Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)


Active Member
Hi Hershey,

Here it goes:

Feb14 - First day of CNY.

Mar14 - Clash to Snake. Not advisable to use.

Apr25 - Not a good date for wedding

May9 - Does not clash to anyone.

May23 - Does not clash to anyone.

Hence, only 9/5 and 23/5 does not clash to anyone if you wish to consider those dates.


Active Member
Hi Jing,

Here it is:

10 Sep 2010 - Doesn't clash to anyone
11 Sep 2010 - Doesn't clash to anyone
12 Sep 2010 - Doesn't clash to anyone
13 Sep 2010 - Doesn't clash to anyone
18 Sep 2010 Doesn't clash to anyone

All your dates don't clash


Active Member
Hi Renee,

This date clash to bride's father, which is Dragon. If you haven't book the banquet, then not advisable to use this date.

Why is it that your sis cannot be around for gatecrashing? On this day, those born in the year of the Dragon should not be around for gatecrashing, not Tiger!


Active Member
Hi Lynne,

Here it is:

22 June 09 - Doesn't clash to anyone. And is a general good day for wedding. Can use.
19 Sept 09 - Very bad day for wedding
20 Sept 09 - Clash to Dog. Not advisable to use


Active Member
Hi Ann,

Only both your animal signs and your parents' are required. Siblings animal signs are not necessary.

05/03/2011 - This date don't clash to anyone
21/05/2011 - Not a good day for wedding.


Active Member
Hi Yuzu,

It is a chinese tradition to light the An Chuang lamp on the AD day and normally you have to light it overnight till the next day. There is no need for any timing for this. Normally you will do it together as part of the traditional part of the An Chuang process during the AD day.

I cannot say it is a must to do it. It is just our chinese tradition to do it during wedding. In the olden days, candles are used. Now it is battery operated. And furthermore, by right, both of you should sleep on the bed for the AD night after the An Chuang lamps are lighted. But now, we have 1 or 2 nights free stay in our banquet hotel...

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi mml,

Yes it is a general good date for ROM/AD. It clash to Monkey on that day. As long as none of you are born in yr of monkey, it can be used as a general wedding date.


Active Member
Hi Jing,

This is the revised analysis to include the animals signs you miss out:

10 Sep 2010 - Clash to Snake. Cannot use.
11 Sep 2010 - Doesn't clash to anyone
12 Sep 2010 - Clash to Goat. Cannot use.
13 Sep 2010 - Doesn't clash to anyone
18 Sep 2010 Doesn't clash to anyone

ROM is more important than AD day. This is the day both of you are officially husband and wife. AD day is just a customary practice (unless both ROM and AD same day).


New Member
Thanks Master Tong!

But just curious is it not advisable to marry on the 1st day of chinese new year Feb14? They say number 4 is not a good number but since its valentines too it would be nice to have it on the 14th. *sigh* didn't expect that deciding wedding dates would be this stressful...


New Member
Thank you Master Tong.

As I have ROMed, the AD date is mainly for customary purposes, right ?

On the 3 dates that was mentioned, does it means 20 Sept cannot be use as AD date ?

Would there be any dates in Sept 09 (after the lunar 7th month) that I can use for my AD ?

Thanks alot


New Member
hi Master Tong..

I read in some book that a Kitchen should never be located in the NorthWest Direction of a house as it will affect the male especially breadwinner of the house.

Is this true ?


New Member
hi master tong,
u mean an chuang is on AD? i thought it can be a couple of days before the AD? ya.. that is my concern as ours is lunch banquet and we do have a night stay at the hotel. the bed must be new so cannot bring 2 lamps and use the hotel bed to dai ti right? (guess i'm just trying my luck.. lol..) unless we go back to our matrimonial home after the banquet to an chuang and on the light. can that be done? confused..


New Member
by the way, can i do a double check, would you be able to advise what are the animal clashes on 6 dec 2009? thanks lots master tong!


