Hi, I have been reading quite a bit on local and overseas forum on this issue.
I am a working executive with no children. Hubby and I, are in our early 30s, have been married for 4 years plus and had an affair with a girl younger than him by 8 years who is his new colleague whom he only got to know this year after he switched company in Jan, the affair probably started in Feb after the CNY. Worse, she stays near me, 5 minutes drive from my home and has same birth date as me according to her facebook.
I was already suspicious when hubby came home on one occassion at 1.30am when he normally comes back latest at 9 or 10. He switched off his hp when I tried contacting him and even called 2 hospitals to check if he had got himself into an accident. I asked why he came home so late, he just said he wants to think things over and he wants freedom. A few days later, he came home at 4 am. Then he lied on where he went when I saw a reciept for dinner for 2 at somewhere else. He said he was thinking things again... My heart really sank.
2 years ago, he also tried to go on a "date" with a female colleague for movie and dinner. When I found out via his hp sms, he argued with me and said more unbelievable lies to cover up. We quarrelled and patched up later after he said he cancelled the appointment with his colleague though he never admit that it was a date.
Back to current situation, I questioned him on who is the 3rd party, he never admit and said he went out with friends. My sister advised me to get a PI. I got one to tail him for 4 days and indeed he was seeing this girl. The day I confronted him at my mother-in-law's (MIL) place, he was still trying to cover up and never believed that I would get a PI. He thought the photos were taken by me using my own hp. He is currently staying at MIL place but she does not trust him anymore and this is giving him a nervous breakdown.
I have been married to him for 4 years plus always supporting his decisions and standing by him. I waited for him everyday to finish his stuff, including his gym and swim and etc and to come home for dinner with me. I never forced him to do things that he does not like. But now he is saying he has been unhappy in the marriage, he wants his freedom and there was nothing at home he is looking forward to.
I talked to him on 2 occassions after we have even attended marriage counselling. I have gone to the lawyer to start the legal proceedings. He said he would not contest with me for the house and stuff as he felt he had let me down. But right now, everyday I have been crying buckets because I truly miss him and hope to rebuild our marriage again... I know I am hopelessly silly... Will he regret one day and come back to plead with me?
I am a working executive with no children. Hubby and I, are in our early 30s, have been married for 4 years plus and had an affair with a girl younger than him by 8 years who is his new colleague whom he only got to know this year after he switched company in Jan, the affair probably started in Feb after the CNY. Worse, she stays near me, 5 minutes drive from my home and has same birth date as me according to her facebook.
I was already suspicious when hubby came home on one occassion at 1.30am when he normally comes back latest at 9 or 10. He switched off his hp when I tried contacting him and even called 2 hospitals to check if he had got himself into an accident. I asked why he came home so late, he just said he wants to think things over and he wants freedom. A few days later, he came home at 4 am. Then he lied on where he went when I saw a reciept for dinner for 2 at somewhere else. He said he was thinking things again... My heart really sank.
2 years ago, he also tried to go on a "date" with a female colleague for movie and dinner. When I found out via his hp sms, he argued with me and said more unbelievable lies to cover up. We quarrelled and patched up later after he said he cancelled the appointment with his colleague though he never admit that it was a date.
Back to current situation, I questioned him on who is the 3rd party, he never admit and said he went out with friends. My sister advised me to get a PI. I got one to tail him for 4 days and indeed he was seeing this girl. The day I confronted him at my mother-in-law's (MIL) place, he was still trying to cover up and never believed that I would get a PI. He thought the photos were taken by me using my own hp. He is currently staying at MIL place but she does not trust him anymore and this is giving him a nervous breakdown.
I have been married to him for 4 years plus always supporting his decisions and standing by him. I waited for him everyday to finish his stuff, including his gym and swim and etc and to come home for dinner with me. I never forced him to do things that he does not like. But now he is saying he has been unhappy in the marriage, he wants his freedom and there was nothing at home he is looking forward to.
I talked to him on 2 occassions after we have even attended marriage counselling. I have gone to the lawyer to start the legal proceedings. He said he would not contest with me for the house and stuff as he felt he had let me down. But right now, everyday I have been crying buckets because I truly miss him and hope to rebuild our marriage again... I know I am hopelessly silly... Will he regret one day and come back to plead with me?