If you would like to accelerate your weight loss, you may want to consider doing the following. This is what I've done to drop my weight from 78kg to 64kg in a year's time. These are just some lifestyle changes that will continue to keep your weight loss after you've finished your slimming package.
Increase metabolic rate
1. Increase your metabolic rate by drinking enough water and having enough sleep. A good guide will be about 8 glasses of plain water (2 litres) per day. I drink 4 glasses of water before noon and another 4 glasses of water by 6 pm. I drink my first glass of water each morning once I woke up. Also, aim to have 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day. When you don't drink enough water or have enough sleep, your body will lower your metabolic rate to conserve energy. Lower metabolic rate will burn less calories. So you want to maintain a higher metabolic rate.
2. Exercise at home every alternate day. I started with 15 mins daily then progressing to longer stretches each session. Monitor your own progress and adjust accordingly. I'll share the exercise routine I started with at the end of the post if you are interested.
Reduce empty calories
1. Cut sugar. Sugar is really calories dense. I cut by just drinking only plain water and coffee or tea black (no milk, no sugar). Avoid bubble tea, soft drinks and fruit juices. Just stick with plain water.
2. Cut fried and oily food. Avoid food with lots of oil and gravy. Gravy usually contain sugar too.
3. Reduce dairy products like milk and cheese.
We have about 3 meals a day, so 21 days a week. If 80% of your meals are on point per week, you'll be able to see improvements in 2 weeks to a month's time. Weight loss or gain, 80% is contributed by the food we eat and 20% is exercise or lack thereof.
My exercise regime:
1. Mountain climber x 20
2. Push-up (or knee push up) x 20
3. Crunches x 20
4. Squats x 20
5. Jumping jacks x 50
You can adjust the above number accordingly, like maybe jumping jacks x 25 instead of 50. You can start with 1 set per time. Then next week increase to 2 sets per time. Then gradually move to 3 sets. Rest 30 seconds between each set. It's ok if you need more time to catch your breath. Listen to your body.
This article may be a good reference too:
P.S. Please note that I'm not a fitness instructor nor a nutritionist. I'm just sharing my experience for your reference.