Marie France


New Member
cola> hihi.. long time no see you liaoz..

I'm doing great with the treatments.

I'm from MS, i sometimes go to Tamp or Wld..whichever I'm nearer or more convenient to..
I'm using Unlimited package.. so i actually booked the whole month of April liaoz leh...
How long in advance are the slots opened??
I tried to call JP once, was told fully booked. so i didnt go...
I only tried to book for May and was told May not out.. but my appts for whole of April booked le... 4 times a week..
Mmm.. no prob leh.. :p

Alice> hihi.. MMm.. my FCPT used to be 20min massage on 3 areas.. with the serum, which is better, helps to burn off fats faster..
supposed to be more effective..
Hehe.. went to take measurements today. happy coz i've lost about 1/2 inch at a few places.. though its little.. but better than nothing!
When i was doing FCPT also never see result... unlimited package with LTT & AFR is working for me.. sooo happy..

Then you gotta see the rest urself to know that she's really good loh... after u been there a few more times, then you'll know who's good and who's not.
I've been touched by most of the staff there liaoz. hahhaa.. but there're a few that I really like..
But i never specifically ask for anyone la.. since now also no massage liaoz.. anyone will do..
But there're some who'll wrap more for u...some lesser, some better in terms of technique. when u are there long enough, you'll know.

No need monitor la.. monitor what?? They'll still enter ur info into the system, and they'll still fax the info back to the original branch or the consultant can check from system one.
So she can still monitor de.. all the weight and watever..

But when i went to Wld, they did try to sell me somemore.. but i no $$ to be conned... so i just walk out and say too bad.. hehe..

porsche>MMm.. cannot count 95 sessions.. its 95 treatments.. thats the thing i dun like abt MF. very misleading..
If you have 30 cold wraps, i take it that u have actually 30 sessions...
Coz each session, you'll do massage with cold wrap or seaweed mask with cold wrap...
Here u stated 60.. the other 35 is what??
MMmm.... abit ex i think.. can ask for lower price.. prob jie can help u..


New Member
>>porsche: you must be very vigilant when the consultants quote you. It's true that treatment does not equate to session/visit coz they can arrange you to do more than 1 treatment per visit. For instance, you mentioned cold wrap, massage and seaweed mask. most likely, you'll be doing all 3 each time you go. massage and seaweed mask are definitely together, sounds to me like GBT. All these 3 types of treatments do not come with serum.
yes, what are the other 35 treatments? sounds exp!! the 60 treatments you mentioned shdnt cost you more than $2k, my consultant kinda know my frenz' pattern and keep to $1k+ customised packages
go for required session, no need to sign so many at once. you can look for her if you are keen..

>>Alice: from what I read, TLT+massage is actually the CPT treatment without serum. Hence cheaper. No doubt that the serum will help to speed things up, but if your condition isnt that serious probly that's why S din give to lower your package cost..


New Member
the other 35 treatments include serum, something that loosens the fats and something that drains the fats.

i can't rem the nos. exactly but i think it's:
15 serum
10 loosen fats
10 drain fats

(can't rem the name for the last 2)

so total:
30 x coldwrap
15 x massage
15 x seaweed mask
15 serum
10 loosen fats
10 drain fats

what shd the cost of such a package cost?


New Member
>>porsche: From the way you describe the 95 treatments @$3600, it's definitely less than 95 sessions. "loosen fats" and "drain fats" treatments are likely to be in 1 session. you will use the serum during one of your visits, so cannot really consider as 1 session too.

Say, your consultant arranges 1 coldwrap + 1 full machine/massage treatment, you probably get about 30 sessions = $120 per visit. This is VERY EXPENSIVE compared to the ones my consultant has offered to my frenz and myself.

Cannot really say the cost your package - we arent MF consultants and depends on the consultant's offer. But in your case, definitely you have been "CHOP"!!! sounds like she's trying to sell you the no.95 instead of the realistic no. of sessions - misleading.. shop ard before making such commitment. afterall, whichever package you sign is not just $1-2..


New Member
my consultant did tell me that it will be about 30+ sessions but i'm not sure what the cost will be. how much do you usually pay for 1 session? and what does the session include?


New Member
I went to MF orchard for the first time, and was offered a GBT package at $1000 for 8 sessions and 2 free firming treatments. Oh gosh....the consultant was really persistent and I must say my experience at orchard was not good at all.


New Member
Nikko> hahah.. ^5! same. And guess what? she happened to be my pri sch senior.. but i also scared of her.. never been back there since..

