

New Member
aw... it must be a really nice feeling, knowing that a baby is living in your tummy.

hmm..wonder how's bvbride..

CONGRAS BVBRIDE!!! Wonder when she'll post her 1st pics. I love to see newborn babies pics.

Wah...u started reading on pregnancy liao? haha..

I think come my time I'll also miss having baby in the tummy, esp the feeling of him moving and kicking...

I went JL but didn't see the Angel wipes but this other brand which starts with "C" and it's green in colour. Same price as the Angel wipes, 3 big packs for 5.50. wonder if it's by the same supplier.


New Member
hi T&P,
not really lah, just that sometimes while flipping mags get to read this sorta stuff. =P i always think the kicking and moving feeling in the tummy is amazing. i'm quite petite so hubby always laugh thinking bout how i'll look with a huge belly next time.

when is ur DD, T&P? is it starstar first then you?


New Member
dat brand is called carlson..its JL inhouse brand..cos it state packed specially for JL..maybe dat why they dun sell angel wipes anymore..

its indeed a wonderful feeling to have bb inside me..but when the kick becomes kongfu kick..not fun anymore..

starstar will be next, follow by T&P

yap..starstar shld be abt 8 weeks before me. I'm due in Dec, she's due in Oct.

so u try this brand before? good?
I agree when the kicks becomes harder it's not tat can hurts sometimes...haha...but still quite farney sometimes..esp when u "poke" the baby and he kicks back.

u left with abt a mth left. All set?


New Member
haru,t&p n zhuzhu
=) yup...I'm next in line to pop...keke... anyway, think all the stuffs r bought liao... cot n car seat delivering tomolo.... I've put all my bb's clothes(new n hand me downs) to wash liao these two days... so cute...all hang on the bamboo pole so small n u only see alot of cloths pegs...haha...

btw the wet diff one? tot all wipes machiam the same.... non alcohol. how to gauge if it's good??? *blur*

ya man... he's getting stronger everyday!!! yesterday Maya came to do a prenatal session wif me and I asked her how to see if my bb's engaged. She told me mine haven...still happy inside..dun wanna come out yet. T&P, if u wanna to know if your kiddo's engaged, use your 3 fingers n placed them at the area that's directly below your cleavage. If your fingers r not flat n u can feel a curve, not engaged. If all 3 r flat, it's engaged. U'll notice when engaged, the curve is lower not directly below your cleavage. =)

think I'll miss him inside too...

btw I've send u an email thru your yahoo email address... u got it? u leh? got all your stuffs?


New Member
you can "poke" the baby????

wow, now it seems like really soon for your turn. its just a couple of weeks to go! i can imagine the bamboo pole, so cute! did you take pix?? i took photos of our laundry that was hanging to dry once, so funny coz it had all my hubby's quirky socks.
sometimes certain parts of the tummy will b extra hard and u'll be able to feel baby grows bigger, i am told u can even see prints of little feets, hands and even head against the skin.
I like to poke around my tummy and see if i can feel baby..haha..and when i do i will keep touching it..and then hb will come around and start "poking" too..and it happended twice will kicked very hard back. so fun!

keke..pai seh..i jus checked...i hardly check that email lah. I sent u another email addy, that's the usual one i use.
i think i am 90% done. How many tubes of nappy rash cream u buy? I ordered 2 tubes of destine, wonder if i shld buy another 2 tubes of drapolene.


New Member
hi T&P,
yeah!! i have heard that too!! my boss told me his wife had that, and they could clearly see the prints of her little foot and hands. its amazing!!


New Member
im also going to taj exotica! but its in october, rainy season... hopefully not too rainy.... heard they revamped it after tsunamis... n the plus point too is their food is good... board = not buffets, but alacarte,. n i heard food is really not bad.


