Jurong West Ave 3


New Member
FH and I just booked our first home yesterday! It is one of the EA at Blk 274A of Jurong West Ave 3 - one of the previously unsold HDB flats which HDB released recently to the open market as resale flats.

Anyone staying around this area?


New Member
hi ashley, my FH and I booked a 5 room flat at block 276B! Reno works are currently undergoing. Are you on renotalk.com as well?


New Member
Hi Janice,
my unit is @ BLK274D, also a 5 room. Jus gotten our house key tis Monday. Now in the process to work out with the ID for quotes and design. Can let me have a view of your ID design?
Hi Ariel
my unit is also at Blk 274D which floor r you staying at?


New Member
Hi Janice, sorry for the late reply. Yes, I'm on renotalk.com.

How's the progress on your flat for everyone? We are getting our keys on 1 June. Going to inspect the flat this weekend.


New Member
Hi Twinkle,
Nice to find neighour staying at the same block.
Mine is #08-93. The condition of the house is not very good. one of the room got water leakage & the kitchen tiles has cracked. Now the HDB is fixing. So u staying at which unit?


New Member
Hi Mandy Moore, when are you getting your keys? Is yours the resale EA too? We just got our keys so now sourcing for IDs.

Welcome to the neighbourhood


New Member
Last evening, hubby and I went to ave 3 to take a look. seems like there are still many vacant flats in the 274 blocks. Hope to have more neighbours soon. Kinda sad and scary to live in a quiet block, esp if we are the only household on the storey


New Member
hmm...i dun think so ba.. cox i noticed quite a number of units are having renovation leh..
but 274C kinda empty. now all the units over there have released by HDB le..hope more ppl move in..i think will la...=)


New Member
we went to take a look at 274c just yesterday.

the block gives us the creeps. just wondering why the whole block is almost empty after so many years...

anyone who lives near there or in 274c itself care to share?


New Member
hi everyone,

This thread seem to be quiet hor... Hi everybody, my block is at 276C, behind the coffee shop. 2moro going to open door liao, so happy... Finally 7th mth passed liao, can open door le... =) Any 276C neighbour here?

All 5 room neighbour out there, care to share ur renov pic? our hse living room super big n square, can choose many layout too. mine is without balcony 1.


New Member
Hello everyone,

Im now choosing tiles for my living room. Can smeone give me some suggest or advice regarding this? My contractor bring me to select some tile n bring bck some sample. One is quite white with print like marble floor, The other one is something greyish white with long stripe. Both i like it quite alot. which will u all prefer?



New Member
I am staying in Blk 273B. Bought it in May and now looking for ID/contractors.. Anyone stayin this block? Harlow Angel, I personally prefer the white one. But it is yr house afterall, what abt yr hubby's preference? Who is your ID?


New Member
Hi Kel,

I choosen the strip 1.=) I view it in the morning, it is very nice and the white 1 cant see anything. Yesterday i just went to my hse for door opening ceremony, i go in n discovered my window is not full height 1, abit disappointed loh. Kel, is urs full height window at living room? I went to the showflat n sample unit during March, it is full height 1 leh. I think only certain blk got full height ba... =(

My hubby frenz is working as a supplier in tiles or wat, he help us oversee our renovaation with some commission loh. He know many contractors, and are selling us supplier price for homo tiles. Actually i went to ID and ask them help mi design my hse with a fee of $300 n quotation, then shw the drawing to my friend, he give to his own quotation from his contractor loh, it is really v v cheap compare to ID loh. Save up alot. But end up the drawing i dun like, and i surf reno talk and found something i wan in mind, so i copy here n there loh.


New Member
This is what i found in the renotalk and intend to do the same wallpaper n tv console


And the dining area near the bomb shelter, i intend to build a darkwood or something brown seatee with mirror for dinning too.

my tiles i choose the strip 1 (right) loh but the kitchen tile (left), i find it more outstand than the living room tiles, so maybe ask my frenz change.


New Member
Wah you can save really alot leh. So good. The living room pic is super nice. You made a good choice. Your blk is EA or 5 rm? Mine also no full height. Sunlight also little. So I cant really choose too much dark color. The showflat u went is also Ave 3?


New Member
Hi Kel,

U oso dun have full height window? I think only the showflat sample unit got full height window loh. Mine is 5A. To day went to see dinning light but nothing catch my eyes leh. =( Since our window is not full height, is tat mean we no need to do day curtain? Just do the normal night curtain. I go IMM walk walk n saw there is promotion for curtain making, the uncle told me if hse no much sunlight, can just do those transparent thin thin curtain, saw the picture oso quite nice, thinking of making this type of material.