SO far, my most frequent place is MS, Wld, Tamp, Bishan. Just went Bishan today..
Not bad.. hehe.. quite new. as in i think they maybe renovated or something...
the therapist quite trained and fast.
I think as long as not from china, they are better.. but MS alot of Msians i think....


New Member
rach> Hee hee, how Bishan? Are the consultants pushy? And may I know which part of Bishan is it at?

I think most of the therapists at MS are Malaysians. The pregnant one is quite meticulous


New Member
Bishan Central, if I am not wrong? 2 levels one right? Ade***? Very pretty one issit? I recall seeing one of them who is very pretty who looks like a doll.
Yup, many Msians. Most of them come from Ipoh.


New Member
>>porsche: so how did your negotiation go? generally, try to keep each session about $70 or below. anything more considered expensive if you are just given the standard treatments..


New Member
Nikko> i didnt talk to consultants.. go in, check in, go ... come down.. bye bye. hahaha.. just to do and go only....
Its near the interchange... there's a zebra crossing from interchange to the bubble tea shop.. once u at the zebra crossing, can see MF liaoz.. quite obvious..
Yah... dunno who was saying pregnant one normal.. but she's really good. hehe..
she even apply the serum for the buttocks.. hahah.. ops...
She's the only one who'll do that till now...
I mean for LTT...

Ade is from Orchard....
Bishan is 2 storeys..


New Member
rach>> I didn't talk to consultants when I was at orchard too. However that Ade took my appointment card and immediately brought me into the consultation room!


New Member
Nikko> never dare to stay too long at one place.. she try to upsell ma.. hehe.. if u got more money why not.. the 1st time i go to MF..she entertained me.. quoted me a $12K package in 6 months... i almost fainted.. then reduced to $900 package.. can u imagine?

Ice> sure.. you preparing for AD as well?


New Member
>>Ice: everyone is welcome to join this thread..

>>Nikko, Rach: I think unless the consultants know your pattern, they may tend to sell you MEGA, Expensive Packages. But wat I dun understand is shdnt they have some common sense that nobody will be in the right mind to sign even if they have the money. Then why not be more realistic and recommend something that is acceptable - probably higher chance of closing the sales right..


New Member
Rach, jie>> she tried to sell me a $2k package, even after knowing that I have existing treatments yet to finish. Finally she reduced to a few hundreds, but I still refuse to sign, haha.


New Member
>>Nikko: I guess it's common for consultants to try sell us packages when we have only a few more sessions/treatments to go, but for your case - doesnt reflect well on the consultant. seems like she need to hit her quota


New Member
haha... agreed... i went to Wld. and got attacked too.. from $1000 reduced to $300.. i still say no.. coz i really no budget for it liaoz.. hahaha...


New Member
Jie: sorry for late reply. I spent 8k with MF but cant see any diff... Did u sign up any package with them? How do you feel? I only visited tampines branch... now they are trying to sell me another package cost abt 5k.. this package is mainly meant for bride. Headache!!


Hi Jie,

Can you recommend your consultant? I want to sign up package with MF but afraid they intro their expensive package... thanks.


New Member
Ice> MMm.... what did u do? I also preparing for wedding. I've spent abt $2000 and have already seen diff.. everyone who yet to see me for months tells me i've lost weight..

Mmm.... maybe u can describe ur process?? how long u did it?? cannot be no diff totally... maybe the treatments not suitable for u??
I dun like Tamp branch...their therapists anyhow one.. and soo noisy and loud..
You should try MS.. they are really the best so far....
When's ur AD? And how long u been at it?

Jean> You can go to MF at MS and look for Susan.
maybe u wanna call and make an appt with her.. or u can drop by and request to see her.. then u can say recommend by jie loh.. think jie will PM u the details...


New Member
Rach: First I signed up package inclusive of coldwrap, massage, seaweed mask,hot blanket,and one more machine to melt the fat. I cant say is not good but simply doesnt work on me. So far only visited tampines branch, I'm planning for my wedding date on nov 9 2008 but still havent finalise yet cuz so many things yet to do. Stressed out!!! I'm with them 9mths.


New Member
Ice> you've been with them 9 months??
And how many sessions of those did u had??
How often do u go?
Do you follow their nutrition diet?
I've been with them for about 3 months.. and i'm already beginning to see and feel difference even after 2 months.. i didnt see diff initially with just FCPT. Urs sounds like GBT? I'm not too sure...
Jie will be able to know.
Do you know what are ur treatments called?
They will always tell u what treatment u are going to do rite?
melt the fat? sounds like high end machine...
I do:
AFR (cold wrap + standing on a body machine)
LTT (Hot blanket with serum applied beforehand)
for about 16 sessions now.. 4 times a week..
this is with the unlimited package which costs $1500 for 3 months. entitled to 48 sessions.. but this promotion is already over.
I see more results with these 2 treatments compared to just:
TLT (hot blanket on 3 body parts)20min
Massage on 3 areas 20min
Cold Wrap only 25min.

