Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)


New Member
Hi Master Tong

Thanks for your reply! :)

For our ROM, we prefer weekdays lunch time as it'll be more affordable and in the month of september/ october this year.

Is wedding date generally the same as ROM date?

As for your services, Will you need our parents' ba zi as well? or just their zodiac?



New Member
Hi noobie86

The tong shu for 2016 will only be out in Sept this yr, hence if you looking at general dates, I can only check after it is out. Right now the only way is using bazi to select

Hi Master Tong,

Thanks for your reply.

Can you help us to use Bazi, to select a few date for ROM (2015 or 2016) & Chinese wedding (2016/2017) ?

Bride:06 August 86 (Tiger)
Groom: 12 August 87 (Rabbit)
Bride mom: Ox (Have pass away 17th March 2014)
Bride dad: Horse
Groom mum: Pig
Groom dad: Pig

Thanks :)


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

As the tong shu is not out, just wondering if it is possible that a date chosen using bazi be inauspicious according to tongshu? If so, will that date be ok or should another date be chosen?



New Member
Hi Master Tong, can I enquire for the 安床 An Chuang customary, is it necessary to perform it before the wedding? Or is it okay to skip the An Chuang?

As my new flat will only be ready a few months after my wedding and I will be temporarily staying apart from my husband after the wedding, is it okay to only perform the An Chuang after the wedding when I move in my new place?

Is there a required minimum period that I am not allowed to move the bed/ move house after the An Chuang process is done?

Thank you very much in advance for your kind advice!
Hi cerealc

An chuang must be BEFORE wedding. After wedding no pt doing as this is meant for wedding only.

An chuang in new home must see Feng Shui to do, else no pt as you wont know if the bed is adjusted into the right or wrong location

There is no min period., No rule for that.

Hi Master

I have a question, if I plan to stay apart after wedding, probably 6 months, what is the superstitious consequences? or it is perfectly fine? Since we are unable to an chuang

and also, we are planning to look at this date for our wedding

11/11/2016 or 12/11/2016
Groom: Snake or Horse i dunno very confused, some say is after what dong zi which is feb den horse, most astro calculator says it is horse. anyways it is 31st Jan 1990 please lemme know if im a horse or snake haha.
Bride: Snake 5th July 1989

Groom Mother: Dog, 1958 7th April
Groom Father: Horse, 1954 14th July

Brides Mother: Pig
Brides Father: Sheep

Thanks alot for the help.


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Can you advise the auspicious dates for ROM between Nov 2015 to Feb 2016?

Bride: 3 feb 1988 (rabbit)
Groom: 27 June 1987 (rabbit)

Bride's mum: monkey 1956
Bride's dad: divorced

Groom's mum: dragon 1964
Groom's dad: rabbit 1963

Thanks a lot!


Active Member
Hi Markopolo

31/1 is Snake, not Horse

11/11 does not clash anyone. Wil have to wait for tong shu to be out to check if it is a good date

12/11 is a bad date, not suitable for wedding


Active Member
Hi dreamymissy

These are the general good dates for ROM (Jan is Po Yue bad mth for wedding/ROM. Feb is 2016 dates and the tong shu not out yet)

- 2/11
- 11/11
- 23/11
- 6/12
- 18/12
- 31/12

Hope this helps


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Appreciate if you could advise us on the suitable dates for wedding AD (preferably Sat or Sun, Dec 2015). The details of Chinese zodiac for the groom and bride are as listed:

Groom: rooster (1981)

Bride: rat (1984)

Groom's father: snake (1953)

Groom's mother: sheep (1955)

Bride's father: rooster (1957)

Bride's mother: monkey (1956)

Another question I would like to ask is, generally, rat and horse clash right? I am the bride (rat) and my younger brother (horse), can he be the boy that open the car door for my husband (rooster) on our wedding day? or can he not?


Hi megen2015

these r the only dates

- 6/12, 12/12

Yes rat and horse clash. But to determine if your bro can open car door is NOT by such a method. U must know that particular day clashes to what zodiac sign and that zodiac sign cannot open car door. So your FSM should tell you that.

Hi Master Tong,

What about 19 Dec 2015?

Ok, so meaning clashing with bride’s or groom’s zodiac doesn’t matter as long as the zodiac of important people (parents, bridesmaids, bestmen) that are involve in the wedding day events or ceremony does not clash with the particular day zodiac sign?



New Member
hi master tong,

please help with a date selection in july 2016, weekend, with the best knowledge available as i understand tong shu is not out yet.
our info :
bride : 25/02/1983 7pm
groom : 01/02/1982 7pm
father of groom : year of dragon
mother of groom : passed on
father of bride : year of rabbit
mother of bride : year of tiger

really appreciate it!


New Member
Dear Master tong,

I will be getting married on 11th oct 2015.

I will like to check if there is any auspicious timing for the groom to pick the bride/ leave the house.

Details :

Bride : 26/05/1988, dragon
Groom: 2/05/1979, goat

Bride dad: 15/08/1953, snake
Bride mum: 29/01/1954, snake

Groom dad: 18/04/1946, dog

Thank you in advance :)


Active Member
Hi mozzi

the tong shu is not out so I cannot select general good dates now. the only way now is using Bazi to select, which is the right way as tong shu dates are too general.


New Member
Greetings Master Tong ,

I wish to consult you on general wedding dates .

Is 26 nov 2016 , 3 dec 2016 or 10 dec 2016 any general auspicious dates for wedding ?