New Member
Ohh, i think i made a mistake. I asked my HB today, he say showflat sample unit without balcony 1, dun have full height window. =P I blur like sotong.


New Member
I lived in Blk 273A. Finished my renovation before the lunar 7mth, I got my keys during April. Mine is a 5rm flat w/o balcony too. As far as I know that area dun have full height window. I also wanted to have full height window but too bad dun have, haha. Those near Jurong Point that side might have.


New Member
Hi iris,

Care to share with us ur pic after renovation? Ur location more better hor, nearer to sheng siong hypermarket. My block is more inner part which is behind the coffee shop. Duno why the field there got "garden" opp. the coffee shop there? The surrounding there is all block, suddenly got garden there plant this here n there.


New Member
ya, mine nearer to sheng siong hypermarket.
not sure how to upload the photo. I PM u the link to my photo, k.


New Member
thanks angel, my hubby and bro also like the shoe cabinet. at first we want to block the door so when we opened door our neighbour won't see us, but we find tat 3 panel too big not nice, so in the end we onli do 2 panel, luckily turn out to be quite nice.

how's ur renovation going on? your floor plan is abt the same as mine, rite?


New Member
tomoro will start doing the floor liao... My floor plan is same as u. I plan to do my shoe cabinate behind the door the a seatee beside it, plus a divider at the same place as ur shoe cabinate loh, cos face to face door with neighbour loh, same prob like u. I am doing the renovation with contractor, so i think will be slow loh, but no hurry lah, still got place to stay at my mum hse... =P


New Member
<font color="aa00aa">oh, we tot of tat at first too. but our contractor said the space quite small so we did it tat way. we spend abt 2mths to complete the renovation cos my contractor quite slow, somemore they dun work on sun, sat nvr really see them working also. I was surprised cos usually contractors do work on sat &amp; sun. u lived nearby?</font>


New Member
Hi iris,

My contractor oso do thing sslow, they told me monday start, but i went up but nobody at there... Think my renovation will last quite long too... =S I staying at jw st 71 now, in my mum place.

Care to give me some comment? I plan to do false ceiling with some lighting effect. but dun which 1 is better. Which one would u prefer? The long long beam type or 1 bulb 1 bulb 1 lighting effect nicer?



New Member
<font color="0000ff">hi Angel, I'm staying at jw st 81, we stay quite near each other. I would prefer the long long beam type effect. at first tot of putting that also but will tend to trap dirt and insect so we gave up the idea, cos too lazy to maintain it. But it will look great with the effect,. not mine dun have so look quite plain. so which one u and ur husband prefer?

as for the contractor, they always like tat. I always went a few times nvr see them there, then call up my ID to complain, in the end still like tat. My ID still can tell me his worker starts work at abt 12pm cos they from Malaysia always jam. He thinks I dun know anything, Johore onli jam early in the morning not as in after 10am, trying to fool me. Opps, so sorry, when talking abt my ID I got lot of things to complain, haha. </font>


New Member
Hi iris,

At first, i thought of putting the long long beam 1 too, just like wat u say, my husband dun like, say will trap dust n insect. So i went thru lot of magazine n website n found something quite nice (1bulb 1 bulb1 loh) too, that wun trap dust n at the same time got lighting effect loh.

My hubby is yi4 jia1 zhi1 zu3, but i am yi4 jia1 zhi1 wang2 mah, so if i say i like this n that, he dun like oso bo biam, heheee... So i post in the web see which is nicer loh. U r still staying at st 81 or already move to 273?

hi Kal,
have u find ur ID? Hw ur renovation?


New Member
<font color="0000ff">If u plan to have lighting effects on false ceiling, it will trap dust and insects cos of the open gaps. so now u just got to decide which one u prefer.

let's ask Kel for some comments too?
Kel, u lived next to my blk. my friend lived in the same blk as u. How's ur renovation going?

I'm still staying at jw st 81, during weekend I would stay at 273A. currently quite busy so haven't move it yet. maybe nov then move it. </font>


New Member
Hey, both of ur stay in St81? Me too. SO we must be quite close. I got a question.........

