Hihihi, been too busy with preparations and not been to the forum too often - AD in June!
Hi Keh,
I actually drop by his studio to check out his works after his price quote via email. Was real impressed with his photos, which i believe you have the same sentiments as me. Wanted to take the prewedding as well actually but our pre-wedding shots was already tied up with our bridal shop package, so no choice.
Hi Cutebubble,
u will be impressed with Lim Ching's pre-wedding works too. You can't actually get Lim Ching alone for the AD, so if you want to choose Lim Ching, you will pay for 2PG package. You can email Lim Ching for the price quote at
[email protected] You should definitely make an appointment to drop by his studio to view the works before you decide. Thomas's work is pretty good too.
By the way, I've also signed up for the video package through his recommendation - Nelson-film, which has pretty good reviews too. Let me know if you need any further info.