FCPT costs more. but i'm not sure if its because i go 4 times a week that i see more results or is that the AFR + LTT is really more effective for me...
weight has gone down abt 3 pounds.. very slow...
But i do see inch loss already..
I ask for stronger cold wraps also..
the normal one like not much feeling... hehe...
well... u still have plenty of time..
Mmm.. maybe u wanna consider going to another branch and see the diff... there's really a big diff fro what i experienced..

Have u gotten ur bridal studio?? can recommend u mine.


New Member
>>rach: congrats! soon you'll be a pretty bride in Sep
perhaps you are a "heavy bone" person so more inch loss than weight loss if you know what I meant.. Me too lost inches even before I start to loss some pounds. It can be quite slow, understand but guess it's like inch loss more important and visible for our big day now
hee! jia you!

>>Jean: need to switch on your PM settings, cant send you my consultant's details. Alternatively, you can PM me then I reply you from there. dun worry, so far my consultant has recommended the gals very reasonable packages abt $1.5-2k (certain treatments are more expensive, but even the basic ones should give you results). $2k is more than sufficient to see results

>>ice: oh dear, you must be very disappointed!
yup, your treatments do sound like the ones all of us signed but why $8k so much?!? how many treatments are you getting, you can call up any branch/consultant to check on the exact type/no. of treatments you signed. Everything's in the system. They can even track what treatments you did for each visit. Would be better for rach & I to comment from there..

I had inch/weight loss after my 6th session/ 2mths too.. well, either 1) your treatments are not targetted at your concerns or 2) your branch's therapists din do a proper job or 3) you didnt follow something - diet/treatment freq.. there's NO need to diet but definitely must watch what you eat during this period to achieve better & faster results. dun worry there's still plenty of time for 9Nov

Are your treatments finishing already? Your consultant is already recommending another $5k package. Sorry but sounds expensive to me.. If I am you, I will ask her what makes her think I'll sign with her again after spending so much on the first one. What are the reasons for "no results" after so many treatments did she provide you?


New Member
Rach: I'm a blur queen, seriously don knw whats GBT etc. but i spent 3k for cold wrap, massage etc.. Ya maybe u r right, i din really go straight diet and also having digestion prob. Probably tis is one of the reason. Later I signed up abt 4k plus for red light(heat) to burn my calories. I'm so sorry that cant remember the name and also hardly talk to them unless selling me product.

Jie: Ya a little disappointed but still is ok. I do my treatment once or twice a wk, but still cant see any gd result. tks jie, though still ve time but there's still alot thing need to be done...

I actually converted my treatment to massage cuz i cant take cold wrap but i like the red light(heat), I loved the feeling perspiring... But the consultant(Tampines) said must sign package... etc, red light buy 10 free 5x $1900.00. So if i wanna convert my treatment then still pay $1900.00 but get 20x lor. sometimes i don understand how they do business, for exp (redlight), 1st using machine to melt my fat(arm&back)15min, redlight heat for 20min(this can lose 800calories according to 1 of the gal) = 1 time, but if machine 30min and redlight heat 20min is counted 2 times which i tink is unfair to me,I don feel comfortable signing anymore package with them, What I require now is some good service attitude and more attentive to my needs.


New Member
jie & rach> I am on my 20th session, and I see about 1 inch loss on my waist. However, not much on the rest of the body. As for the weight loss, it is fluctuating, so also not much loss for me. I am starting to get dismay over this.


New Member
Ice> yah...agreed.. u prob can go to MS and look for S.. i'm sure she can recommend u something.

Nikko> are u following diet or still anyhow eat? u go 4 times a week? hehe.. :p
Lately seen my loss slowing down.. but also coz i these few days anyhow eat.. and supper.. so i guess can't blame.. but i do see the effect.. my thigh are getting slimmer.. and also.. all over the inch loss are happening.

Don't be dismayed. I'm sure with proper diet and discipline, we can achieve what we want!
Me ROM-ing in 10 days.. maybe i gotta start strict diet liaoz. hehe. :p


New Member
rach>yes, Im starting to go 4 times a week for my second month. I would say I reduce on my snacking, and only take 3 meals a day. As for my diet, the nutritionist pointed that I should take soup noodle rather than dry noodle. I just came back from holiday, and my pounds shot up, within 3 sessions, the pounds I gain during the holidays were lost.


