I went to their show yest @ bugis, just to share some of my feedback. Gowns were indeed gorgeous and photos were good. However, bad news for man as they might be nothing close to smart from OTR. i just felt their man's suit kindaf dull and it sure looks a bit over-sized, even in some pictures i've seen.
I must admit that they did well to explain alot of details, adopting a 'nothing to hide' approach with customer but i did felt a bit of 'hard selling' along the way by the co-ordinator who kept on harping us to sign on the dotted line before and after the show... perhaps the stress to meet selling quota...i guess its common in all bS.
Service wise, i felt easy in the studio, friendly atmosphere. No doubt a bit of hardselling experienced, there were no empty promises and expectation were laid out clearly to customer on how low can they go on the package and how high they can value add on them. We have designer and other co-ordinators chatting up with us in a friendly and pleasing manner that we will be taken good care of and not to worry...
In the end, we did not sign up as we still want to look around and compare given that there are still some minus pts that we take away from the show like the man's suit and we thought they could futher entice us with more stuff thrown in (like more photos, i mean seriously, come'on, you r gonna take 150-200 photos and 25 to choose from to do potrait, mini, CD what have you, is just too little!!)