Lose 8kg in 3 weeks slimming deal

Lynette Loo

New Member
Hi BTB! My cousin tried the program & loss about 5kg.. She has a little cholesterol problem & is quite good after that. I am planning to give it a try before CNY (my ROM season).. I goin down on Mon, so will quote Lynn for the FOC session? (I may quote my cousin's name, maybe have 2 FOC sessions) :)


New Member
Lousy service! Didn't sign up coz consultant wasn't friendly. Speaks really soft there was nobody in the shop but I can hardly hear her. She didn't allow me to see the treatment rooms. I wanted to make sure it's hygiene not sharing with many noisy people in the same single treatment room.
I even asked if they are closing shop before I step in and enquired, she said no.
Maybe she cannot handle my questions of some scientific logic / chemical names how her products differs from other clinics using similar approach in the industry.
When I asked what kind of mode of payment do they accept if she will issue me a receipt, and upon taking my wallet out, she told me impatiently and finally loudly " actually we are closed you know" .
So I said, "oh well I was about to make payment but since you are in a hurry to go home then another time then."
She quickly twist her words saying "oh you can come back make payment tomorrow (sat) coz Sunday we are closed. How irony!
Poor service!

Lynette Loo

New Member
My weight has been coming off nicely.. :) Hmm, my experience so far they're helpful & friendly.. Think we should avoid their closing time.. I always visit around 8pm after my work..
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Hi ladies. I m keen on this slimming program. But I would want to ask, is it a guarantee in slimming? To be frank, I don't exercise but I m very strict on my diet. I tried nuskin TR90, and it doesn't work for me at all. So now I would want to try this. Anyone able to PM me or share with me their success stories? Thank you!


Hi btb! I have ended my session with body reveso! And I lost 3.4kg! My hydration went up. And my fats went down! Thumbs up! Now I will be going for second session before my pre wedding shoot! :)


I took about 1 month. So far it did not rebound as I m still sticking to the diet plan they advise me. And I m drinking more water now to maintain my body hydration level.


New Member
Hi everyone, I have been reading all the positive reviews. I would like to lose about 15 kg, how many rounds you ladies think Iwill need. I have been training and exercising but not so much fat loss.


New Member
Oh I didn't quote names . I just said internet recommendation when I signed up. I lost 1 kg in 10 days . N my menses came so not sure if my results will be as great as all of you .


I am maintaining well too.. My cousin just started and her water level is much better after a week..

I took about 1 month. So far it did not rebound as I m still sticking to the diet plan they advise me. And I m drinking more water now to maintain my body hydration level.


New Member
Oh I shouldn't be discouraged by small weight loss at the 1st round right ? I was thinking of doing a few rounds , slowly and gently losing the weight . What do you reckon ? I sleep much deeper which is great .


I lose more in my round 2.. Well, first round more detox/ repair & weight loss.. 2nd round onwards can focus on more fats issue..

Vanessa Baey

New Member
Hey I read all ur response and decided to signup for 2 session of H repair plus a body fat reduction.. Really excited to see the results.. If anyone wants one free treatment can quote my name.. Thanks:)


New Member
Lost less than 2 kg but decided on round 2 anyway because reduction in visceral fat is obvious , I sleep better and I increase muscle mass. Need to keep positive mindset .


My hubby-to-be just joined.. Lost about 1.6kg in week 1.. But the main reason is tummy & cholesterol reasons... Hope he's better after tat..

Vanessa Baey

New Member
I lost about 1kg in 4 days but I played badminton and run too.. I think what really helps is myfitnesspal app which counts your calories then u know if u are taking less than 600 cal a day and the fat content of each food.. Maybe you can try it out too :) hope it helps..


New Member
It's been 6 weeks , I lost 3 kgs . But got to be patient and realistic . Everyone's body type is different . They don't guarantee weight loss but I do see improvements to my health, skin and my joints n lose inches. But my cravings are muted. I may sign up a few more rounds .


Hi satay judy,

I have the same prob as u with tra. Put on 2kg! Now I know I'm alone. Have u started the body reverso?


hi ladies,

I hv just signed up with body reveso, today is my 2nd day on the program. Keeping my fingers cross and hope i can see good result. will update next week when i go down for my 1st treatment :)


The treatment consists of sitting back on a couch while holding on to electrodes. It allows frequency to pass thru ur body. I didn't like the tingling in the first instance but can get used to it after a while. The session is half hour to 40mins. Also u have oral applications day & night. Just drip 15drops under the tongue. Overall I lose 2kg in the first round despite not too good at following their diet. Diet is quite strict with no processed food, no fried food.

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Thanks for the info! I have just purchased their Groupon package and will be going down to try next week! I have 10kg to lose on 3 months! *stressed*

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The groupon cannot use in the H system program, it's separate one..
so if u want the H system and u already purchased the Groupon, you still need to pay the full $1100 for the H system. Like pay double leh..

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It detox quite well for me apart the weight loss. My underarm was quite dark & I have problems in 'bleaching' it.. Haha.. But it was much lighter in color tone after that, thus I look better in my dress. Bonus! :)

Jocelyn Teow

New Member
Hi all, I have purchased the groupon and go for 2 treatments. Am wondering why my session is just about 20 mins (sitting back on a couch while holding on to electrodes) while above mentioned half hour to 40 mins.

the consultant has introduce me about their H system program so I found this forum. Is it really worth to go for it? As i try many other slimming program before and it not work for me :(

is it if I quote any of your name here then both of us can get one free treatment?


I also haven't much results from many slmming centres. I was quite suprise at the h sys result, esp the toxin level. The first round I lose 2kg. Now on 2nd round. Do quote my name Zing Tan for extra treatment. Thanks.

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From my experience, I signed the $1100 package, and found out that it will only have weight loss effect if you follow their very strict diet for the entire 3 weeks!

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Mine is okay.. Soupy stuffs with bananas..or jap food for me.. Good thing is I dun need to exercise.. Hehe..

Ger Levenque

New Member
From my experience, I signed the $1100 package, and found out that it will only have weight loss effect if you follow their very strict diet for the entire 3 weeks!

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what kind of diet are you supposed to follow? I am interested to get the package too... provided it works :D