New Member
Nikko> yah..thats great to know that ur weight were lost after 3 sessions.. heheh... that means its really working loh.. so dun be dismayed la... yah.. he told me more soup also.. but my menses coming.. so lately alot of craving. hahaha.. eat non stop and anyhow... and didnt really write down also.. bleah.. 2 weeks didnt write.. the 3rd week only write 2 days.. then forgot to write again.. hahah... :p
I can't take 3 meals a day.. if i wanna lose weight. i need to take 1 meal....
Even normally i dun take breakfast la.. i get up later.. so i usually have lunch about 2-3pm...
Then late dinner about 8-9pm... so if i wanna lose...
I can only take lunch.. and snacks for dinner..
mmmm..stil trying to.. but since ROM is in 11 days time.. shall control abit..else can see tummy liaoz. keke. :p


Hi Jie,
you can send to my email :
[email protected]

Rach / Jie,
What is the duration per session?
And is there any massage during the session?
Normally how many session will they offer for $1.5k - 2k?
appreciate if you can advise me as I dont want to regret after I have buy their package and found out that they cheated me of few sessions lesser. Thanks all !


New Member
Jean> it really depends.. but generally, i think for FCPT, GBT etc.. you can get it at $750 for 10 sessions.. through bargaining.. else they might quote $1000 for 10 sessions kind.. but depending if there're promotions la.. :p
FCPT has massage on 3 areas..
GBT i think dun have..
These are all very basic packages..
There're more high end ones..that I'm not even aware of! hehe. :p
Where have u gone to?


Hi Rach,

thanks for ur prompt reply. I havnt been to any of the outlets, but am gg down MF at MS to look for Su*an since u recommend me. =)
by the way can i pay by credit card instalment or must full pymt? thanks again.


New Member
>>Jean: It probably wont be that accurate for us to say how many treatments you'll be getting for a $1.5-2k package for some are more treatments like rach mentioned. Really depends on what S recommends and how she mix'n'match to target your problem areas. What we can share with you now is some guidelines to what is expensive or a good deal and what previous promotions MF had. No obligations to sign on the spot, can always come back here to ask first but try to remember which treatment 'name'. Can ask her to write on paper for you to take back consider

S whom Rach has recommended you is my consultant. You can call 6222 0188 and ask for her to make an appointment. Usually, I'll try to let S know beforehand that any of my frenz are interested in MF so she can give a better deal. Yes, you can make payment by instalment using major credit cards. Hear from you soon!
all the best!


New Member
Jean> sure u can pay by installments..

most banks are okay.. UOB??

Jie> is the treatment from previous gal transfered to me liaoz??


New Member
>>rach: Tried asking other consultant to do the transfer but they say must wait for my own consultant to do so and I wont be back to MF till 2wks later. Will let you know once transfer done.


New Member
jie> ooh. okie...

Nikko> Mmm.. not a lot.. about 1-2inches here and there... i dun consider adding them up la... but have la.. minimum.. keke.. one week no go coz of menses.. almost coming back..sianz...


New Member
>>nikko: I started my treatments long ago and have dropped 2 sizes since, about 2-3inches at different parts. if add all together then many, din really count coz so long ago. must impt for me is I've gotten my figure back
so happy with their services and treatments then recommend you gals there. Plus S's packages still much more reasonable than some others elsewhere, no need to worry getting "chopped big time"..


New Member
jie> that day i went for my treatment and 1st time i do hot blanket leh, thot my package dun have this? funny leh... suppose to be CT scan? strange but anyway, i did massage for 15 mins @ 2 areas oni then followed by the hot blanket...

then followed by cold wrap + machine... why everytime go do diff kinds treatment... anyway until now, no diff lah... no weight loss, no inch loss... no results... think its abt 4-5 visits liao...

ROM-ing next wk... oopppsss... time is running out...


New Member
Alice> i think their hot blanket is spoilt at MS.. so we get to benefit more... coz the full blanket is more ex one.. the one that covers 3 parts is cheaper treatment... so enjoy it while u still have.

4-5 quite normal.. how often u go???

I did my 1st AH today.. really good feeling.. like sucking all my fats out.. hahah.. but i went for my fitting after that.. and everyone said i lost weight..not sure if that one session made a diff.. haha.. :p

me ROM-ing this sat!


