JP - Yeo Woon Soo


New Member
Hi, May I know is Mr Yeo the JP or grassroots leader? I cannot find his name in the list of solemniser. Thanks!


New Member
Hi, calumon.

Seem hard to find a good solemniser. U have any to recommend?
Now I also looking around for places to hold the dinner. Headache many fully booked.


New Member
me too got Mr Yeo as my solemnizer on 9/9/09.. he agreed.. initially me worried tat it will b difficult to get him as he seems a hot fav in this thread..luckily he agreed... ladies who got him as solemnizer.. is his meeting up session a long 1?? heard from my friend that he got a "Mr Yeo" but duno which "Mr Yeo".. and their mit up session b4 actual ROM is 2 hrs long.. me got scare.. :p


New Member
not to worry sept09 bride..the 2 hour long session is a sharing time by mr yeo and trust me, you won't regret after hearing his advices!


New Member
ok.. saw his fatherly pic.. he really lok v chi xiang... where u all mit up with him?? in his hm or any other plc??

so the sharing session is really 2hrs long??


New Member
hi all..

does Mr Yeo ask you all these qns before deciding whether to be your solemnizer?

e.g. citizenship / age / first marriage? / how long knowing one another...etc


New Member
hi, realised that all have shared on how they managed to book him for solemnization.

Can any bride share with me on experience with him?

Mr Yeo looks very kind!!


New Member
Hi Mr Yeo is gonna be my solemniser too! Yeah he did asked questions like citizenship / age / first marriage? / how long knowing one another...etc but i'm not sure why is that so~ hehe


New Member
haha... i also looking for JP. Reading about all the positive comment on him, i also emailed him waiting for his reply. hope he can be my solemniser. haha


New Member
hihi, mr yeo has just agreed to be my JP!!

so far, i haven read about experiences with him on their big day, but y i have chosen him is becoz he is bilingual, and he looks kind..


New Member
Hi all,

I called Mr yeo and he wants me to email him...staing my date for my solmenisation, plc time and both singaporeans, age, marrried for the first time and hw we got to knw each other..

btw, for those who had him he a very serious man??
so scared...hahah


New Member
hi.. me got him for my rom on 090909.. he too ask me these questions when he email me.. he ask me to contact him again 3 mths b4 my rom..


New Member

my Ad is on 27/09/09 Sunday.
DO anyone know mr yeo available on Sunday.
planning to invite him to be my JP


New Member
Mr Yeo seems like a really great guy from all the post here... but he just came back via email that he is unavailable.. =( So sad... can anyone recommend other solemnisers pls?


New Member
hey cherryblossoms...

Perhaps you wanna try Mr Chia Ti Yu?
I short-listed him too. And well, he actually agreed to be my JP.


New Member
Hi All BTBs,

Does anyone has the following JPs' contact numbers? Could you give it to me please?

Mr Chia Ti Yu
Mr Chia Swee Tin
Mr Chan Kai Yau
Mr Yeo Woon Soo

Please e-mail me at [email protected] or PM me.

Im searching for a JP now and most of the JPs are taken....:_(



New Member
I have emailed Mr Yeo for the past 1 week but no reply from him...shall I just call him? How to phrase the question to ask him huh?


New Member

Will Mr. Yeo mingle around with guest and bring some humours when he conducting the event ? Cos I don't want the overall event look over formal and tense..

Usually will he join for the dinner once the solemnisation done ?


New Member
Hi All,

Cou anyone give me the contacts of

Mr Chia Ti Yu
Mr Chia Swee Tin
Mr Chan Kai Yau
Mr Yeo Woon Soo

please thank you very much


New Member
Hihi we also took JP Yeo as our solemniser..

we found him thru net also..coz he lives near our dinner place

then my hubby keep smsing and emailing him abt the date..i think he kinda irritated..said dont have to tell him so many times..when coming soon then remind him..i tot we both black listed..

so when meeting him..we were both very scare..end up he is a very nice guy..told us hw the ROM and solemization works..the vows etc..step by step..and told us hw marriage hubby yawns eh..took abt 1hr + to explain..

then on ends so fast..just said I Do etc etc..within 10mins it's finished..keke..


New Member
i think he's ard 60+..looks very stern and strict..but abit humour on and off..

when he finished our session..he went over to the next table with another couple..haha..

but he said he only got 2 appointments for solemization..1 in the morning and 1 at night..tat's why he never rush..

but most impt is never let the ur JP wait..


New Member
Mr Jude agreed to be our solemnizer as well! Hope everything goes well. Our ROM on 31 Jan 2010 but he say to meet him in mid-dec


New Member
zhiwei: Mr Yeo s gd n friendly.... had my ROM in nov.. my friends bought us a pair of bear signature pens n he actually took e effort to use e 'male bear' for e groom n groom witness to sign n 'female bear' for me n my dad to sign n cover back e pens aft use... cos attended another friend ROM n e JP jus use 1 of e pens though there r a pair on e table.. friends who attended both our weddin, find tt Mr Yeo s better than e other JP...


New Member
we find the pre-meetup useful... as Mr Yeo will explain e whole procedure and go through once wif u all on e things tt he will say on AD.. he wil oso tell u wat to do after collecting ur ROM cert n send samples of vows to u... he oso share some personal view on marriage life which i tink s gd..

wat i like abt him s tt he wil onli accept 1 couple for nite n 1 for afternoon so that he wont hav to rush in case there s a delay for e earlier couple on e same day... couple s oso flexible to change the timin if there s a need nearer e date but mus keep him inform...
