Master David Tong's Advice Corner (Geomancy and Fengshui)


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

As we are getting the keys to our flat in Oct, we would like to find out if there's any general good dates or particular dates to avoid between Oct 2014 - Jan 2015?

Groom: 12 May 1978 (horse)
Bride: 31 May 1985 (ox)

Groom's dad: passed away
Groom's mum: 1947 (pig)

Bride's dad: 1958 (dog)
Bride's mum: 1960 (rat)

Many thanks!
Hi Master Tong,

I am checking for any dates to avoid as I believe the good dates are quite limited. We are left with Oct - Jan as my sister is getting married next year and I also read from your past posts that 2015 is a bad year for ox. We have tentatively chosen 13 Dec


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

My girlfriend and I plan to get married in March - April 2015.
Could you please analyze whether the following dates are auspicious for both?

- 7 March 2015 Saturday
- 4 April 2015 Saturday

Groom: 18.03.1982, Dog
Bride : 13.07.1989, Snake

Thank you very much Master Tong.


New Member
Thanks Master Tong for your reply.

However, the locations we like are fully booked on these 2 dates. May I check if 20t Sep 2015 or 14 Nov 2015 is ok for us instead? Sorry for the trouble.

Thank you very much.

Sorry, Will like to check if either 14 Nov 2015 or 20th Sep 2015 is ok for us instead. Thank you.


Active Member
Hi Suyan

Not to worry. Those are superficial type of analysis only. In real world, if you notice sometimes even a child's animal sign clashes with parents, they still have a good or loving relatinoship with parents. The secret is in the child's Bazi (ie his birthday and time of birth). That will truly determine the affinity of the child with his/her parents. The only way to "fix this" is via C secton birth date selection only. Otherwise will be "by luck". After child is born, you can bring his/her bazi to check with a feng shui master (but of course by then will be hard to change)


Active Member
Hi mimosaiba

The tong shu for 2015 is not out yet, probably in another 1-2 months time. So i can only check after it is out, and only the good dates. Rest will be bad if not given


Active Member
Hi Patisandhika

7th march is a potential date if none of your parents are born Rat yr as that day clashes to Rat. Have to wait for the almanac to be out in 1-2 mths time to check if it is a general auspicious date. Now the only way to determine is using bazi only

4th apr is Qing ming period, nobody get maried that period

Edwin BK

New Member
Dear Master Tong,

My gf and I plan to get married during March to May 2015.

Groom : 03081982 dog
Bride: 18051988 dragon

Bride mom: tiger
Bride dad: rat

groom mom: pig

Could you please help us to analyze a good date. Thanks!


Hi Master Tong,

I would to check with you, can we 安床 ourselves (Groom and Bride) , Parents or we must get a 好命人 to 安 for us?

Thank you.

Melody Tan

Dear Master Tong,

My bf and I plan to get married during Dec 2015.

Groom : 12/11/1985 [Ox]
Bride: 27/02/1986 [Tiger]

Bride mom: Dog
Bride dad: Rooster

Groom mom: Goat
Groom dad: Rooster

Is it good to get marry on 2015?
Could you please help us to analyze a good date. Thanks!


Hi Suyan

Not to worry. Those are superficial type of analysis only. In real world, if you notice sometimes even a child's animal sign clashes with parents, they still have a good or loving relatinoship with parents. The secret is in the child's Bazi (ie his birthday and time of birth). That will truly determine the affinity of the child with his/her parents. The only way to "fix this" is via C secton birth date selection only. Otherwise will be "by luck". After child is born, you can bring his/her bazi to check with a feng shui master (but of course by then will be hard to change)

Thanks Master Tong. I am less worry now. :)


Active Member
Hi Edwin BK

the tong shu for 2015 is not out yet. Probably these 2 mths so i can only check for general good dates after it is out. You can repost here again end Sept. Right now the only way to calculate (and also the accurate and right way) is using Bazi only


Active Member
Hi Melody Tan

As groom is born Ox yr, by right 2015 Goat yr clashes to Ox, so not a good yr for wedding. For 2016 Monkey yr, it clashes to Tiger, so cannot do wedding too.

So by right should be 2017 or 2014 this yr. If this yr, it will be too rush so the best you can do will be to ROM this year Horse yr first, if possible. And do your customary next yr. So at least you are officially married (ROM) in a good yr this yr

Hope this help :)


Active Member
Dear all,

I will be overseas from 8th to 23rd Aug. Due to the area that I am going, I may not have internet access at all (or very limtied, if any) till after i am back.

Hence during this period, my replies may be slower, subjected to internet availability.


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

My brother and his girlfriend want to getting married on 2015.
Could you please recommend what month is the auspicious month and date which is suit with my brother and his girlfriend for their wedding in 2015 ? Wheter 4th October 2014 (lunar is 22 august) is good or not ?

Groom: Year 1986, Tiger
Bride : Year 1986, Tiger

Groom's Father : Year 1930, Horse
Groom's Mother : Year 1942, Sheep
Groom's Sister : 1980, Monkey

Bride's Father : Year 1952, Dragon
Bride's Mother : Year 1955, Sheep
Bride's Sister : 1988, Dragon

Thank you very much Master Tong.


New Member
Hi Master Tong,

Hope you have a great trip!

My partner and I are getting married on 20 December 2014, lunch banquet. I would like to seek your advice on the auspicious time for that day to fetch bride, enter groom's house and etc, as well as auspicious dates for Guo Da Li and An Chuan.

Groom and Bride: 1980 Monkey

Groom's father: 1950 Tiger
Groom's mother: 1954 Horse

Bride's father: 1947 Pig
Bride's mother: 1950 Tiger

Thank you!