New Member

no leh..never try carlson b4..but it looks pretty simliar to Angel packaging

I tried tollyjoy wipes b4..very hard to pull out from the container..pigeon is one of the best lor..but Angel wipes is value for $$


New Member
dun need to buy so many nappy rash cream lar..ur 2 tube of destine is ordered drugstore one? its a big tube leh..u dun squeeze alot out each time oso..I bought the nappy rash cream from mothercare..still have abt slightly more than 1/3 left

really? i am told can use 1 tube per mth leh.
ya i am getting the destine thru the drugstore spree. u tried? good?

ya..i can't wait to see my baby's little feet! keke..

to me good or bad wipes will depend on whether it's harsh on baby's skin or not. so far, Pigeon seems like a very trustworthy brand..
heh..i'll try what Maya taught you come nearer my delivery time. =)


New Member
i can feel your strong maternal instincts!!i am sure your hubby and you are really looking forward to holding ur baby in your arms.=> sounds like pigeon has quite a lot of good reviews from the muumies here! think so far its breastpads and pump have been recommended?


New Member
never tried colleague recommend me mothercare far so good..and its easier to apply cos its in a tub form..sometimes its difficult to squeeze from the tube..esp when u need to do it fast..

pigeon breastpads n wipes are good..but dun think the pump is good..
i think it's natural..i wasn't prepared to have a babe, but once I realised I am pregnant, the instinct will slowly kick in. =)

Re. Pigeon breast pump, my gf told me their manual pump is quite good leh.


New Member
zhuzhu n T&P many brands of nappy rash cream in the market.... destine u bought from where one?

not sure abt pigeon pump... but I've heard a few good reviews on avent ones. Even the parentcraft nurses in Mt Alvernia reco avent but they didn't say anything abt pigeon. One thing for sure is that they dun reco Tollijoy pump cos according to her, the suction for tollijoy is rather hard n it can be hurtful. avent ones is almost like a bb sucking action. =)
i think destine is available in pharmacy, say watson or guardian but it's more ex to buy locally.think it's b/w 12-14+.
I ordered mine thru a spree on motherhood shld be abt $9+ with shipping.
u got my email reply?


New Member
Thx for the well wishes gals

things went pass in a blur during the past few days - still not used to the idea that im officially a mummy now!
finally got abit of spare time now cos BB fast asleep after i BF him but but...he only feed on my left breast
but i hope he wil wake soon so that i can feed him the right side so that the rt breast dun get engorged :p (touchwood!)

my poor darling came out abit small but PD said he is a mature and full term bb - just that he is small size.
dunno how come my gynae didnt detect his small size when i went for my check up le...the last time he gauged his weight (abt 2weeks before c sect) he was est to be around 2.7kg :p
whatever it is im now doing all i can to make him gain more weight and be a bigger size baby.

hv lost alot of tears over this but i always tell myself to be strong for him - now i know how tough it is to be a mummy. learning and taking it one day a time. Asking GOd for strength and blssing for my little darling everyday

Perhaps he takes after daddy's small frame la..

Enough of my emo stuff - overall im feel blessed that my bb is healthy

STarstar: how long more to go?? excited ? loosing sleep yet?
T and P : u still hv some time before bb comes out to great the world - so enjoy his little kicks and squirms in your tummy yeah...

Haru: Bet u are starting to save now since your trip is planned for year end?? MIJ! cool! hopefully your dream can come true!

Zhuzhu: Did u hv any difficulty trying to feed Markus in the day cos he is mostly sound asleep? he slept after i BF him on one side for almost half an hour...he simply refused to wake after that...hmmm...
how did u cope w a wakeful bb at night? the first night before my CL came he was up crying the whole night man! my Gosh :p
any tips to share? thanks !!

btw as for BB Kieran's pix wise hor...wil hv to wait le...pai seh but i can say that he looks cute la..double eye lids, round round head :D

pai seh forgot to check for ur reply here. So blur n forgetful these days.i just auto go back to the other thread thru shortcut.
Anyway, i found a videographer liao, it's not for wedding but for my work.
My T.Exotica pics link dunno what went wrg leh, told u n others abt it long ago in the other thread and said to PM me if anyone wants to see the pics.

hi burgundy, i went in jun/jul and stayed in both the lagoon villa and deluxe lagoon villa. Both r nice..but deluxe villa is by itself and more roomy..rem to ask for the right side of the villas ya. whoever told u abt the food is's so yummy...


