IPL for freckles


New Member

For those who has done IPL freckles before, can you kindly recommend the doctor/clinic who does it for you ?

Also would like to know :

(1) the cost
(2) is it painful ?
(3) usually how many sessions enough ?

Thanks so much for your kind assistance!


New Member
you cant remove freckles.. people with more melanin in skin are prone to freckles.. the more sun you are exposed to the more they become pronounced and darker. So you need to not be in the sun too much if you dont need to be (tanning included) and if you are use UV protecting moisturizers. but you cant get rid of them sorry


New Member
I have a few sunspots on my face and my dermatologist recommended a product with hydroquinone. It will lighten areas such as freckles and age spots. I have a lotion with it and AHA's in it that I got from my dermatologist and I love it.

Also, after I had my son, I developed a brown ring around my lips thanks to hormones. The lotion with hydroquinone got rid of it quickly! If you do an internet search on hydroquinone you should be able to find some products that contain it.


New Member
hey dears, i know this is an IPL topic for freckles. i'm not sure if the beauty boutique i frequent can eliminate your freckles (they do have an awesome IPL treatment, but I've only done underarms, not facial so can't advise accordingly) but they also do organic spray tanning that can actually help to give u an even skin tone, might help for ur freckles. i've also done the spray tan, works well to cover minor flaws (esp on my hideous legs!!)but what i love most is that it is organic and doesn't make u look fake and orange & cos my skin is really sensitive, i really appreciate tht it dusnt break me out. u might wanna give it a try n see if it works for u.

do pm me if u need more info on this.
