Mandarin Oriental Singapore


New Member
Oh lala, keep us updated after yr meeting with Agnes ? Let us know wat kind of compensation they gv u ?

I will talk to them after they get back to me....;p


New Member
Hi lala

i hv compared the menu last yr. If the menu is still the same, then my pt is Oriental provides lobster, abalone,cod fish which is deemed as expensive. dun think they are on pp menu (the lower range).

as for ballroom, it is up to individual taste. i hv been to 2 ballrooms of pp. the one at the lst floor is nicer but i beg to disagree for the function room on the 2nd level - it is not as grand as Oriental.

do check it out.


New Member
Hi abc, hv Oriental reply u back ?

I dropped them another email & they replied saying they still in the process.

Hi eggster, how abt u ?


New Member

Have confirmed my hotel and spoke to them ydy nite again.. they say will get back to me by mon to update me the status of their discussion with the other hotel. but new contract anticipate end of june.. think matching terms to old contract shouldn't be a problem. that is the least they can do. anything more then goto negotiate again.

but goto scrutinize the new contract CAREFULLY. make sure we are satisfied before signing....


New Member
So eggster, where is yr new venue ? When's yr AD ? How many tables u hv ?

So they can match your old contract terms ? No top-up of price ? Did they mentioned abt compensation ?

I hv not heard from them yet.....;p


New Member
Hi lala

if m not wrong the one at the lst floor is pacific room and the one upstairs is ocean room.
my caution to u is to look at the menu dat they are serving.

my guests really like oriental hotel food. still receiving praises from them on its uniqueness. even those who had veg indian, veg chinese and muslim give thumb up for the food. dat why i ask u to be more careful on the menu.

really hope all the brides here manage to find their ideal venue soon.


New Member
Did anyone upgrade to a more expensive menu in their new venue ($2-300 more per table) and Oriental is going to absorb the cost?


New Member
Hi All
I have also confirmed my venue on Monday. Waiting for Oriental to come back to (next Tue). They said they need abt a week to match the terms.Let you guys know if I have any update


New Member
Hi All

We have met up with the banquet manager of Ritz Carlton on tuesday and she mentioned that Oriental's management will be meeting up with their management to discuss abt matching the contract. Ritz Carlton's wedding package is quite complex as apart from the standard perks, some additional perks will be given based on the no. of bliss stars accumulated from the no. of confirmed tables. Their min. no. of tables for weekday is 45 tables and weekend is 60 tables. So, if you are keen to hold your wedding with Ritz Carlton even if you do not have the min. tables required, you will still be able to as it's Oriental's job to talk to Ritz Carlton's management.


Why dun you consider Ritz Carlton? Their ballroom and Reception area is very spacious and nice. You will definitely be spoilt for choice from the designs of the wedding cards to the color of the plates and also to the shape of the VIP tables!

Hi Wedding9999

Where is your new venue? When is your AD? Do you hv to change your AD or you manage to get a venue for weekends?


New Member
Hi, I am still waiting for Oriental to get back to me abt Fullerton. Becos I can't meet the min table, they hv to upgrade the menu price. The last thing I heard was I need to top up the price. Now still waiting for Oriental to get back to me. Think they can only get back to me next wk or so. They need to negotiate terms with them. Keep my finger crossed.

I manage to book a wkend for my wedding after calling several hotels.

So Fong2, yr date remains the same on Mon ?

Hi Chillipadi, when's yr AD ? Where's yr new venue ?

Hi Warren, when's yr AD ? Where is yr proposed venue.


New Member
Hi gals,

I am really in a vex !! Of coz I would like Ritz, Fullerton and even Conrad but don't am I asking for too much??? Now I am upset over the Pan Pac coz received few feedbacks that Pan Pac food is not as good. What do u gals think of Meritus Mandarin?


New Member
Hi lala

How about marriott or grand coporthone or sheraton tower? I hv enjoyed the food there. If i m not wrong, the main ballroom of Meritus Mandarin is not bad but not the other as the stage will be blocked by pillars. food wise, average

Not sure abt Ritz, Fullerton and Conrad but heard food at Ritz is not dat good but of course, it is a 6star hotel and pple will be impressed.


New Member
Actually I also heard that Fullerton food also not so gd, only ok but it's a 6-star hotel. I hv been sourcing ard for lots of hotels & they r booked for my date & we are particular of our date.....;p

Hi lala, u can try Sherton & Mandarin Singapore. They hv gd food. Their suite also rather nice. Think U can find hotels easier than me.