New Member

dun fret over bb small long as kieran is healthy n happy can liao...

the 1st nite at home..i din even sleep well..everytime he cried..i just latched him lor..u got swaddle him? the only thing now is u have to rest well in the day...

if bb dozed off after bf..then let him be lor..he will wake up when hungry

wah so fast can see kieran's double eyelid already ah...must be handsome boy lor..
Hi Bvbride!!!

So nice to hear from you!
Aiyah..small is ok, most impt thing is baby is healthy and well! I read somewhere smaller sized babies often catch up with the bigger sized babies within a few mths..esp breastfed babies, so don't worry ok!
So far besides baby falling asleep after feeding on one side, is everything else ok with bfing?
u keep up with the good works and rest well ok.
Share more with us when u are more well rested.
The way u describe baby so cute!

I voted for baby Markus liao!


New Member
congrats!! so nice to hear to from you! dun worry too much about baby's weight. most impt is that Kieran is healthy and happy! it must be a strange feeling leaving your home just a few days ago and coming home with an extra family member. =D

we have planning our trip in faith. on one hand prefer to save up for PlanB (Plan Baby), on the other hand i know hubby REALLY want to go to japan again. He even bot a new coat from Zara for the next trip already, so funny right? pray that our trip will be well provided for!


New Member
=) Kieran's must be darn good looking!!! double eye lid...whooo... lady killer in the making...=)

currently in entering my 35th week...tomolo will be 35th liao... later going gynae for check up. Felt him getting heavier n heavier each passing day.... finding myself walk abit 'machiam' run 5km liao... perspire like mad. I'll need to go for a hair cut soon...cos currently my hair length abit long lah...hard to maintain during confinement. Hope to do it either this week or next.

Love to see your kieran's pic soon.... so happi for ya everything went well. no worries, i'm sure he'll put on some nice weight in no time... =) when r u starting your post natal treatments?

voted for markus liao.... keke.. the pic very cute leh... small king. =)

well, just go to japan n enjoy n get a MIJ back!!! kill 2 birds wif 1 stone. haha.... =)


New Member
T&P & Starstar
thanks for voting for Markus

Yeah he is the king and I am his slave..

now can go on trip better hubby said since the day Markus was borned, the words "go on trip" had been erased from our dictionary...


New Member
keke....y so pessimistic? U make having bb like some 'death sentence'.... haha... actually, u still can go but I think it'll need some arrangements here n there. More things to consider. =)

sigh...guess our parents were our 'slaves' too when we were it's a cycle that never ends.... :p

Hi ladies
just went for my check up on tues n finally he has turned head down. =) but doc says haven engaged...not so fast one...need to wait for at least 1 week more...

Also went for a hair cut finally... =) so now just wait.....


New Member
Hi starstar,
think so too, even a weekend getaway also good for couples with kids. also great for grandparents and doting aunts and uncles!

you feeling anxious to deliver your baby already?? must be feeling like a countdown ya?


New Member
haha..ya's like a countdown... all the anticipation. My hubby says I so kan cheong...haha...=) natas travel fair this weekend...u going there to check out your jap trip??


New Member
hi starstar,
dun think so, i hate to squeeze in e crowds.anyway i will check directly w the agency on the special deals as I only need to book flights and rail passes with them. the hotels i will be booking myself.

i think you will miss having your baby in your belly when you have delivered. i think the bond created when the baby is in the womb is amazing..