Appreciate your time and kind replies



New Member
Dear Master Tong, please bear with me as I have a few questions to ask:
1. An Chuang is to be done by good fortune lady. What does good fortune means? Means many children will do? Or plus many money etc?
2. The couple has their own house currently but there is no altar. On the AD, should the groom leave from his parent's house or from the couple house?
3. May I know the auspicious time to fetch the bride on 11 Oct 2015?
4. May I know the auspicious time to an chuang on 9 Oct 2015 and 2 Oct 2015?

Groom: 12/4/1987 (Rabbit)
Bride: 16/1/1988 (Rabbit)

Groom's Mother: 15/7/1954 (Horse)

Bride's Monther: 20/10/1952 (Dragon)
Bride's Father: 17/12/1953 (Snake)

Thank you for your time! =)


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

My ROM date is 13 March 2016 and it clashes with rat. My father is born in the year of the rat. Is there any issue? My customary will be at a later date.
Thank you.


New Member
Hi Master Tong

May I have your advice on if it is advisable to start renovation during the ghost month? I checked the chinese calender that 20 aug, 25 aug, 3sep 宜动土 & 6sep 宜破土. I am hoping to start the reno soon due to personal reasons.

:) is there some sort of ceremony that we have to do if we can renovate during lunar 7th month?

:) what is the difference between 动土 & 破土?

Greatly appreciate your advice on this. Thank you.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

May I have your advise on a good timing for csect for my 2nd child ?
Tentative date that we are looking at is 8th Nov 2015 for the C sect to commence.

Husband: Dragon (301188)
Wife: Dragon (151288)
Daughter: Snake (041013)

Would 8th nov be a good date and what timing would be good for this date ?

Thank you very much ! :)


New Member
Hi Master Tong

May I have your advices on the following questions?

1) is it necessary to have a female adult to accompany my HTB during GDL? Cuz my HTB is a foreigner and his parents can only reach SG few days before AD.

2) what is the best day to move in my new house during lunar 8th month?
Zodiac of my HTB is DOG (11/9/1982) and myself is RAT (22/8/1984). Any timing to look into as well?

Looking forward to your reply.

Thank you.


Active Member
Hi jenniz16

1. An Chuang is to be done by good fortune lady. What does good fortune means? Means many children will do? Or plus many money etc?

full family. the other half still alive, no major illness, no divorce b4 and lots of children.

2. The couple has their own house currently but there is no altar. On the AD, should the groom leave from his parent's house or from the couple house?

always groom house . Altar is not impt.

3. May I know the auspicious time to fetch the bride on 11 Oct 2015?


4. May I know the auspicious time to an chuang on 9 Oct 2015 and 2 Oct 2015?
9th - 1-3pm
2nd - 1-3pm


Active Member
Hi Madhatterxxx

If none of you are pantang, it is ok to start reno in 7th mth. Feng Shui has nothing to do with superstition. But as Chinese, we usually don't start in 7th mth.

I cannot advise reno date as the calculation of reno date is derived from house feng shui/direction. Without knowing the direction of the house , we cannot tell which day or month etc is bad to start reno, specifically for the house.

Hope this helps


Active Member
Hi leocel

C-section dates are based on Bazi, and super complicated to choose. It is not simply a good date and time to c-sect. It is about fixing a baby's destiny. U cannot choose a C-section date or time using the tong shu/almanac. This defeats the purpose of a c-sect date.

For c-section dates selection it is part of my consultation service, hence if you are keen can drop me an email. Tks


Active Member
Hi devilin_22

1) is it necessary to have a female adult to accompany my HTB during GDL? Cuz my HTB is a foreigner and his parents can only reach SG few days before AD.

By right yes.

2) what is the best day to move in my new house during lunar 8th month?
Zodiac of my HTB is DOG (11/9/1982) and myself is RAT (22/8/1984). Any timing to look into as well?

For move in date, it is calculated from the house feng shui/direction. Hence I cannot advise here as usually we need to go to measure the direction to calculate. Without the direction, we cannot tell which day or mth is bad to move in . Calculating from the almanac or tong shu alone is insufficient for this purpose.


New Member
Hi Madhatterxxx

If none of you are pantang, it is ok to start reno in 7th mth. Feng Shui has nothing to do with superstition. But as Chinese, we usually don't start in 7th mth.

I cannot advise reno date as the calculation of reno date is derived from house feng shui/direction. Without knowing the direction of the house , we cannot tell which day or month etc is bad to start reno, specifically for the house.

Hope this helps
Thank you master Tong!


New Member
Hi Master Tong,
May I know what are the good dates for 安床 in Nov or early December 2015? My wedding is on 19th dec.
Me: sept 1985,ox
She: dec 1985, ox

Thank you in advance. Appreciate your help on this.



New Member
Dear Master Tong,

May I know whether it is necessary to pick a date that does not clash with the couple, bride parents and groom parents for betrothal (guo da li) and bed installation (an chuang)? Kindly also advise whether these are good dates for betrothal and bed installation?

29 Oct 2015 – betrothal
12 Dec 2015 – bed installation

Groom: Rooster (1981)
Bride: Rat (1984)

Groom’s father: Snake (1953)
Groom’s mother: Sheep (1955)

Bride’s father: Rooster (1957)
Bride’s mother: Monkey (1956)

Thank you very much for your advice.


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Appreciate if you could advise us on the suitable dates for AD wedding in oct-dec 2016

Groom: Dragon 1988
Bride: Rooster 1993

Groom father: Tiger 1962
Groom mother: Tiger 1962

Bride father: Rabbit 1963
Bride mother: Dragon 1965

Hi Master Tong, can I be bridesmaid for my friend if my rom date is within 3 mths from her wedding banquet though my banquet is on different date and will be outside of the 3 mths period?