Btw gals, heard Orchard hotel still hv date available for wkends.....;p....try calling ?


New Member
Food is a very subjective issue! With our current situation..we should just hope that things will come out fine!

Frankly, i still prefer Oriental menu than my new venue! but what else can we do now?


New Member
hi lala

m an ex oriental bride so not affected for tis incident. it is a pity it has happened.

true, food and liking of the ballroom is very subjective. all we can is to gather feedback if we hv not tried it ourselves. ya, heard orchard hotel food is not bad. their ballroom is also quite nice.


New Member
Yar lor, that's a reason why we choose Oriental in the 1st place - like the food, ballroom, suite, etc.

Now, can only go for 2nd choice / replacemenet.

Btw Warren, where is yr new venue ? When's yr AD ?


New Member
Hi Wedding9999
Mine is a Monday 4Oct so no problem finding a hotel. I also reserve Fullerton, Sheraton & 4seasons. Sheraton good food, tried it myself. wonderful ballroom but pity it is L-shaped.
4 Seasons very cosy, 1 ballroom has outdoor view


New Member
Hi Wedding9999

We have emailed Agnes that we would like to confirm with Fullerton. We are still waiting for her reply. Think she mentioned that she will let us know by next week.

Yes, our AD remains the same on Monday, cos we dun wan to upset our other schedules like AD MU.

We are not sure if the Fullerton's food is nice but The Fullerton thread seems to give +ve remarks for the hotel. Besides the bridal suite is unique. We dun think anybody can find any suite with duplex except Fullerton.

I agree that food is very subjective cos some people gave us the feedback that Orchard hotel's food is not that nice. So, it does depends on individual or maybe the mood of the chef. :p

Now, we just hope that we will get our venue confirmed and our wedding dinner to proceed as planned.


New Member

anybody check with regent? for those who can't get their dates with fullerton, ritz, conrad can try regent.

many of you might think it is pretty inconvenient ( myself included ) but i ended up with them ;) cos they have a cosy reception area and ballroom can accomodate up to 50 tables.


New Member
Hi gals,

I am also considering taking The Regent. They have the date available. HB loves the ambience of the hotel very much. My parents gave good comments of the food and svc. They have one waiter to a table.


New Member
Hi all,

Hope we all can get our new venue confirmed soon & proceed as planned.

Keep each other posted ? Mmmm....I also keen to know what kind of compensation Oriental going to gv us for all the inconvenience caused.....;p

Wish all of us gd luck & hope everything will runs smoothly from now on.


New Member
hi gals... i should be taking Conrad... been a tough time since the time Oriental gave us this problem. Some people might think we are lucky but I really rather not have this. Had to go through so many rounds of discussion and also, quarrels with FH due to the increased stress. But somehow i dun think Oriental will compensate us... how to make them do that? THink they will just let us sign with new hotel and case closed right?


New Member
Hi Coco,
My fave hotel is Conrad but the date has been taken already. Same as you, I would rather not go through all this coz really very tiring .... when is your wedding day?
We have to hurry and get Oriental to liaise with the new hotel & finalised the contract coz when our AD is drawing close, we will be at the losing end and have to take whatever comes along ...

Yep, I think they will just close case once they have found us the hotel. I am wondering what kind of compensation should we request ??


New Member
Yap, agree that it's so troublesome to go thru the round of looking for hotels again & calling the various hotels again. It's like going back in our initial stage in sourcing for hotels but this time it's to our disadvantage becos lots of hotels are booked & we dun hv much choices for dates.

Hv to explain to parents, friends, etc of the change troublesome.

Becos of all these troubles, stress, quarrelling, explanation, coordination, inconvenience, time spent, etc, Oriental shld compensate us for these !


New Member
Nope, still hv not hear from them.

How abt u, lala ? So u booked Conrad ? U change yr date ? So, when's yr AD now ?

Any updates, ladies ?


New Member
Hi wedding999,

Nope, not Conrad coz they don't have the date I wanted. Should be Regent as Agnes is liaising with them now.

When is your AD? Which hotel in mind?


New Member
Sorry lala, think it's coco that is taking Conrad.

Actually I like Conrad, Ritz & Regent too but they are all fully booked for the date I wat.

Only 5-6 star hotel that is still availabe on my date is Fullerton. So Wendy is still liasing with them.

Btw, u need to top up ? How many table u hv ? when's yr AD ?


New Member
Hi Wedding999,

Top up?? I hope not and insist we shouldn't at all. Already is so stressful on the change in venue. I don't wanna make a big fuss, just hope that the management will be reasonable enough.