New Member
hey ladies
thx for the kind words of encouragement. hopefully my bb Kieran will grow up to be a good boy

Mummies to be ie Starstar and T and P:
Newborns are sleepy man. mine fall asleep on my breast all the time slightly better now so got to constantly wake him up so that he can continue to suckle cos no suckle no count ok. must get them to suckle to stimulate milk supply

thank god he put one 100+g during his first week chk up yday - jaundice almost all gone - thats a piece of good news.

hope to start my post natal msg by mth end just before my CL leaves so that at least someone is there to keep an eye on bb. tmr is my first week post partum chk up w gynae so hope all is ok and stitches healing fine.

actually i feel the same as Zhuzhu about gog on trips cos for me $ gog to be tighter la cos the jabs and PD chk up etc are not cheap at all! if got Toto or 4D luck then things will be different lor..hahah :D wishful thinking all the time....kekke...

ZHuzhu: i voted for bb Markus liao :D he is top 3 most voted bb! congrats wor>...
im still trying to get the hang of bF and trying to find time to pump also. did know BF is such a time consuming affair le... aiyoh....can sit for one hour straight and after that ganna back pain!
BB is always swaddled but he can kick and punch until the hands and feet all "escape" fr the bb wrap :p so everytime got to wear back his mittens for him several times a day :p
btw u using pacifier to let him sleep thru the night??? still v reluctant to give it to him le ...


New Member
Haru: Btw u planning a longer trip to Japan this time round 3weeks? how much per pax like that? $5K? just kay poh
SIL took a package fr Tradewinds but they gog for family trip w toddler la so their trip is only like 9days or so.

btw STarstar: yep - do all the pampering things u want know - for me i find mother hood challenging la...suddenly got another person fully dependant on you. i didnt cut my hair cos i know i wil end up washing my hair no matter what - in fact i already washed twice! once when i came back from hospital and another time today. i just make sure i blow dry w hair dryer - but im sweating buckets after bathing w hot ginger infused water so i gave up after blowing for like 10 mins haha..
Hi Pple,
Argh...i have been getting heartburns i think..darn uncomfortable..and the coffee i drank this morning is not helping, plus the stuff i have to clear at work today. sianz...

Lots of things plan on faith will turn out beautifully. I have heard of pple who got married with no $, planned everything based on faith..and got blessed in many ways, such as sponsored wedding packages and stuff. Quite amazing when u hear such tales =)

U finished all your preparation liao? like washing of baby's laundry, packed ur hospital bag?
Still determined on drug free delivery? So brave...i think i will just opt for epidural the min i checked in. u can read the stories for inspiration maybe.

sleep is good rite? so u can have time to rest too. yeah..i noe what u mean abt trips too..i cancel my plans for babymoon liao..cos so far already spent a lot on baby...think we shld save for baby expenses, esp when he's out.


New Member
thanks for the advices!!! =) sure helped alot...
good that he's putting on weight!! =) must show us some pics of this handsome little prince of yours!!

congras!!! think the results should be out soon right?

ya...planning to go w/o epidural but see how... maybe I'll go for the gas or the IM pethidine... but it's sure no no to epidural. =) not brave lah... I believe it's all in the mind.... I'm sure u can do it too... human mind is an amazing thing... ;p

washed bb's clothes bbut not the bed sheets n cloth diapers.... planning to do it next week... been having BH contractions rather frequent these days....

u try to drink some lime/lemon juice instead of coffee.... think it'll help or maybe some ginger tea? least ginger can let the gas out...;p

thanks for the link...=)


New Member
yup, hubby and I are one of those couples. we got married when we were considered pretty young and had no savings (literally) and yet we were blessed with a beautiful wedding. til today, our friends do sometimes comment on how nice the wedding was. so grateful for all the blessings.

heartburns? oh dear, i dun know what it is but i can imagine the discomfort. do take it easy ya? maybe avoid the caffeine for now?

