Hi Babbit, here's a big hug from me. Thanks for the assurance!
Yup, I managed to get a reply from Agnes and she assured me too that for short walk-in, 45 with 2 reserved is alright!
Glad to hear you have a good time walking in and managed to grab the guests' attention. That's important! Thanks again! May consider the page boys and girls too. Just a wild thot, heehee!!
CoCo, high-five!! Yup, pray hard and will pray for you too.
Worst come to the worst, just honor your parents' requests. However, I think to win both your parents and in-laws' agreement, it's very very important that BOTH YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND stand as one and decide NOT to have sharksfin. I was also told that there are postcards showing a wedding couple, their parents and lots of bloodly sharks in front of that. You may want to get hold of such postcards to explain your cause
My ex-colik is sending me. When I get hold of it, maybe I can send to you
I saw the video where the sharks are just thrown into the sea after their fins are cut, bleeding away and was just "stunned" by humans' cruel regard for the environment
Try your best but it's the thought that counts. At least, the sharks have one more person like yourself who is aware of the plight they are in.
No offense whatsoever to those who served sharksfin. As a respect to my friends/relatives, I eat sharksfin soup too if I attend a wedding that serves it as a delicacy. Just that given a choice, I would not serve it at my wedding dinner or eat it as an occasional delicacy.