May I check with you if you done the lasik, does your company recognise your Medical Certificate and let you take medical leave for those days after the lasik?
I had the same worry as you. The MC given does not state that you went for lasik. Mine stated hospitalisation leave with Gleneagles Hospital as the issuer. No wording about lasik. If you want to double confirm, ask the lasik centre that you intend to patronise to show you a copy of their MC just to play safe. Although after I went back to work, everyone could tell I went for Lasik due to the lack of specs.
(unless u r a contact lens person, then ppl might not notice) If you have more questions, pm me and I'll try to help!
hi last min,
thanks for you reply. i am just doing a survey on whether company recognise lasik MC and the type of industry that the company belongs to. Seems like not many pple here are willing to reveal/help.
hi smurfy,i just went to paragon lasik surgery clinics. they do give mc but need to see if your company are recognise it or not. they are under smg group.
I just did mine at @ Biopolis. Clinic name is NUH LASIK Centre @ Biopolis. Is so cool to see the lasik machine from the waiting area....Hmm.... my eyes are numbed, only feel a little pressure to ensure my eyes are opened thruout. So far I have no halos nor dry eyes although these are the common side effects. Best perfect eyesight =)