no lah, not that long. i think 2 weeks will be brilliant. if not 7-10 days is good for me. we will be able to save on the essential clothes,etc but will spend more on accomodation,rail passes,etc. it will a really sweet blessing if we really have a MIJ, but of coz that will not be the main agenda lah. main thing is to unwind and to celebrate my hubby's b'day. and perhaps some sessions of snowboarding (yipeeee!!~~)

i think its great that Kieran sleeps lots now. gives you some time to take a breather too! when he is a lil older, it will be a 24/7 kinda nephew sometimes stays up til midnite, goodness. then poor ah yee gota stay up with him.

go for it, girl! i also avid believer of no epidural. => looks like you are all set! so have you decided on your baby's name? =D


New Member
oh oh!just a question (i'm not pregnant, just curious!), is it true that mummies who have just given birth and BF cannot take the ginger vinegar stewed pork thingy? sorry, i dun know the exact name of e dish. hubby and i saw a stall selling it the other day and i remembered my grandma used to prepare it when my aunt gave birth, i love it!! but i heard mum saying its too cooling, not for BF mummies?

drink lemon/lime juice will help? really? cos i tot it will make it worse, so dun dare to drink sour stuff. Ok, i'll try when i go taka 2moro, i love the lemonade from tat pretzel place.

starstar, haru,
my one weakness in life is coffee! I hope my baby come out wun be brown brown one, cos i have been drinking quite frequently..haha..but seriously i dun believe in the skin tone colour being affected by coffee or soya milk. my mother drank lots of coffee when she was expecting me and siblings but we all turned out to be very fair. My only concern is the caffeine effect..

so the both of u will be the brave ones ya..i am so terrified of pain..have been reading abt delivery w.o drugs and been thinking whether i shld try without epidural. but once i think of the pain...argh......stab me with the jab!!!


New Member
T&P, you are a caffeine lover eh? no lah, its not true ur bb's skin will turn out darker. i think one cup a day is a good "dosage". maybe go half cup at each time, then you can have it twice!=P

i think my threshold for pain still ok. but i got to say i dun like needles (e first time i had to do a blood test was scary for me!), and the way they have to insert the fine tube for the epidural kinda freaks me out...


New Member
t&p, haru also like haru, scare of needles.. told my frens me not going for epidural then they asked me y... told them I scare of needles so can't imagine the tube that'll be stick into the terrifying for I rather tahan the pain... worse come to worse take the IM pethidine. They all say I win liao cos.. where got needle pain more painful than labour pain...haha... =) what the heck... :p u know when I did my blood test for the triple test... I was literally perspiring in the cold air con room while the nurse was drawing my blood!!! =)

me also caffeine lover... my gynae told me 2 cups per day is the limit. :p so been rather guai during pregnancy..listen to gynae...not more than 2 per day. :p If I take more, my hubby will nag nag.... :p

take the lemon /lime sip sip...not gulp it down.... =)

think it's the 'zhu jiao chu' right? the parentcraft nurse in Mt A mentioned it's ok to take it for BF but in moderation...basically, everything in moderation should be fine. =)

ya, have decided on the name liao...=) so can register his birth bef I discharge from hospital. =)

enjoy the weekend all!


New Member
thanks for voting...sometimes bb dun like to swaddle frend ask me to get those surgical tape and tape the mitten to his hands..i tried it..quite useful..i gave him pacifier think when he is abt 1 mth old..but he dun really like i dun give him liao..he eat his drumstick to sleep


New Member
Hihi - its the weekend! one week since bb Kieran arrived home

Samboras: yep this is - since no one asked us anything abt Maldives we just chatted amongst oursleves. btw there is another new Maldives thread for u to explore. U are welcome to ask us anything here as well - we are all ex Maldives visitors who hv become mummies around the same time :p

Starstar/T and P: thank god my stiches healed well
finally saw the scar yday cos doc removed the waterproof plaster yeaterday (skin pain ah cos plaster v sticky one and im sure some belly hair got pulled out). the stitches seemed to hv "melted" away and there is this dark 12cm line there. I was given Vit E cream and some multivits to chk up in 6 weeks.