New Member
Ladies, I seriously felt that u gals shouldn't be topping up anything at all. all of u have went thru so much hassel to get a venue for ur AD, I felt tat Oriental should absorb the difference with ur new venue. It's really very stressful having going to go thru all these & all most of the popular dates are already taken up. u gals should be compensated instead of topping up the difference


New Member
Yap, I also feel that we shld not top up anything.

But last wk Wendy told me that I can't meet min table for my new venue so maybe need to top up. She told me Oriental will negotiate & get back to me. Till now, still hv not heard from her yet. Hopefully everything will be ok & I can confirm my new venue ASAP.

I am going to ask them for compensation for all the inconvenience caused, hassel, worries, etc after I settle my new venue.....;p

Hv any u gals talk / discuss abt the compensation? Wat to ask them ?


New Member
Wedding9999: If ur new venue is going to accept ur booking even if you didnt meet your min. no. of tables..then i think the problem will then lie with Oriental! they should top up.

I believe if your AD is within the next 3-4 months..most hotel will take u in even if u didnt really meet thier requirement!

Maybe Oriental is working hard to negotiate but really wonder how much effort has Oriental put in? Will not comment on this until they come out with the new contract that most ppl are waiting!


New Member
For me, I couldn't accept the alternative venues that the Oriental suggested (which are either out of the way or not comparable to oriental). Hence, i found an alternative myself. I actually paid a deposit for my new hotel but yet to receive the refund from oriental. The coordinator actually wanted the new hotel coordinator to let her see the contract before letting me go through.

But to-date have not heard from either hotel on the new contract and refund.... A bit worried as everything is verbal... She informed the top-up will be between the 2 hotels. Hopefully everything works smoothly...

Frankly speaking, the 2 coordinators from Oriental must be having a hard time coordinating for about 50 affected couples. I wonder how can they apportion their time for us esp when all our dates are so close. So we have to help ourselves and be careful in dealing with them and the new hotels. I dun think we can afford any other hicups!

I used to be very enthusiatic about planning and coordinating for my wedding, going for fittings, looking forward to my photo shoot etc.. but now I just dun have the mood nor feel excited at all. I hope I will still look good for my photo shoot next monday...


New Member
Not putting any blame on Agnes and Wendy on the negotiation with the new venue coz i believe we all know that they are just employees!!!

Can anyone suggest what are the resonable requests and "compensation" that are resonable and not putting too much pressure on the two coordinators??


New Member
So Hannah, where is your new venue ? When's yr AD? Does yr new venue remains the same terms as Oriental? I also waiting for confirmation from my new venue & Oriental. Up to now, still no news, dunno how long they will take ?

I also called up a couple of hotels to find out if they r available, then make a tentative booking then ask Oriental to contact them.

Well Warren, u got yr new venue? Where? When's yr AD?

I also dunno wat kind of reasonable requests & 'compensation' is appropriate.

Any suggestions, gals?

Hey gals, keep us posted should anyone hv the new contract for the new venue?


New Member
Hi ex Oriental brides,

Do u gals have the loose rose petals for the guests to throw when u marched in?? Do u have to pay for those or Oriental arranged it for u??


New Member
Hi yan

i did not arrange for it but some of my guests use the roses (table centrepc)to do so.

no harm asking ur coordinator.


New Member
Hi Ladies
Me not an oriental bride, but i just happen to book a hi-tea after my ROM next wk @ Cafe Des Artistes for next wk. And I tot i send an email out last nite to confirm my reservation. Guess what, they told me they cease weekday hi-tea and I wasn't informed. I had made the reservation weeks ago..geee what kind of hotel operation they are sucks!


New Member
HI Terrapin
I made a fone reservation..was i supposed to expect any form of confirmation? And that assistant mgr still had the cheek to tell me thru' email he never heard from me..he was the one who ask me to call to made reservation


New Member
are there any jan 05 couples around? just curious if your AD will be affected? did any of their coordinators call to confirm?


New Member
Hi zhuzhu,

Wow, if you have already made the reservation by phone, then I must say that the service by Oriental is really bad! No wonder the hotel is not rated 5-star by most of the travel websites like and


New Member
Hi gals,

Checking if anyone of u heard anything from your coordinator abt yr new venue ? Any confirmation or anything ?

I hv not heard anything from them for 1+wk liao.....;p


New Member
wedding999: i have waited like 2-3 weeks already..still no news..i suppose they have many couples to handle!

Mine is in Oct, tendatively in Swissotel!
