Is there anything one can do about it? My solemnisation and banquet have been booked for that date. What does po ri mean? Thanks for the help!
Thanks for your reply, master.Hi sunflowerjun
11th sep is not a gd date for wedding
3rd sept is gd provided none of you or parents are born in Horse yr
Oops, good dates for Sep 2016. Wrong typoThanks for your reply, master.
Will it affect if groom's sis is born in horse year?
If yes, what are the good dats in Sep 2017?
Bride's sis is born in snake year
Brides' parents are born in dog year
Groom's mum is born in monkey year
Groom's dad is born in goat year
Hi master tong,Hi
Is there anything one can do about it? My solemnisation and banquet have been booked for that date. What does po ri mean? Thanks for the help!
Thanks Master Tong. Both of us are dragon yr 1988. Is 2017 generally a ok year for us to get married? We didn't calculate our wedding date as banquets in Singapore really need to book early. Therefore, seek your advise over so many question. Sorry for the trouble.
Hi Quin Zhang
5th Nov 2016 clash to Rooster, hence cannot be used (bride's mum)
22nd Jan 2017 clash to Rabbit (Bride), cannot be used
Hi soontobebride
The tong shu for 2017 will only be out in Aug/sept, so I can only check then. The only way now and more accurate way is using Bazi to calculate
Hi Master Tong,
We are looking for an auspicious date for solemnisation followed by a wedding lunch reception somewhere in Q1 / Q2 2017, preferably weekends, else weekdays are fine too.
Understand that 2017 rooster year will clash with groom (rabbit). Is there an arrangement that we can still wed in 2017? Like ROM before CNY and hold lunch reception sometime in Q2?
Groom: Rabbit
Groom's Father: Ox
Groom's Mother: Ox
Groom's Brother: Monkey
Bride: Monkey
Bride's Father: Horse
Bride's Mother: Snake
Thank you for your kind advice in advance!
Hi kc87
2017 clashes to Rabbit, hence by right no ideal to hold rom or wedding that yr. Best in 2016 or 2018, if possible. If no choice, at least rom in 2016 first so that u are officially married in a gd yr.
Hi Rib6on
1. Need an advise on u for the An ChuAng.
Currently I'm staying with my HTB. Will have the an chuang at his place. After an chuang can we sleep on the bed or until our wedding day?
( his hse is small and don't have space to sleep on the floor ) can advise what we can do ?
After AC, you cannot use the bed at all till the AD day itself. In fact, you have to lock up the room to prevent anyone from entering. u have to find ways to sleep elsewhere after the AC
2. For the prosperity lamp we need to on it on the day of an chuang or wedding day or both day ?
on the actual day itself will do, after the kids jump bed etc, till next day off it
3. My wedding will be on 23 Sept 16.
Both of us zodiac OX.
My GDL & An ChuAng which date is advisable?
( Hope to be on the same day )
GDL: 3rd Sep provided none of your parents are born Horse yr
AC: 20th Sep, provided the person shifting the bed is not born Pig yr
4. What is the best timing to fetch the bride ?
Hi Master tong,Hi sakuragal05
u can use 3rd Sept for GDL and 20th Sept for AC
Fetch bride timing will be 5 to 7am on the wedding day
Hi Master Tong, thanks for replying