I am having a dilemma now. Was thinking of either doing laminate or homogenous for bedrooms. I know the pros and cons but still v much undecided. If I do laminate, it will be warmth and as what I have image b4 I had a flat. In future if we have kids, laminate might not be so suitable as the kids might spill water here and there. And of course, it will be much cheaper, by a $1000, comparing laminate vs homogenous. However, maintenance is a problem...might have scratches too.and for a lazy person like me....homogenous might be better.

So can I just take a poll, which one did your do for the flooring of your bedrooms?

Laminate or Homogenous???


New Member
I do laminate for all bedroom, homogenous for living room n kitchen.

Laminated floor wont have scratches 1, the real wood 1 then will have scratches. I can used the xtra $ for other carpetary work mah, hehehe... Iris oso do laminate flooring for bedroom, but in different colour izzit, iris? Correct me if i m wrong.

Naivesg, Then which lighting effect will u choose for ur false ceiling if u are the 1 doing? (pls refer to the above 2pic) Long beam, or 1bulb 1 bulb?


New Member
<font color="aa00aa">naivesg >> my mum's hse is in st 81, Angel's mum hse is in st 71. so u staying in st 81 too? where's ur new hse?

ya, mine bedrooms r laminate in diff colour, my study room darker colour cos my hb going to put his bicycle there. I worried it'll get dirty easily if use light colours. My master bedroom and another bedroom is lighter colour. I heard laminated floor won't have scratches onli need to pay more attention not to drop too much water, if u clean immediately still alrite la. My living room, kitchen and bomb shelter is homogenous. I ald start seeing scratches on my homogenous tiles in my living room, so heart pain but no choice. sometimes when got scratch also dun know, when clean the floor then u can see. I would prefer bedroom in laminate look nicer.</font>


New Member
Angel, I am not doing false ceilings. But if I were to do, I prefer long beam. But I think the fashion is 1 bulb 1 bulb. Got pple do zig zag for the 1 bulb 1 bulb. I prefer long beam cos more consistent, 1 bulb 1 bulb v messy for me to look at, blur.

New hse is St 65. =)
Haiz...Still v much dilemma over the pros and cons for tiles and laminate.


New Member
Hi naivesg,

I did saw some do the 1bulb 1bulb in zig zag too, quite nice.

Hi everyone...
After much consideration, i think i prefer the long beam 1 loh, cos i intend to do the rectange false ceiling big big, if use the 1bulb bulb 1, look messy as wat naivesg say. I notice the 1bulb 1bulb effect is more suitable for small living room (small rectangle false ceiling). No choice, have to be hardworking enough to vacum the fong4 often


New Member
<font color="aa00aa">congrats Angel, u got ur prob solved. it's quite hard to vacuum cos it's high, so sometimes u might just dun bother, wait till the light is too dim then go do the cleaning. I walked along Raffles link there also saw something like tat they put colour paper to make the light got diff colours, quite creative but dun know the paper will melt a not.

naivesg, ur new hse is EA? the floor plan is it like the showroom that one? the showroom at St 65 tat one i dun like cos the shape very odd, so i nvr take. after taking my 5rm flat then i realised got a few not odd shape EA too. nvm la, save money, EA quite expensive, also tired to clean so big hse, haha. </font>


New Member
Ha, Iris, yar, EA. The odd shape one is Blk 656. Mine is v nicely shaped. All rectangular and square.

My dear think is not practical to do false ceiling, cos need to clean. But at least ur dilemma solved.

Me still.........


New Member
Hello naivesg,

I just selected my laminate flooring just now... I hink there is anothere bad point for laminated flooring is becos when u drop something, or even a coin, the sound will be very loud compare to tiles flooring. But still i do laminate lah, cos scratch resistance, cos my baby still small, trainning on walker now, think can onli let him play in room n not on my homogenous flooring... My mum say wait my baby throw his toy on the floor, dwnstair sure cme complain one day... =(

Hi iris,
Did u encounter when thing drop onto ur laminated flooring, there is louder sound than normal tile?


New Member
hmm, I haven't try dropping things on my laminated flooring. But when I walked on my laminated flooring sometimes got sound. I think when drop thing sure will have sound louder than the normal tile but won't be disturb ur neighbour downstair, so fair I nvr heard loud sound from upstair.


New Member
My dear and I decided to do homogenous cos we both lazy pple...but i was thinking doing a small portion for laminate...but no where to do...

Angel, so y u dun wan to do homogenous?

We also decided to do only aircon for MBR only. How abt your?

My Dear wanted to do Ceiling fan, but I have been disagreeing cos I think ulgy and I dun like. I like the mobile stand fan, can move here or there. Ur got ceiling fan or?


