hi all ! please advise on my weird idea . would it be appropriate if I hold my guy friend's hand ( he will be holding a board saying " im not the groom !" ) to march in to the groom like how brides march in with their daddys . As my daddy is no longer present , so I came up with this idea but Im afraid it will turn out to be weird.. hope you guys can advise ! thanks!


New Member
a good idea too. but u holding a church wedding? why cant just hold ur htb hand and walk into the aisle?


New Member
i would walk down the aisle with my hubby during this big day. will ur guy friend steal the limelight? it will be like everyone is looking at ur guy friend instead of focusing on u and ur htb. If u really want to walk down the aisle, maybe get another guy (maybe ur uncle or god dad or even ur elder bro)? at least ur relatives would know the one is ur family member not ur friend. but this is still my opinion, you are free to do whatever u want, as long ur htb agrees to it.


Active Member
Interesting idea - may be well received by those who are open-minded but not so much for those who are more conservative. And like what D_L said, your friend may unwillingly end up stealing the limelight when people start staring at him and wondering how you two are connected even when you've already reached the end of the aisle and be by your hubby's side. I'm sorry to hear your daddy won't be able to walk you down the aisle but maybe you can get another elder male relative to do it instead? Or like what my friend did, it was her mummy who walked her down the aisle, so maybe you can try considering your mummy too?

missy dance

New Member
that is an interesting idea! it will also be nice if you walked down the aisle yourself too :) will definitely look very pretty on camera/video. congrats on your upcoming wedding! cheers!


Unless all your guests has never met your htb before?
It really depends on who your guests are. Can they appreciate and understand the special?

Tan cutie

New Member
No offend but I think your idea is creative but it consider weird and unacceptable to all your relatives. Unless the bride is a westerner they will properly think this is fun and creative. For most Asian wedding I had seen Brides walk down the aisle with elder brother, or uncle.


Would your in-laws accept this? I think the older generation may think that this is a disgrace (like, who is this guy?) and may have to do a lot of explaining to the relatives... just my 2cents

Tan Xiao Ming

New Member
Hi normal I seen Brides who father not around, they are lead by their elder brother. For me personally I think it weird to be hold by other guy instead of the groom himself. But I think your idea is very creative.


I think wedding is all about what u two really love to do! But of coz it depends how pang tang your old folks are! Some may be too uptight for such "unconventional" March in :)
Best to seek your old folks inputs before making decision. Don't let the wedding be a catalyst for future quarrels among the inlaws :)
