or the tong shu? or general lunar calendar which is easily available?



Active Member
Hi indri,

As much as i want to help you in the area of general good dates, the Tong Shu is not out yet, so i will not know or be able to select general Tong Shu auspicious date for wedding for 2010 yet. Right now, the only way and also the right and accurate way of doing it will be using Bazi to select dates. FYI, a date reflected auspicious in the Tong Shu may still be bad for both of you if the date chosen is not compatible wtih both your Bazi.

As for Bazi wedding dates selection, it is part of my consultation service to my clients, hence i can't provide it here free in the forum or it will be unfair to my clients who paid for my service. Hope you understand.

If you have any particular date in mind, just post it here. I can advise you if it is a bad day as there are some days that are definitely bad and cannot be used for marriage; and some days that will clash to either of you or your parents, so cannot be used as well.


Active Member

Bazi is based on the birthday and time of birth. Birthday alone you provided is NOT Bazi. In the forum, I cannot perform Bazi calculation for wedding dates as this is part of my consultation service, or it will be unfair to my clients. Hope you understand. What i can do in the forum for 2010 dates is just to help you check those dates don't clash to the couple or your parents and if it is a definite bad date.

For your dates:

15 May 2010 - Don't clash to anyone
22 May 2010 - Bad day for wedding
5 June 2010 - Don't clash to anyone
12 June 2010 - Clash to Boar, cannot use
19 June 2010 - Bad day for wedding
26 June 2010 - Bad day for wedding

Hence only those days that don't clash are 'potentially' good dates. However, note that they are not good auspicious dates yet. The Bazi will have to be matched in order to know if it is good or bad. It can still be bad if it don't match your bazi. If you are only after a general Tong Shu date, I can only check for you after the tong Shu is out next in Jul/Aug period.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi machappymeal,

21 August 2010 - This day falls into the 7th lunar mth
4 Dec 2010 - This date is not a good day for wedding

Yes there is a certain animal sign that must hide when the groom arrives and when the bride reach the groom's home. And that sign depends on the day chosen.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi pinky,

You are welcome


Active Member
Hi hazelzen,

This day don't clash to anyone and this is a general Tong Shu auspicious date for wedding. This is in general only. We didn't take into account the Bazi part yet which can override the auspiciousness of the general Tong Shu good day.

Auspicious time for fetch teh bride will be 0900hrs - 1059hrs.

As for whether if Rabbit yr is good year to give birth or not, we have to look into the whole Bazi (birthday and time of birth). Based on animal sign alone, there is no way to tell if it is good or bad.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Virtual,

30th May 2010 is not an ideal date for wedding. Have you book the banquet? If you haven't book, i will advise you to change to a better date if possible.

The animal to avoid wil be Dog. Auspicious time will be 0900hrs - 1059hrs

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi eve,

In this forum, i can only advise general Tong Shu auspicious date for wedding, NOT the Bazi calculation of wedding dates coz this is part of my consultation service and it will be unfair to my clients who had paid for my service if i offer them here.

For all the 2009 dates, i checked using the Tong Shu.

For all 2010 dates, the Tong Shu is not out yet. What i can only adivse in the forum is to check against a certain date you state does not clash to the couple or the parents. And for some days, it is a definite bad day for wedding. If your stated date falls into this day, i will let you know.

By right, all dates ,whether 2009 or 2010 dates, must be checked against the bazi to make sure the date selected is compatible with the Bazi to ensure that day is a truly auspicious day. If the date does not fit the Bazi, even if the Tong Shu says "Auspicious for Wedding", it can still be deemed as inauspicious for you.

Hope this clears your doubts


New Member
Hi Master Tong, thanks for your prompt reply.

Can you please advise if 16 May 2010, 23 May 2010 or 6 June 2010 would be better for us?

Thanks for your help!


New Member
Master Tong,

I would like to know if there are any auspicious date in Jan 2010 for customary wedding.

We are looking at all the saturdays in Jan 2010, namely

2 Jan
9 Jan
16 Jan
23 Jan
30 Jan

Bride: 4 November 1978, Horse
Groom: 4 February 1978, Snake

Our parent's animal zodiac signs
Bride's mum: Dragon
Bride's dad: Rat

Groom's mum: Ox
Grooms's dad: deceased

Thank you in advance


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

I would like to enquire if the bride is allow to receive the groom at the gate because I dun intend to have any xiong dis and jie meis so I would like to receive him at the gate by myself instead of the usual in the room. Many thanks in advance!


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Thanks for your advise previously! Just wondering the following few questions:

1. If I'm having my ROM in Oct can I still attend my friends' wedding (customary and dinner) in Nov and Dec respectively? They had their ROM in Nov last year and Jun 2009 respectively already. Will ROM and customary still considered crash? I won't be having my tea ceremony and customary during my ROM.