T and P: hope u are feeling better already. alot of mummies ganna that so its common la..maybe u can call your doc for (free) advise?

Haru: yeah hor u already got all your winter gear liao so the funds can be channeled towards other things like better accomodation or more food etc..kekeke.
i wish i hv your kind of faith but i always tell myself to take things one day at a time and look at things more positively. ;) somehow motherhood really change a woman... her focus will switch from herself and hubby to bb and hubby. if u ask me now i dun have any motivation to buy any new clothes for myself or do my hair. as long as i still dun look too frumpy im ok w that.
Zhuzhu do u share the same sentiments??? :p

dunno if the nurse at the clinic trying to be extra nice or what but she said i look ok for someone who just had a c-sect last week :p

oh yeah MTBs: i didnt know there is soooooo much marketing to do during confinement much herbs to buy also - try to assign someone to do the marketing cos your mum or MIL will be too tired looking after bb, cooking etc for u...
my mum and hubby is taking turns to do that now

Zhuzhu: thx for the surgical tape tip le...maybe get hubby to buy if he pass by pharmacy...


New Member
hi samboras,
hahah, yes dun worry. it is a maldives thread and we are all maldives lovers and ex-maldivian holiday makers. so feel free to ask anything here, we will be most happy to help in anyway we can. we are all also looking forward to when we can go back to the amazing island of maldives one day again.

good to know that e stitches healed well! do use the vit e cream ya? that is very good for skin. (my dad used to buy me a huge pump bottle of vit e gel when i was younger and always in the sun). really helps to nourish e skin.

actually i am more e practical ones and since getting married i hv been feeing a lil more like we should be really saving up rather than splurging. but hubby is the more optimistic one and feels that money shld be used to pamper ourselves and that each day will take care of itself. having said that,i still try to save a lil bit here and there whenever poss. i reckon this trip will cost us another $6K at least so slowing saving up for that. heheh..


New Member
ya all my $$ goes to buying toys n stuff for bb...I just bought myself 3 pcs of new tops since after my delivery..good thing I managed to fit into all my pre preggy no need to get bigger sizes clothing

So u bought Kieran for his 1st checkup already? Under Dr Ong oso?


New Member
o sounds good... T&P - u went pre-tsunamis ya? any tips to tell us abt taj exotica?
e.g. are the snorkelling excursions worth it to go for, and which ones?

heard there's also the diving platform and that's where the coral life really are. can we see marine life from our villas?

understd the half board meals are alacarte (but u're free to order as much as u want)?

did u do any spa treatments there?


New Member

just fed bb and put him to bed. got a few mins to spare :p

Haru: im sure u and hubby will complement each other in terms of managing finances plus your faith everything should work out nicely. my hubby is doesnt spend much $ on himself but he has his vices too like investing in Spore Pools :p
i will nag once in a while lor but at least he doesnt go casino or indulge in mahjong thank god

Zhuzhu: i know man. read your blog abt the new toys and books u bot for your little darling. the books kinda cheem le for an infant hahah but i agree la keep for future lor.. i stil cannot find black white and red picture books for my little one le...i want those w BIG BIG words so that he can see more clearly hahah.... maybe pple will give during the full mth will see will see..

not bad le..u can fit into pre preggy clothes - i dare not try them yet but somehow i lots bulk of my weight (like 6kg) after delivery. tummy still abit loose loose like that but am using the binder to support my wound and "slim down" - 2 in 1 ! not bad la....btw is the dark line down the tummy fading?mine showing no sign of budging man

My gynae refered BB to Dr Ang Poon LIat from the Paediatric Centre. He seemed ok just that he talks too fast - sometimes v hard to catch and before i can remember what to ask him appt is over liao...
Prob will use another PD thats closer to home - got one in Tiong Bahru Plaza