New Member
rach>>when was the hot blanket spoilt? I just did mine on sunday. or was that the full blanket that I did all the while?Haha

jie> I agree S is more reasonable. So far I had been doing only the 3-mth promo treatments, and my arms seem firmer. As for my waist, its about a 1 inch drop. Not sure if its still my diet. I want to go back from a M size to a S size!!!


New Member
>>rach: congrats to your ROM-ing again!
dun think your "weight loss" is from that 1AH but I'm confident that you'll be "shaper" after a few more sessions coz AH really helps to "touch up" some of the body parts like our back which most basic massages dont include plus "pulling smaller waist". Perhaps your overall weight/inch loss is from your past efforts
Till now, I'm stretching my AH to once every 2-3wks for maintence again

>>Alice: "why diff kinds of treatment everytime?" perhaps you wanta take note what treatment you did each visit, may not be everything you signed. everything's recorded in their system if you want a check. Dun think they'll shortchange us but we tend to confused esply when we signed for few different treatments.
I also remember S mentioned that yours very stubborn cellutite so may take even longer than us to see results. Try to go twice a week initially?

>>Nikko: congrats! biologically, tummy/arm fats are the harder to loss for gals, your efforts have paid off well too!
I think if you changed your diet alittle as recommended, you'll see results faster and wont rebound that easily..


New Member
Nikko> for our unlimited package.. it comes with the full blanket.. but for alice.. i think hers is the TLT and not LTT.. which is blanket on 3 parts only. :p
Wah.. i can go from L to M can liaoz..
Sometimes i wonder those woman inside MF doing wha..already sooo slim stil come here waste money..
I'm the kind that really needs help loh.. hahahha...

jie> but i do really feel soo much better after that AH. hahaha..everything seems slimmer. haha.. 心ç†ä½œç”¨ haha...
Wah.. once every 3 weeks.. i need ur help fast fast so i can go for one more treatment before my ROM on sat.. heheh.. :p


New Member
Hi Jie and Rach,

What are the latest promotion that they are having now? And in fact what are the more effective items to have? i am looking at slimming on arms and waistline..

Care to share with me more?


New Member
jie/rach> i now go twice a wk usually wkdays after work cos wkend always so packed... i did the hot blanket again today (whole body) and the cold wrap + machine and massage on 3 areas (15 mins)... i dun remember wat S said abt the cellulite thing liao... aiyo forgetful leh...

but the very 1st time, i did the CT and she said that's good for thighs and waist leh but subsequently din do any more CT

my package got cold wrap + machine (AFR+FMS), massage + detox TLT (PNT) and CT ultrasound...

that day tried a new thing, laser for 1.5hr leh... anybody tried that b4? very shiok, it consists of a machine to rub ur fats, then massage then hot wrap + machine... after that come out red as crab.. hahaha

rach> congrats to ur ROM this sat!!! i'm going this fri... next wk on leave whole wk... looking fwd...


New Member
Winnie> for waist and arms.. i think GBT seems to be more effective...
Coz i was recommended that when i mentioned that I wanna cut on my arms.. if u wanna try.. u can ask jie to transfer hers to u first.. she is selling hers..coz she reached her target liaoz.. no need it anymore.. if after 4 sessions u like..then u sign up with MF loh.. not sure if u can do that if u are not a MF customer yet.. :p

Alice> wah!! how much is ur package?? all sound so high end.. i wont know.. gotta qing jiao jie.. hahaha.. :p

thanks! :D

looking fwd to wat?


New Member
>>winnie: GBT (seaweed mask+massage) is good for fat burning. Bought the treatments for my tummy and front+back thighs. Not so sure about arms; the cold wraps work best for me actually. However, if your problem is more water retention, then I guess FCPT may be more appropriate for you. Perhaps you want to just determine the root of your problem and what kinda of treatment works best for you then decide. If you like, can recommend my consultant to you. Like I mentioned, usually I'll drop S a note to make sure better packages to recommend. Just have a chat, no obligations.

>>rach: Alice is looking forward to her 1 week leave after her ROM
hee! Believe Alice's package is also a mix'n'match package targetted for her problem areas, you also interested ah? may not be suitable woh.. thot you no more budget, focus on your unlimited first

>>Alice: could it be they're saving the CT treatments for you till later? I also din try many of your treatments, so cant comment much..
Congrats to your ROM too!


New Member
jie>> you reach your target already?and want to sell off your GBT?Haha. I am always interested in GBT.

Today I tried my first meso treatment. Wow...the therapist will first use the machine to rub your body to open up the lymphatic drainage and follow by the deep penetration of the serum, and follow by massage. It was both painful and ticklish. Haha, no wonder before I went in, S told me to enjoy my treatment.
