I already ask hdb to put the cement free at my bedroom, hdb provide u cement free only when u want laminate or put the wood wood flooring. So if i change my mind, dun hw to ans hdb leh, n i ask the contractor, he put beri troubleson since cement oreadi dry up.
I do aircon in 3room. I used panasonic 1, cheap n good. My uncle work in servicing aircon b4, he ask my buy normal aircon will do, no need inverter if u only open 1 room aircon. U need inverter only if u alway open 3room together, or often. My aircon only cost $1900. My frenz oso ask me put ceiling fan. I oso dun like. I find it ugly n spoil the whole ceiling decor. Somemore my false ceiling got fong4, not ideal for that, wind will trap on the top, cant really regulate the wind dwnward.
I go IMM best denki, saw a tower fan $140+, got ioniser n at the same time can put water n ice in it n become aircooler. Think i will get that too A fan with function of air cooler... Not bad. Bt 1 disadvantage is, tower fan is not like standing fan, cannot just take out n rinise clean. It is like aircon like that.
By the way, r u all married with kids???