New Member
I already ask hdb to put the cement free at my bedroom, hdb provide u cement free only when u want laminate or put the wood wood flooring. So if i change my mind, dun hw to ans hdb leh, n i ask the contractor, he put beri troubleson since cement oreadi dry up.

I do aircon in 3room. I used panasonic 1, cheap n good. My uncle work in servicing aircon b4, he ask my buy normal aircon will do, no need inverter if u only open 1 room aircon. U need inverter only if u alway open 3room together, or often. My aircon only cost $1900. My frenz oso ask me put ceiling fan. I oso dun like. I find it ugly n spoil the whole ceiling decor. Somemore my false ceiling got fong4, not ideal for that, wind will trap on the top, cant really regulate the wind dwnward.

I go IMM best denki, saw a tower fan $140+, got ioniser n at the same time can put water n ice in it n become aircooler. Think i will get that too A fan with function of air cooler... Not bad. Bt 1 disadvantage is, tower fan is not like standing fan, cannot just take out n rinise clean. It is like aircon like that.

By the way, r u all married with kids???


New Member
Harlow gals,
Been really bz meeting up with IDs. Havent confirm any but I have to move in by next year Jan! Hope I still have time.
Angel, I also would prefer the long beam, super nice lor and will brighten up your living. Only minus point is the dust and insects. Each long beam can last for about 3 yrs I guess. I also like it alot. But I am quite a clean freak n cannot stand dust in my house so I might have to opt that out. I am doing homo for living and laminate for rooms. I am probably getting Toshiba non inverter aircon as they are made in Japan n I rarely will use the other 2 rooms aircon. The tower fans sounds cool. But how do u wash it? Iris, can I have the link to your renovated flat too? I will be getting married in Oct.


New Member
<font color="aa00aa">hi Angel, I just ROM during March, next yr July will have my wedding dinner, so no kid yet.

hi kel, I just PM u my link for my renovated flat, just a few photo only.

I onli install air-con for my MBR and other 2 rooms. Living room not air con, cos my kitchen dun have a door. so the air con won't be cool if installed. </font>


New Member
Thanks Iris, really like yr feature wall and shoe cabinet. I also tot of juz doin bottom cabinet for kitchen as our kitchen is too long. Bottom already can keep alot of things since I dun cook much. What brand of laminate u using? Color is nice.


New Member
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks Kel. Ya, our kitchen quite long so I only did bottom. also i won't have to clean so much. Which laminate u referring to? Laminate flooring? My laminate flooring is 'Supreme'. The commonly used laminate flooring supplier by IDs.</font>


New Member
hi Iris,
My laminate flooring oso supreme, but i havent confirm the choice yet. Wow... ur customary wedding on nxt yr july, den u must be beri bz preparing loh. I ROM on 2004, customary on 2006 after saving enough $, hahaha... Now with 1 baby boy. I wonder will my baby throw toy on laminate floor n make my neighbour dwnstair headache anot hahaha....

Hi Kel,
The tower fan i saw at IMM seem not bad to me too... I think it got a filter like aircon like that, just clean the filter loh.

Hi all,
Is it better to use same laminate for kitchen n living room's console, shoe cabinate,n etc?? I think not beri nice hor.. Im using brown n white verneer laminate for kitchen, living room console n cabinate use other pattern better izzit?


New Member
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Angel, I choose diff colours cos I dun want my hse to be all brown brown, very boring. Tat's y my laminate for kitchen &amp; living room use diff pattern. Of cos too much pattern will make ur hse look complicated. Tat's ur ID job to help u match the colours &amp; come up with a few matches to see which one u prefer.

Congrats to u, Angel. ur baby boy must be very cute. If u worried that ur baby will throw toy on ur laminate floor, can try putting carpet or those soft puzzle mat for children, so u won't have to worry spill water or spoil ur laminate.


New Member
Im planning to do a glass door for kitchen too, cos got kid, u knw lah sure alway run about n kitchen is the most dangerous place... so kitchen door is a must for me... opps! not me, for my playful Baby!!! But our kitchen entrance is beri big hor, i wonder hw to do a glass door. Divide into 2, 1side fixed,1side make it to sliding glass door? (that will make the entrance smaller liao) OR divide into 2glass door with 2handle on both door, can push opan the both door? (But funny leh, if wana keep both door open, 1 door go to the living rm wall, 1 door go to the bomb shelter door, 1up 1 dwn like that.) =S duno what to do.