New Member
Thank you Master Tong! However, we have booked the banquet.. is there anyway we can go abt doing it? this date is chosen by a temple which my mum frequent.. can we jus ask my dad to hide in his room until the gatecrashing is over? Please kindly advise..


New Member
Hi Master Tong, thanks for ur reply. I read on the previous post that the ROM day is more important than the AD day as it is the day when couples legalised their marriage. Just out of curiousity, was 1st May 09 a good day for marriage?

Groom: 28 Nov 1983, Pig
Father: 16 May 1955, Sheep
Mother: 3 Dec 1957, Rooster

Bride: 12 oct 1983, Pig
Father: 29 april 1953, Snake
Mother: 12 sep 1958, Dog


New Member
Thanks Master Tong!

Could I ask what are the animals that clash for 11, 13 and 18 Sep 2010?

Could I also ask if it's advisable to have my tea ceremony on 11 Sep 9 - 11am, followed by ROM n banquet on 13 Sep 6 - 11pm?


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

On the AD, do we have to follow the auspicious timing when we fetch the bride or enter our new hse or enter the groom's hse? Please advise me.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

I was thinking of holding my annual dinner in the weekends 4-5/12/2010, 11-12/12/2010, 18-19/12/2010 or 8-9/01/2011.
Could i ask whether are these good dates?

Groom: Dog, 28/04/1982
Dad: Goat
Mum: Goat

Bride: Rat, 22/06/1984
Dad: Snake
Mum: Monkey



Active Member
Hi Hershey,

It is not the No.4 that is inauspicious. In Chinese Metaphysics, we don't see Number 4 as inauspicious. I can choose a very good Feng Shui house with the door no. 444 or a good flat on the 4th floor with door no. #04-44. Similarly, I can also find a very bad feng shui house with the door no. 888 or flat on 8th floor with door no #08-88. Considering No.4 as inauspicious is purely superstition.

As far as I know, after selecting so many wedding dates for couples, no one has ever did it on the 1st day of the lunar new year. And to be frank, i don't think many people will want to attend your wedding as well since everyone is busy and has to go to visit relatives etc. And not forgetting that if they go to your wedding, your relatives not only have to give you Ang Baos, they have to give to the rest of the relatives' kids as well! They will be very broke
This is the practical pt of view why most people don't hold wedding on Lunar New Year period.

From the superstition point of view, some elderly thinks that by doing it in the first lunar month is "got start, no finish" (You Tou Mei Wei). No good for the couple. But as i mentioned, this is the superstition side of the story.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Lynne,

Yes you are right. 20/9 cannot be used for AD since it clashes.

For Sept 09, you can use the following dates for your AD: 29/9 & 30/9. These are general good dates (not specifically good for you but in general only) and don't clash to any of you. 29th clash to Goat and 30th clash to Monkey.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi brand new me,

That is not exactly true. Why the book says that is because Northwest sector is considered the "Qian" gua in Feng Shui, which represents the breadwinner and is of the metal element. Having a stove there (fire element) will counter the metal element of that sector, hence affecting the male breadwinner. This is also known as "Fire Burning The Heavenly Gate" formation. BUT this is only one side of the story. It DOES NOT mean bad yet.

It will only be bad if the Qi where the stove is positioned and facing is also bad and have such a "Fire Burning The Heavenly Gate" formation. And to determine that, you will need to have an in-depth knowledge of the Flying Stars system of Feng Shui.

Normally this will cause health problems to the breadwinner, esp. lungs/respiratory system or head related problems such as poor memory, lost in memory, head tumor, constant migraines/headaches etc. Children in the house may also be rebellious and naughty and have a bad relationship or family disharmony with the father.

