Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)


New Member
Hi sunflowerjun

11th sep is not a gd date for wedding

3rd sept is gd provided none of you or parents are born in Horse yr
Thanks for your reply, master.

Will it affect if groom's sis is born in horse year?

If yes, what are the good dats in Sep 2017?

Bride's sis is born in snake year
Brides' parents are born in dog year

Groom's mum is born in monkey year
Groom's dad is born in goat year


New Member
Thanks for your reply, master.

Will it affect if groom's sis is born in horse year?

If yes, what are the good dats in Sep 2017?

Bride's sis is born in snake year
Brides' parents are born in dog year

Groom's mum is born in monkey year
Groom's dad is born in goat year
Oops, good dates for Sep 2016. Wrong typo



Is there anything one can do about it? My solemnisation and banquet have been booked for that date. What does po ri mean? Thanks for the help!
Hi master tong,

Apologies to disturb. I can try asking if I can shift it to 12/11. Is this date ok?
However if I can't, is there anything we can do to mitigate this?
Thanks so much for the help!



New Member
Hi Master

Our wedding day is 3 July 2016. ROM is 9 June 2016.
Can you please advise the below?
1) Date for GDL
2) Date for An Chuang

Our details below:
Groom: Ox
Groom father: Dog
Groom mother: Rooster
Bride: Rabbit
Bride father: Dog
Bride mother: Rat


Hi Master Tong, I am looking date and timing for Guo dali, An chuang and the AD to fetch the bride. Is there a date n time for elders discussion? If yes, please provide for us

Our AD is on 25th Sept and both families are TEOCHEW so will need to fetch the bride before sun rises.

Bride: 28th Feb 1985 (cow)
Groom: 11th Mar 1985 ( Cow)

Bride's Dad: 7th April 1956 ( Monkey)
Bride's Mum: 11th June 1957 ( Chicken)

Groom's Dad: 26th Dec 1944 ( Monkey)
Groom's Mum: Not around


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

We are looking for an auspicious date for solemnisation followed by a wedding lunch reception somewhere in Q1 / Q2 2017, preferably weekends, else weekdays are fine too.

Understand that 2017 rooster year will clash with groom (rabbit). Is there an arrangement that we can still wed in 2017? Like ROM before CNY and hold lunch reception sometime in Q2?

Groom: Rabbit
Groom's Father: Ox
Groom's Mother: Ox
Groom's Brother: Monkey

Bride: Monkey
Bride's Father: Horse
Bride's Mother: Snake

Thank you for your kind advice in advance!

Hi kc87

2017 clashes to Rabbit, hence by right no ideal to hold rom or wedding that yr. Best in 2016 or 2018, if possible. If no choice, at least rom in 2016 first so that u are officially married in a gd yr.

Hi Master Tong,

Looking at weekends in January,
7th Jan is good
8th Jan clashes with Groom's parents (ox)
15th Jan clashes with Bride (monkey)
14th Jan, 21st Jan, 22nd Jan are no-no for Weddings
After that it will be the year of rooster (clashes with Groom)..

Is this correct? So we can only either do it on the 7th Jan or do it on a weekday? Which weekend date is 2nd best to 7th Jan that you will recommend?

We do not have plans to hold a banquet so it is just solemnisation/ROM with a lunch reception.. Wondering if this is considered 'Wedding' and can we explore 14th, 21st and 22nd Jan?

Thank you and sorry for the trouble!


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Can I check with you with the auspicious date (in English calendar) for ROM in 2016 / 2017? Details are as below.

Groom: Rabbit
Groom Father: Tiger
Groom Mother: Chicken

Bride: Rabbit
Bride Father: Rat
Bride Mother: Monkey

Thank you so much for your help!


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

what are the good dates for us for wedding on May 2017 (Weekend)?

groom, 10Feb1976 (dragon)
groom's mother (pig)

Bride, 25 May1981 (rooster)
Bride parents (both Snake)

Last edited:


New Member
Dear Master Tong

We are holding wedding on 03 Dec 2016. We would like to seek your advice on the following

1) Date/time for GDL

2) Date/time for An Chuang

3) Fetch bride (the time Groom enter bride house)

4) Time when Groom and Bride enter groom house for tea ceremony

5 ) Time to enter Bride’s house for tea ceremony

6) BTW can we have Tea Ceremony at Bride side 1st when we fetch them?

Our details below:
Groom : 1977 Snake
Groom Father : Jan 1940 (Rabbit)
Groom Mother : 1944 (Monkey)

Bride : 1982 (Dog)
Bride Father : 1956 (Monkey)
Bride Mother : 1955 (Goat)


Hi master , when is a auspicious date for us in May 2017 (Saturday or Sunday ) ?

Bride: Snake
Groom: Cow

Bride Dad: Dog
Bride Mum: Tiger
Bride Brother: Cow and rooster

Groom Mum:goat
Groom Dad: decreased
Groom Brother: dog


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

May I ask for your advice on our rom/wedding dates (same day)? Are our parents' zodiac important as well for the calculation?
Bride: snake
Groom: tiger

Bride's mum: horse
Bride's dad: dragon

Groom's mum: cow
Groom's dad: rooster

Thank you very much!!