New Member
Dear Master Tong,

My bf and I plan to get married during Dec 2015.

Groom : 06/02/1988 [rabbit]
Bride: 30/05/1988 [Dragon]

Bride mom: 28/12/1966 [Horse]
Bride dad: 14/02/1978 [Horse]
Bride brother: 12/05/1990 [Horse]
Bride sister: 22/07/2000 [Dragon]
Bride sister: 24/08/2004 [Monkey]

Groom mom: 22/11/1964 [Dragon]
Groom dad: 09/09/1960 [Rat]
Groom brother: 26/10/1990 [Horse]

We are looking at Saturdays on Dec 2015. Could you please help us to analyze a good date. Is 12 Dec 2015 ok, or 19 Dec 2015 better? Thanks!


Active Member
Hi defi

If you are looking at general good dates, the tong shu (Almanac) will only be out in Sept sometime next mth, so you can post here again end of next mth and if the alamanc is out, I will be able to advise you the general dates. Right now the only way is using bazi to calculate (which is the correct way as tong shu dates are more for mass consumption only)


Active Member
Hi sphoon

The fetch the bride timing will be 9-11am

you can do GDL on 22nd Nov or 29th Nov (usually 2wks to 1 mth before AD)

For AC, you can do it on 17th Dec (usually nearest date to wedding)


New Member
Good evening Master Tong,

My fiancee and I are planning to hold our ROM on 09 Aug 2015. And our wedding banquet on either 9, 16 or 23 Jan 2016.
Bride & Groom zodiac - Rabbit (1987)
Parents - Goat, Rat, Dog.

May I kindly know if these are good dates?

Also my sister is having her ROM and banquet on 21 June 2015. Will there be any possible clashes?
Sister - Tiger (1986)

Please advise.

Thank you very much, appreciate it!


New Member
Dear master tong,

May i know if the tong shu 2015 confirm will be available in end of this sept?
I plan to get married on sept next year.
Could you advise good date on saturday? Thanks

Bride: snake 1989
Groom: dragon 1988

Chin Heng

New Member
Hi Master Tong,

My girlfriend and I plan to get married in Oct 2014

Could you please advise whether the following date is auspicious?

- 10 Oct 2015, Saturday

Groom: 24.07.1985, Cow
Bride : 05.03.1987, Rabbit

Thank you very much Master Tong.


Active Member
Hi Enjoy

9th Aug doesn't clash to anyone but have to wait for tong shu to be out to check for general good dates. Jan 2016 is Year Breaker mth, bad mth for wedding.

Siblings by right cannot get married (ROM & Customary) same lunar yr. If really no choice, it must be at least 100 days apart. So yes there is a clash!


Active Member
Hi gene.snit

6th dec clashes to snake, so make sure none of your parents are snake. It is not a general good day, but if the bazi matches this day, it still can be used

Auspicious yr to have baby have to see the entire bazi (birthday and time of birth) to determine. Hence you need to go for a bazi destiny consultation. Animal zodiac alone is useless to determine best yr to have baby.

Chin Heng

New Member
Hi Chin Heng

As groom is born Ox yr, 2015 goat yr clashes to OX, hence bad yr for wedding. plus 10th oct clashes to Ox as well ,so double clash!

Hi Master Tong,

Thank you for your reply. Can I also ask for other dates:
(i) 3 Oct 2015 ( Sat)
(ii) 11 Oct 2015 (Sun)
(iii) 17 Oct 2015 (Sat)

In the case if I really have to get married in the year 2015, is there any advice to avert OX clashing in 2015 goat year ?

Groom: 24.07.1985, Cow
Bride : 05.03.1987, Rabbit

Thank you so much.


New Member
hi master tong, can i ask is there anything to avert door to door clash? i am looking at a flat that is direct aligned to the neighbor front door

marilyn lim

New Member
Hi Master Tong,

happy to c u giving free advise here, really appreciate it.
Im having my ROM this coming 19 september, 2014 and are settling our wedding dates next year on 27.09.2015, is the wedding dates good for us?

Groom birth: 07.12.1986 (Tiger)
Bride birth: 21.09.1985 (Ox)

Groom's father: Ox
Groom's mother: Tiger

Bride's father: Passed away
Bride's mother: Goat



New Member
Dear Master Tong,

Me and my gf planning to get married in Oct - Nov 2014 period.

Groom : 30.11.1988 (Dragon)
Bride: 18.09.1991 (Goat)

Groom mom: Dragon
Groom father: Passed away

Bride mom: Rooster
Bride father: Passed away
Bride uncle (not married) since bride from kids till now - Monkey

We are looking for a good date on Saturday.

Could you please help us to analyze a good date. Thanks!


Hi Master Tong,

Will like to ask if year 2015 is a good year for marriage between:

Groom - year 1981 rooster
Bride - year 1983 pig

Thank you.

Using SingaporeBrides app


Hi Master Tong,

May I check if Dec 2014 is a good month for ROM in general? Are there any animal zodiacs that should not ROM in Dec 2014?

For Goat Year 2015, are there any animal zodiacs that should not hold customary wedding?

Many thanks for your reply.


Active Member
Hi Chin Heng

The way to avoid is to get married on a different yr. If realy no choice, then ROM in 2014 so that at least you are officially married in a gd yr

I need you to repost ALL your info again.


Active Member
Hi blissedsher

Door to door dont clash! If the house Feng Shui no gd, it is because of other reasons such as the Qi in the house, not door to door clash. Btw, there is NO such thing as door to door clash.