Therefore, if your stove falls in the NW sector, don't be alarmed yet coz there is still a 50-50 chances it will be good


Active Member
Hi Yuzu,

There are 2 ways to do the An Chuang. The traditional way will be few days to fews weeks before the AD day. You do all the An Chuang stuffs on this day. But now, most people will do the shifting of the bed (the actual An Chuang process) few days before the AD and do the traditional part on the AD day itself coz there are photographers around and more crowded on that day. The traditional part means lighting of the lamps and getting a small boy to jump on the bed.

If you are doing lunch, then do your An Chuang (everything) few days before. It will be easier that way and save you lots of hassles.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi Renee,

If the date is fixed and cannot be changed, then the only way is to ask your dad to hide in the room and avoid the gate crashing. Though minimal effect, but better than nothing is done


Active Member
Hi Jing,

For the animal signs that clash, here they are:

11/09/2010 - Horse
13/09/2010 - Monkey
18/09/2010 - Ox

I don't know if 11/9 or 13/9 will be a general good day when the Tong Shu is out. Hence, i can only answer you from the perspective that this is a day that doesn't clash to anyone of you (unless you take both Bazi into account).

Tea ceremony on 11/09 must be done either 5am - 7am or 1pm - 3pm. I know the timing is not good, but for this day, the 7am - 9am, 9am - 11am, and 11am - 1pm timing are all not good.

ROM at 6pm is ok (assuming day is good).

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi eteo,

For your AD day, the auspicious timing (eg 9am to 11am) will be for the groom to step into the bride's house at 9am, fetch her to the groom's parents' home, and complete the tea ceremony to his parents by 11am. After which, going back to new house or to bride's parent's home for tea ceremony is not within the timing.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi DT,

I can't advise you if these are good dates as the Bazi needs to be taken into account. For general good date, we have to wait till the tong shu is out.

For the dates you mentioned,

4/12/2010 - Not gd day for wedding
5/12/2010 - Clash to goat. Cannot use
11/12/2010 - Not gd day for wedding.
12/12/2010 - Very bad day for all acitvities
18/12/2010 - Clash to Monkey. Cannot use
19/12/2010 - Doesn't clash to anyone
8/01/2011 - Clash to snake, cannot use
9/01/2011 - Not a good day for wedding.

Hence, out of all these dates, only 19/12 doesn't clash to anyone and is not a bad day. But be reminded that whether if it is a good day specifically good for both of you or not will have to take your BAzi into account.

Hope this helps.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Thank you for your reply,

I realised i made a mistake in the previous post,
My mom is born in the year of the Monkey,1944

So is 29Nov09 still ok for a wedding date?
Is we were to proceed with the date? is it advisabl? What can we do make it auscipious to both us and my mom?

Also, what would be a good timing for the ROM to start?

Groom - Rooster 1969
Bride - Dog 1982

groom mom - dragon 1940

bride mom - monkey 1944
bride dad - rat 1948

Thank you so much in advance!


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Could you advise us on the dates for ROM in the year of 2010? Heard that Monkey cannot get married in 2010 is it true?

Groom: Monkey 1980
Bride: Rooster 1981

Groom's Father : Rat 1948
Groom's Mother : Goat 1955

Bride's Father : Snake 1953
Bride's Mother : Horse 1954

Thanks alot ....


New Member
Thanks Master Tong for your advice. it helps lots!

but when we say clash, the most important part is morning part when the bride is leaving the house right? (in my case morning 7am-9am) which means those with rabbit horoscope must not be around during the auspicious time but can be around after i entered the groom's house? (or else i cannot invite guests with rabbit sign?


New Member
Thanks Master Tong for your valuable information.

In this case, could I check if it's okie to have my tea ceremony on 13 Sep 9-11 am? Thanks!


New Member
Thanks Master Tong for your advise. I'll really appreciate it.

btw, one last question as i am having a hard time booking reservations how about feb13,20, 28 and mar 13, 21, 27, 28 2010?

Thanks! Thanks!


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

It is advisable for Monkey to get married in 2010? We are looking at Oct 2010, any good dates advisable for wedding?