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

May I ask for your advice on our rom/wedding dates (same day)? Are our parents' zodiac important as well for the calculation?
Bride: snake
Groom: tiger

Bride's mum: horse
Bride's dad: dragon

Groom's mum: cow
Groom's dad: goat (not rooster, please ignore the previous post,sorry!)

Thank you very much!!


Hi Rib6on

1. Need an advise on u for the An ChuAng.
Currently I'm staying with my HTB. Will have the an chuang at his place. After an chuang can we sleep on the bed or until our wedding day?
( his hse is small and don't have space to sleep on the floor ) can advise what we can do ?

After AC, you cannot use the bed at all till the AD day itself. In fact, you have to lock up the room to prevent anyone from entering. u have to find ways to sleep elsewhere after the AC

2. For the prosperity lamp we need to on it on the day of an chuang or wedding day or both day ?

on the actual day itself will do, after the kids jump bed etc, till next day off it

3. My wedding will be on 23 Sept 16.
Both of us zodiac OX.
My GDL & An ChuAng which date is advisable?
( Hope to be on the same day )

GDL: 3rd Sep provided none of your parents are born Horse yr
AC: 20th Sep, provided the person shifting the bed is not born Pig yr

4. What is the best timing to fetch the bride ?


Hi Master Tong
Thank u for ur advise.


New Member
hi master tong
can you advise some good dates for customary wedding for the following zodiac:
groom: pig
bride: dragon

thank you.


New Member
Hi master, can I seek your general advice if it's appropriate to hold wedding banquet and rom on 20 May 2017?

Bride : dragon
Bride's mum : rat
Bride's dad : rat
Bride's brother : tiger
Bride's sister : dragon

Groom : horse
Groom's mum : chicken
Groom's dad : horse
Groom's brother : tiger

Thanks much!


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Can I seek your advise if 25 March 2017 is in qingming period? If yes, is it considered as an inauspicious day for wedding ? Because we had already booked our actual day dinner on that day, and after found out qingming starts 10 days before 正日. Is this true?

What alternative date we can go for ? We are looking between Jan 2017 to May 2017.

Groom : 28 August 1978 (Horse)
Bride : 6 December 1984 (Rat)

Thanks in advance !


New Member
Hi master, can I seek your advise if it's appropriate to hold wedding banquet and rom on 18 Dec 2016?

Also, the date / timing for :

1) an chuang
2) gdl
3) fetch bride
4) is there any crash with any zodiac on that day? Cos I never include siblings details.


Bride : 27 jun1982 (dog)
Bride's mum: monkey
Bride's dad: snake

Groom : 08 Feb 1980 (Chinese is consider goat though born in 1980? )
Groom's mum: horse
Groom's dad: rabbit


New Member
Is 23/05/2016 a good day to move into a new house?
Owner of the house (14 May 1987)
Wife (26 Aug 1987)
Daughter (23 Mar 2016)

Alison Pang

New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Pls advise a suitable date for solemnisation for 2016/2017.

Groom to be: Snake (Nov 1989)
Bride to be: Monkey (Feb 1992)

Groom's Father: Rat (May 1960)
Groom's Mother: Monkey (Sep 1956)
Groom's Brother: Rabbit (June 1987)

Bride's Father: Snake (Nov 1965)
Bride's Mother: Snake (Nov 1965)
Bride's Sister: Dog (June 1994)


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

We are intending to get married, judging by our birth dates, which dates in July to August 2017 will you advise us to ROM + Wedding?

Groom: 11 Mar 1989 (snake)
Bride: 11 Nov 1988 (dragon)

Groom's mom: Rabbit, 1963
Groom's dad: Ox, 1961

Bride's mom: Horse, 1954
Bride's dad: Ox , 1949

Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Hi shulinaoy

破日means the date clashes with either the yr or the mth, hence it is a very bad day for anything important. the only way is to change date as this is after all "Date Selection"


Active Member
Hi sunflowerjun

we don't factor siblings zodiac. they just have to hide during gatecrash and cannot be any helper/key personnel helping in the wedding

The tong shu for 2017 is not out till ard Aug/Sep this yr. So now the only way to calculate 2017 dates is using Bazi only


Active Member
Hi duststorm

the almanac /tong shu for 2017 will only be out in Aug/sept this yr. So if you are looking at general dates only, I can only advise you after it is out , Else now the only way is using Bazi to calculate


Active Member
Hi Pygirl89

the almanac /tong shu for 2017 will only be out in Aug/sept this yr. So if you are looking at general dates only, I can only advise you after it is out , Else now the only way is using Bazi to calculate


Active Member
Hi hakuna

20th may doesn't clash anyone. but have to wait for tong shu to be out in aug/sept to check if it is a general good date. now the only way to check is using bazi only


Active Member
Hi emm06

yes correct you cannot hold wedding on that date

the tong shu for 2017 is not out till aug/sept, so I can only check foe general dates then. the only way now to calculate is using Bazi


Active Member
Hi Aabbcc

Move in date cannot be calculated using jus the zodiac . the house direction in specific degree has to be factored in to make sure you don't move in on date that clashes the house direction. without factoring this, the date is useless from the calendar as you wont know this house this direction when can or cannot move in


Active Member
Hi taihao

the almanc for 2017 will only b out in aug/sep this yr. so can only check then if you looking at general dates. Right now the only way to calculate is using Bazi