2. My HTB and I decides on either 19 sept 09 or 08 Oct 09. Is this a good date for us? Any other dates in Sep/Oct which is consider good for us based on our zodiacs? Our details as follows:

Bride - Rat (Jan 1985)
Groom - Dog (1982)

Bride's Dad - Horse (1954)
Bride's Mum - Goat (1955)

Groom's Dad - Horse (1954)
Groom's Mum - Rat (1960)

Please advise, thanks!
thanks master tong for your reply.

u mentioned "For all 2010 dates, the Tong Shu is not out yet. What i can only adivse in the forum is to check against a certain date you state does not clash to the couple or the parents. And for some days, it is a definite bad day for wedding. If your stated date falls into this day, i will let you know."

so these definite bad days are not overwritable by bazi? or are you kind enough to check our 6 zi and parents' animals and when you say it's bad, means it clashes with our 6 zi and parents' animals?

thanks again.


Active Member
Hi Virtual,

To answer your qns:

16 May 2010 - Clash to Rooster, cannot use.
23 May 2010 - Does not clash to anyone
6 June 2010 - Does not clash to anyone

Hence only 23/5 and 6/6 are 'potential' good dates only. Whether the date is good or bad still depends on both your bazi.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Wendy Yong,

For your dates:

2 Jan - Clash to Horse. Not advisable to use.
9 Jan - Very Bad day for wedding. Not advisable to use.
16 Jan - Not a good day for wedding. Not advisable to use.
23 Jan - Does not clash to anyone. General good Tong Shu date for wedding.
30 Jan - Does not clash to anyone. Not a general Tong Shu auspicious date for wedding.

Only 23 Jan is a general good Tong Shu date for wedding.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi autumncandy,

To answer your qns:

1. If I'm having my ROM in Oct can I still attend my friends' wedding (customary and dinner) in Nov and Dec respectively? They had their ROM in Nov last year and Jun 2009 respectively already. Will ROM and customary still considered crash? I won't be having my tea ceremony and customary during my ROM.

(My answer) According to chinese beliefs, 3 mths before and after your wedding, you should not attend other people's wedding, funerals or childbirth. In your case, you are having your ROM and ROM is the day both of you officially and legally become husband and wife. Hence, you should not attend other people's wedding within 3 mths after your ROM. this is a chinese belief, not part of chinese metaphysics.

2. My HTB and I decides on either 19 sept 09 or 08 Oct 09. Is this a good date for us? Any other dates in Sep/Oct which is consider good for us based on our zodiacs? Our details as follows:

Bride - Rat (Jan 1985)
Groom - Dog (1982)

Bride's Dad - Horse (1954)
Bride's Mum - Goat (1955)

Groom's Dad - Horse (1954)
Groom's Mum - Rat (1960)

(My answer)

19 sept 09 - Very bad day for wedding
08 Oct 09 - Does not clash to anyone. General tong shu auspicious good date for wedding.

You can use these few other dates - 3/10, 13/10, 18/10, 25/10, 30/10

Hope this helps


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

I will like to check which Saturdays from May 2010 to Dec 2010 does not clash with my HTB, his parents, parents and me. =)

Groom: Goat
Groom's Father: Snake
Groom's Mother: Monkey

Bride: Rooster
Bride's Father: Horse
Bride's Mother: Dog

Also, does 25 Sep 2010 clash with any of us?

Thanks a lot!!


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

My bf and I (both Dog) wish to ROM on 2010. And it is possible to let us know if 12 Mar 2010 clash with any animal and is it generally a good day for marriage?

Am I right to say that we also need to choose a good timing for ROM as well?

Thank You.


New Member
hi Master Tong

will be be able to advise the timing for fetching the bride? I already got my date set but did not find out the timing. please advise what details you need. tks


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

I would like to check does below dates clash with my HTB, his parents, parents and me. Ok for wedding date?

Groom: Snake
Groom's Father: Snake
Groom's Mother: Deceased

Bride: Rooster
Bride's Father: Horse
Bride's Mother: Monkey

08 May 2010
30 May 2010
05 June 2010
20 June 2010
26 June 2010



New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Both me and my HTB has decided on our wedding banquet to be on the 17 July 2010. Would you be able to advice if such a date is a good day for us?

Below are my parent's and my HTB parent's zodiac:

Bride: Ox (25 August 1985)
Bride's parents: Mouse and Monkey

Groom: Monkey (3 Feb 1981)
Groom's Parents: Goat and Goat

Appreciate you help. Thanks!!!


Active Member
Hi SaSa,

25/9/10 clash to Monkey, hence not advisable to use.

You might want to list the dates you are looking at coz there are too many Saturdays between those months and even if some of the Sats don't clash, it might not be a good day etc.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi vitamincc18,

Month breaker means the day that clash with the month. And Year breaker means the day that clash with the year. These days are bad days and should be avoidded for marriage purpose.

