Lobang needed for racks in bombshelter/storerms!!!


New Member

Can any1 advise on those store racks that can be to measure for hdb flats.. Cheap & gd!!!



New Member
hi dear dear!

would appreciate if u can email me the info at [email protected]



New Member
Dear dear,

Hw's the racks in bomb shelter nw.. I meant can tahan those heavy things?? Sturdy enuf?? Urs 4 rm or
5 rm cos i heard theres diff price..

Btw, tks for ur email..


New Member
Dear dear,

received your email. just wondering, is your rack one piece or 2 piece? cos its suppose to be L shape rite? wat is the shape of the plywood?

sorry for being so lor soh, just cannot figure out how it looks like.


New Member
hi sweet,

u got mail...

hi glad,

mine is 5-rm...price difference is not whether is 5-rm or 4-rm...it depend on ur bomb shelter size...mine consider custom made one...if ur one is small then slightly cheaper...the rack didn't give me any problem...can tahan the weight...

hi cute_jj,

its one pcs...a L-shape one...i dun get wat u mean by wat is the shape the shape of the plywood? the height of the rack can juz move out of the bomb shelter door...as per the guy told me their rack height is juz nice if u wish to move the rack out of the bomb shelter dun hv to dismantled but if like mine L-shape then hv to dismantled bcoz too long mah...


New Member
Hi dear dear,

can I have the info too.
some questions:
- what does it include? - shelving, planks, installation?
- how long does it take from ordering to having it in your boom shelter?
My email: [email protected]

thanx : )


New Member
To all who requested for the information,

I will try to take pics of my bombshelter rack tonite & email u all for a better pictures of how it look like.

hi snowpod,

It include the shelving, planks, installation...And if i didn't remember wrongly took less than a week bah...

hi limko,

No special requirements bcoz these shelves dun require drilling through the walls...


New Member
Hi All,

Just to share. Its better to use those boltless rack nowadays. It's easy to install and no bolt at all. The material is galvanised. No more those plywood type. The price is reasonable also. The worker only take 5 to 10 mins to setup everything. I have 2 unit in my store room. One is 5ft long and the other is 3ft. Abt $160 for 5ft and $110 for the 3ft. Mine is 4 shelves. They have 5 shelves also. I dnt have any pic to share but if anyone wants I can take one and send to you. I saw it through the newspaper very long time ago. I may still have the price list for the different measurements. The lady very friendly. You can call her to advise you. Mine is from Italy. Think can tahan 150kg per shelf. There are few companies selling also. Japan one is the most ex.....but I dnt see the point loh. Not much different. Another one is from Malaysia. Then plywood one only can tahan 100kg per layer. very ugly also.


New Member
Hi All,

Sorry.....didnt realise if my wordings may offend some. No disrespect for anyone who is using the plywood type when I say "..very ugly also. My point is just to let the rest who may not know abt the boltless type. :eek:)


New Member

No problem....will take a pic and send to u either tonite or tomorrow morning. but....haha dnt mind all my rubbish on the shelves!


New Member
ikea expensive leh, not sure can take what weight too... but doesnt look very sturdy. And price excludes delivery.

satayman please post your pics and share your contacts?


New Member
U can go to http://singapore-aircon.blogspot.com for more air conditioning details!
Great blog site full of infomation! Better...for Singaporeans!


New Member
Hi dear_dear & satay man,

Can email to me your pics and contacrs?
My email add is [email protected]. Thanks alot =D.

Dear_dear : They came to your hse to take measuremnts? Is it from a wu jin shop? My is also a 5rm lor.Tink dim is 214cm by 150 cm. WOnder how much it will cost me...It includes planks and installation huh?


New Member
erh...sorry angel19c, i didn't notice that you only ask satay man to email you & i email u instead...sorry too many posting see until i blur blur already...


New Member
Hi dear_dear,

Thanks for your email.How did u managed to get this contact huh?Your $180 is inclusive of planks, bolts, nuts and installations?


New Member
hi newbbi79,

i hv replied ur email...check ur mail...

hi glad,

sorry i juz realise that the digital camera is with my niece...i will try to get back tmr...
