Hi Master Tong,
We wish to check is there any good date for our solemisation & wedding lunch together in 2018?
Bride:1987 (Rabbit)
Bride Mum:1963 (Rabbit)
Bride Dad:1964 (Dragon)
Bride sis:1984 (Rat)
Bride bro-in-law:1982 (Dog)
Bride nephew: 2014 (Horse)
Bride sis: 1991 (Sheep)
Bride bro-in-law: 1988 (Dragon)
Bride sis: 1998 (Tiger)
Groom: 1984 (Rat)
Groom. Mum: 1952 (Dragon)
Groom Dad: 1951 (Rabbit)
Looking forward for your advices.
Thank you.
Hi Master Tong,
Hi oohh
fetch the bride will be 9-11am that day