How to save Wedding Planning to-do list on iPhone/iPad
(Prequiste: sign-up an account first, if you have not already done so.)
Visit this page using your iPhone/iPad Safari browser:
You'll see this on your browser:
Tap on the 'square with upward arrow' button:
and you'll be presented with this screen:
Tap on the "Add to Home Screen" button and you'll see this screen:
As the original name is quite long, you can change it to a shorter name like this:
Finally, click "Add" on the top right corner and you'll have a button that works like an app:
(Prequiste: sign-up an account first, if you have not already done so.)
Visit this page using your iPhone/iPad Safari browser:
You'll see this on your browser:
Tap on the 'square with upward arrow' button:
and you'll be presented with this screen:
Tap on the "Add to Home Screen" button and you'll see this screen:
As the original name is quite long, you can change it to a shorter name like this:
Finally, click "Add" on the top right corner and you'll have a button that works like an app: