Mandarin Oriental Singapore


New Member
Dear Gals,

my coordinator is Liping. She's actually quite OK. She's not the "super friendly" type I would say, but she always reply to my queries and stuff promptly. About rigidity, well.. seems that it's the hotel that's rigid and not the coordinators (that's what I think, maybe I'm wrong). Give Liping a try, she's alright.


New Member
hello all

did anyone do their solemnization in oriental? any details? I am thinking of holding it there. i guess foodwise no need to worry cuz star said its good ;-)

anyone got pics of their solemnization in oriental to share ? [email protected]



New Member
Just wanting to check with u gals regarding the pricing of the tables for dinner. Cos' the proposal sent by email quoted 1288/ table of ten for December 2006! So expensive?!? Wonder if I'm being fleeced.....
Any other couple also getting married end 2006?



New Member
Hi.. Thanks for your replies -- checked with the coordinator, the weekend price is 1288 - including free flow of drinks/ wine/ beer. The basic table rate is 880... looks like i gotta survey around.


New Member
hi cindy

i think 1288 for f/f drinks, wine, beer is a reasonable deal. Save ur headache on all these costs when they r already included. Unless of cuz u have ur own lobang for these stuff...

M paying $880+++ for a sat in jul 06


New Member
Dear gals,
Do u have any idea abt the pricing for oriental lunch banquets?

Star, can u share yr lovely photos with me? [email protected]


New Member
Hi Cindy,
is the quoted price of $1288 nett or +++?? But the thought of having FREE FLOW of drinks/beer/WINE sounds like a good deal if your guests drink a lot. The wine at Oriental is quite expensive, the cheapest one is around $55+++ if I remember correctly. But you should always look around and compare. MM has just finished renovation.


New Member
sent...check your email.
sorry ...can't really help on the lunch thingy... y dun u call n make appt to discuss wif them?


New Member
Btw just to check for those who viewed their ballrooms. Is one projector enough?

They refused to give us 2 complimentary projectors =/


New Member
Hi pinkie,

yes 1 projector is enough though I thought the projection screen is a little bit too small, but it's the standard size.


New Member
depnds on which layout u having? the long march in or the L shape one... I had the L shape march in and need 2 projectors as one side of the guests maynot be able to see the screen so I got them to put up 2 screens... projector wise, I sourced for it myself...
got lobang..


New Member
on the min tables... thin its' 15... not very sure... I know it's less than 20. Maybe u call them and check it out? oh ya..the Oriental pics are the behind ones... the first dinner venue pics u see is not's in JB..Oriental ones are the second dinner venue...

sent too..


New Member
I think the min for the ballroom now is 30, the last time when I sign up with Oriental min is 25, best to call up to reconfirm on the numbers


New Member
hi BTB,

my girlfriend doing printing of the cards charging cheaper any interested can just write an email for contact [email protected], just quote my name jennifer intro.

Hope this will help all save some $$.


New Member
zhen n pitterpatter

btw..u have any friendster account? ya lor..the other thread very quiet...wonder where they gone to... your AD over or coming soon?


New Member
Thanks, starstar.
U look great in the pics. Must have been an unforgettable AD har? U look so happy...hehe...

hmm, friendster account leh.

oh, my AD not yet...just ROMed a couple of months ago...gonna settle my reno 4 my house 1st b4 planning for AD...meanwhile scouting ard & attending some wedding fairs lor.


New Member
sunrays, kiki_an n pearberry
check your email.

sorry, for me, I took the old price(bef reno). So can't really help ya much but that time, I managed to get a waiver of corkage for red wine from them. Cos both my hubby n me insisted on taking Merlot(our fave wine) as our red wine which their house wine list dun have... so we took in our own red wine from outside. That time the coord was very nice n easy going, she waived the charges for us.


New Member
Hi sunrays,

they did waive off corkage charge for wines for me, but not total waiver. my coordinator asked me how many bottles i would be bringing in and then she'll waive off those, so on the day itself if i bring in more, there won't be waiver for the extra bottles. but i think you can ask for total waiver actually. hth


New Member
Hi jessann

when is ur wedding & when did u book oriental?

The prices they quote now are skyrocket high...the only thing good is that the wine & beer is free flow but still each tbl will amount to $1500 after all the taxes...abit ridiculous i feel...


New Member
hi gals,

i manage to bargain for total waiver... =P

if u have more tables.. maybe can bargain more.. i am very pleased with what i've got...


New Member

my wedding was in september, just over and I only booked 3 months prior to my big day. but they should have a non free flow price right?


New Member
dear jessann,

do you have any Oriental AD pics to share with me? my email is [email protected]

Thanks =P

my AD is in Sep 06, and i got the tables at 780+++ as it's a weekday, got total corkage waiver as well. Think sign now the deal is better...


New Member
hi jessann..
the non free flow price is $880+++ but tat will still amount to abt $1k per table.. and havnt't add in the beer yet, and if they can't waive the corkage, tat will incur even more charges.

the new package of $1288+++ per table have free flow wine & beer plus they upgrade the menu to 'buddha jump over the wall' and 'whole suckling pig'...they also serve canapes & champagne during the cocktail for 45 mins. But i think it's not worth paying so much per table. With the same price u can actually go to four seasons liao.

if u dun mind may i ask whether u managed to cover the cost of your banquet frm the angbaos? I'm just curious...hehehe.


New Member
hey sunrays,

if i didn't take into account the deposit which my dad paid for, i broke even for my dinner. otherwise it's a loss of 5k. i was lucky my in-laws paid for their own table, otherwise it would have been a really bad loss. all of their malaysian relatives came and gave ang baos in ringgit!

actually i feel that the food and ambience at oriental is a lot better than four seasons. but of cos the name is still not as good. i had canapes during my cocktail as well but i don't know if they still offer that for the regular price.


New Member
hello everyone,

i have also booked the weekend package at the oriental for 2006. my wedding coordinator was Agnes, I am really worried to hear that she has left the Oriental. she promised a lot of flexibility which I suspect the new coordinator is not going to honour.

Any of you have the new $1288+++ details? I cannot find that at the website. Can send to me? thanks.


New Member
Hi Sunrays,
Mine is the 880+++ package de... I did not manage to get any waiver of cockage lo
sooo sad... but nowadays, i think a lot of hotel are not into waiver of cockage leh... haiz.. this are really unnecessary cost..

Hi StarStar...
Welcome back!!

Hi Pearberry,
keke r u from WL too??

Hi Juniac,
Ohh.. are all the items listed in the contract? If not, i suggest u call up Oriental and check with the new coordinator + highlight to them tt this is wat has been promised...


New Member
Actually I tried, but the new coordinator was not keen to talk to me. She said we can discuss that later closer to the wedding date. But I am worried it's too late.

Does anyone have any feedback about the choice of flowers, wedding favours and table cloths? I signed up during the bridal show and was under the impression that there is quite a selection to choose from. But recently a fren juz went for her meeting with the coordinator and there seemed to be a selection (or lack of) problem.

I am interested to learn about the new $1288+++ package. If anyone has info, please email me at [email protected]. Thanks.


New Member
ah yoshi
glad to have ya back in here...

hi..if u have asked Agnes to state her promises of stuff and things u had negotiate before u signed the contract.. guess those stuffs are vaild even she had left... usu once u signed the contract, it's difficult to ask for more stuffs. Unless the coord offers the stuffs himself /herself.... heard the coord taking over Agnes rather 'strict'(go by the book)... guess if u wanna ask for more stuffs beyond the contract, quite difficult but u can still try.

wedding favours, me, the range seems ok...unless u looking for something extraordinary lah... else the stuffs they have are good enough to dress up the place to a standard.


New Member
Dear Ladies,

I saw some of you AD pics and noticed that the flowers they gave are quite sparse...anyone know how much does it cost to add more flowers?

Actually felt that there's no 'chemistry' between us and the co-ord!Sigh~


New Member
Hi Juniac,

Choice of flowers
1.Roses (your choice of colour)
2.Gerberas (your choice of colour)
3.Daisy (your choice of colour)
4.Oriental Lily (Pink in colour)

Table cloth
1.Crinkled Maroon
2.Crinkled Dark Gold
3.Crinkeld Gold
4.Dark Green
and a few more

Wedding favours
1.Cupid cardholder
2.A pair of bear
3.champagne truffle

Hope this helps


New Member
thanks for the info. really useful. apparently my fren only saw 3 colours for table cloth, big red, crinkled gold and green. There's not much option for her. As for the flowers, is it true that you will not get to see the arrangement until the actual day? Can you actually suggest the style of arrangement that you want?

i am worried about having too much chemistry, the explosive type

If anyone has any AD photos of the Oriental to share, I'll really appreciate it. My email is [email protected]. Thanks.


New Member
on the arrangement..think it's possible to suggest...discuss wif the coord... for me, I left it to Agnes.. happy wif the end result.
AD pics at Oriental? I'lls end another day..