Groom: Monkey 1980
Bride: I'm a Jan 1980 baby. Not sure if it considered Goat or Monkey.. Would you be able to advise?

Groom's Father : Snake
Groom's Mother : Monkey

Bride's Father : Goat
Bride's Mother : Cow

Thanks alot ....


Active Member
Hi mml,

This day will clash to Monkey, hence not advisable to use. This is the Qi governing the day. You cannot make the day auspicious.

ROM timing will be 9am - 11am. There are no good timing for lunch and high tea for this day.

BUT, given a choice, this is not an advisable day to use since it will clash with your mum.


Active Member
Hi blu3blu3,

Yes you are right. Those born in Monkey yr are not advisable to get married in 2010.

As much as i want to help you in the area of general good dates, the Tong Shu is not out yet, so i will not know or be able to select general Tong Shu auspicious date for wedding for 2010 yet. Right now, the only way and also the right and accurate way of doing it will be using Bazi to select dates. FYI, a date reflected auspicious in the Tong Shu may still be bad for both of you if the date chosen is not compatible wtih both your Bazi.

As for Bazi wedding dates selection, it is part of my consultation service to my clients, hence i can't provide it here free in the forum or it will be unfair to my clients who paid for my service. Hope you understand.

If you have any particular date in mind, just post it here. I can advise you if it is a bad day as there are some days that are definitely bad and cannot be used for marriage; and some days that will clash to either of you or your parents, so cannot be used as well.


Active Member
Hi Yuzu,

Clash means that when the groom go and fetch the bride, those animal signs that clash will have to hide in the kitchen or bedroom first. They cannot "confront" or play games with the groom. After the groom step in, then they can come out. When the bride goes to the groom's home, it is the same procedure. Some even practice it down to the level where the little boy that open the car door, the one driving the bridal car and the "xiong di" and "jie mei" all cannot be the animal sign that clash with the day.

So if any HTB are reading this thread, choose a day where it clashes to all the "jie mei", then there is no need to "play games"

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi Jing,

9am - 11am is a good timing for that day. you can use this timing.

But 13th Sep is NOT guaranteed to be a general good day or a good day selected using Bazi. This is only a day where it doesn't clash to anyone. So I can't advise if it is a good day to use. If you are not going to do it via the Bazi method, you might have to wait for the Tong Shu to be out, then i will be able to advise you if this is a general good date.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Hi Hershey,

feb 13 - CNY eve...don't think anyone will turn up

feb 20 - Not a good day for wedding
feb 28 - Not a good day for wedding
mar 13 - Not a good day for wedding
mar 21 - Clash to Rat, cannot be used
mar 27 - Doesn't clash to anyone
mar 28 - Clash to Goat, cannot be used

Hence only Mar 27 seems decent, though not guaranteed to be a good date yet. But doesn't clash to anyone. Will clash to Horse on this day.


Active Member
Hi Aisle,

You are born in the year of the Goat

Not advisable for those born in year of Monkey to get married in 2010. Since you want to do it in Oct 2010, why not wait a few more months and do it in 2011? Since you haven't book your banquet, there is still a chance to choose


New Member
Hi David,

Wow. This seems to be a very active forum. Just wondering out of curiousity, which is a better day for Marriage? 20/09/2009 or 21/09/2009?
Is so, what are the general auspicious timing for the chosen above date too?

Below are my details:
Groom: Rabbit, 07/08/1975
Bride: Monkey, 23/09/1980

Groom's Father : Dragon
Groom's Mother : Horse
Bride's Father : Horse
Bride's Mother : Monkey

Hear from you soon. Cheers!


New Member
Thanks Master Tong.

My AD is 4th July.May I know what is the auspicious timing to fetch the bride and do the tea ceremony? I will doing wedding lunch in hotel, I hope the good timing is not too rush...

Bride: Rooster
Groom's father:pig
Groom's mother:Rat
Bride's father:pig
Bride's mother: Ox