There are basically way too many of such days in a year, so i can't list them all here. In any case, if you notice sometimes i will say "Very bad for wedding" for a particular date, one of the reason is that it hit either a month or year breaker day. So if anyone of your dates hit such a day, not to worry. I will let you know. These are no-no dates by the way...


Active Member
Hi Joyce,

Yes you can post your AD date here. I can give you the timing based on the date. By right, whoever gave you the date should give you the timing as well. All wedding dates MUST come with the relevant auspicious timing. If not, a bad timing could render the auspicious day useless.


Active Member
Hi minttychoco,

Here are the analysis-

08 May 2010 - Not a good day for wedding
30 May 2010 - Not a good day for wedding
05 June 2010 - Does not clash to anyone
20 June 2010 - Not a good day for wedding
26 June 2010 - Not a good day for wedding

Only 5/6/2010 does not clash to anyone. Note that it is not deemded to be an auspicious date yet as the Bazi has yet to be taken into consideration.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Anne,

This day clash to Dog, which is none of you.

Note that this is not considered to be an auspicious date yet as the Bazi has yet to be taken into account. It only ensures this day don't clash to anyone.

Hope this helps


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Thanks for your reply.

May I check if the following dates are good for wedding and if it clashes with any animals:

1) 26 Feb 2010
2) 5 Mar 2010
3) 19 Mar 2010
4) 26 Mar 2010

Both my bf and myself are both from the dog year

Thank You


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

I saw from one of your posts that the zodiac, Monkey is advised not to get married in tiger year. May I know what's the reason behind it? And if we (Monkey and Rooster) use Baizi to find a good date in the tiger year, can it overcome the fact that it's not good for Monkey? Please advise. Thanks in advance!


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

I saw the answers to some of my queries from the earlier posts. However, I am still curious to find out what are the negative impacts if Monkey still get married in tiger year? I think year 2011 (rabbit) clashes with rooster, which means I could not get married in 2011 too. May I know what is your advise, please? Thanks.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Thank you for your help. How about 18 Dec 2010 or 8 Jan 2011? Will the date be suitable for us?

Bride: Pig
Bride's parents: Tiger and Rabbit

Groom: Horse
Groom's Parents: Tiger and Rooster


New Member
Thanks Master Tong.. Wah so many dates also not good.. how about 20 March 2010?

Groom: Snake
Groom's Father: Snake
Groom's Mother: Deceased

Bride: Rooster
Bride's Father: Horse
Bride's Mother: Monkey


Active Member
Hi Sasa,

17 April 2010 - Does not clash to anyone.
23 Oct 2010 - Does not clash to anyone
29 May 2010 - Clash to Rooster, not advisable to use.
13 Nov 2010 - Clash to Rooster, not advisable to use.
18 Dec 2010 - Clash to Monkey, not advisable to use.

Those dates that don't clash cannot be defined as auspicious yet. It can only be deemed as auspicious if the date fits the Bazi.

In terms of general good dates only, the Tong Shu will only be out next mth or Aug, so i will only be able to help you check when it is out.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi ysl,

1) 26 Feb 2010 - Clash to Ox
2) 5 Mar 2010 - Clash to Monkey
3) 19 Mar 2010 - Not a good day for wedding
4) 26 Mar 2010 - CLash to Snake

Hence if any of the dates clashes to your parents (as i don't know their animal sign), that day cannot be used.

For those dates that doesn't clash, it cannot be defined as auspicious yet. It can only be deemed as auspicious if the date fits the Bazi.

Hope this helps


Active Member

Yes those born in the year of the Monkey are not advisable to get married in Tiger yr. This is the first rule of wedding date selection. Coz in Bazi, Tiger and Monkey clashes. And any clashes to the year has the greatest impact.

Bazi wedding date selection can only help if you really want to get married in tiger year, but cannot overcome the fact that it clashes.

Even if you go by very general Tong Shu date selection, when you open up the Tong Shu for 2010, you will realise every single day throughout the yr, the Monkey sign is deemed as inauspicious.

Therefore, as you can see, no matter which method you use, it is still not advisable.

The negative impact is that it will bring bad luck to your marriage, and also things may not be so smooth on your wedding day. How bad luck it is will of course depends on your Bazi, whereby the severity and level is different for everyone.

Yes you are right. If one of you are born in Monkey yr and the other Rooster yr, then the next best yr to get married is the Dragon year, which is year 2012.

If this is the case, the next best alternative will be to ROM in 2009 and AD in either 2010 or 2011 (IF you really really really have to do it in 2010 or 2011!!!). At least the ROM, which is the important day where both of you are husband and wife legally, falls on a good yr and day. This is just an alternative. I still prefer to do everything in 2012 (if possible).

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi Bubblygirl,

18 Dec 2010 - Does not clash to anyone
8 Jan 2011 - Does not clash to anyone

Remember as stated in my previous thread, these dates are not deemed auspicious yet, just that it doesn't clashes.

Hope this helps
