Hotel Jen Tanglin, Singapore by Shangri-La


New Member
hmm.. I'm not taking any bridal studio package. our AD photographer is Kelvin Koh and we are having pre-wedding photos done in Aus (Because we reside in aus currently and will be ROMing here). FH is malaysian so we might head there to buy a gown.

this thread is starting to be more lively again!

hey peeps, any entertainment u have planned during your reception at Traders?


New Member
I may be getting a band to perform on stage during reception since everything will be done in the room. Any contact for this?

Gallery room will start reno on July but till when ??? shouldn't be too long i guess


New Member
hey ryan, not sure if this helps but I really like Yours Truly band? or perhaps a little dream? Can I post their contact here? I found them through google though. =)


New Member
Hi, I've signed up with Traders Hotel, Temasek Room as well. my AD is 10 Oct 2009. i was very impressed with the personalized and excellent service by Charlotte my coordinator as well...
initially i was hesitant about signing up but i heard gd reviews on the food and service from my frens who hav attend weddg dinners there therefore i decided to sign up..


New Member
Yo gerls,

i am considering traders hotel. Wondering have anyone been for the food tasting.. and also wad abt the ambiance for the ballroom?


New Member
Hi ladies

haven been chking this forum for some time.. glad to see so many gals with Traders.

Daphne, I'm thinking of taking some photos here too. Have u confirm ur Aussie photographer?

Ah corn, i haven been for foodtasting yet but heard from my fren food is quite gd. Love the ambience for the ballroom though =)


New Member
Hi Cassie,
Yes, we have booked our photographer in Perth. He is going to be taking photos of our reception here so that includes pre=wedding photos too. Are you looking for Singapore photographers who head there? There are quite a few good ones like lighted pixels, grey matter..etc. =)


New Member
Hi Girls

I'm also thkg of holding my weddin next yr at Trader's Hotel. So how's it been so far? Do u know what's the rates for the live band?


New Member
Hi violet! My experience with them is that they are efficient and quick to respond to questions or concerns. Not sure about the whole dinner experience though.. hopefully other couples who hv held their wedding there will give other comments as well.

Rates for a live band depends on whether you want 2 or 3 piece bands, and how many sessions (usually spilt to around 45 minutes per session). Maybe u want to email some of them to give u their packages? There was one that we are considering is around $1500 for 3 sessions, 3 piece bands but we are still exploring options + looking at budget.. I think it can range from a few hundreds to thousands.


New Member
Hey Dap! thanks for replying! Anyways wondering if Trader's Hotel wedding fair is over? Cos thk they ve diff packages for the band, depending on the instrument u want to have for yr wedding! Whats the name of the one u r considering? Care to share?


New Member
Hey Violet! No worries. oo..from what you said, it sounds like Traders have different packages for bands as well? I didnt know that! I posted previously- bands like little dream and yours truly.

Wasnt the wedding fair in March? hmmm.. Wonder what kind of perks they provided then.


New Member
Morning everyone!

I've checked with Traders, they do not provide live band, gotta outsource so I'll consider Daphne's contact.

Can quote your name for better rates?


New Member
Hi ryan! haha. I'm still doing my research on bands so the discount thing might not work. However, if u want good and lovely deals for flowers.. i hv a contact. =)


New Member
Hi! since so many of us want the band to perform in our weddings, perhaps we can negotiate for better price?? ahhaa... What do u guys thk?

Dap, mind givin me the contact for the flowers? My email is [email protected]

Thanks loads!


New Member
Stopped search for some time. Busy with work unfortunately.. haha. Will resume later in the month. Why? Any recommendations?


New Member
Hello, I'm thinking of holding a small size 100pax wedding dinner. Have any of you seen the PENANG room? Nice?

How's the wedding dinner food? Any of you tried?


New Member
Hi, I've jux sign up with Traders Hotel for my wedding lunch, AD is 6 Dec 08. And Charlotte is our co-ordinator. We find her service good and she tries her way to cater to our needs as well which I think she is quite flexi also. We are using Temasek Rm and its has been jus revovated last yr. Which I find that very nice. And the long aisle is long enough for a long march-in


New Member
This thread's been quite quiet for a while now... would anyone like to share their experience with Trader's here? Esp. if you've had it in Temasek Room... keke... cos that's where my dinner will be this December!


Hi all,

I haven't visited this thread for some times after my wedding early this year. we had it at Temasek. We signed up with Traders before the renovation, and we liked the layout of the room which allows long march in, and I just loved the English-Tudor style then.. after the renovation, to my surprise, the lights on the side-walls are gone... a little disappointed, but everything looks beautiful on the wedding day, my co-ordinator Charlotte, did an excellent job, when I arrived earlier at the hotel, she's got her staff to greet and guide us to our suite, my husband and my family are very very impressed with their whole service. The food comes in big portion. I didn't even notice any of the decor as I was most of the time in the bridal suite, until the march in, only from our wedding photos I noticed how lovely is the decor, oh.. I requested her help to tie the all chairs with my byo sash, turns out very nice..

Congrats to you all..


New Member
I would like to know how's the food also.
I call up, and they give me gallery room instead of temasek. normally how much is the deposit?
the gal also told me they will be having a wedding show in oct. I duno whether to sign with them now or wait till oct show?


New Member
Chiffon cake,

Temasek room can only hold up to 19 table, is yours more then 19? My food tasting will be in October time ^^ when do u plan for your AD?


New Member
hi all, may i know which food menu did u girls take for the banquet? say for 2009 is 788++ and 888++. i will very likely be taking the 788++ one cos my budget is <1k per table. r we allowed to change dishes across menus?

do u all thk they will be a vast difference in the quality of dishes? i hope not wor...


New Member
Dishes can be changed across the menu types, e.g. if wanna change chicken to duck, top up about 80 bucks or something like that.


New Member
Hey Khim, I dont hv the 2009 package and we signed before they were out. Our wedding is in May 2009. I think there is a $50 price increase from the 08 package though. Why not email them? They reply really quickly and r very helpful.


New Member
ixoral- we took the 888+ package because we thought it was worth it... but our co-coordinator also said that 788+ is quite good already.


New Member
ok thanks
just checked out Traders today. Liked Temasek Ballroom. but SO said he finds it too longish. prefer a squarish one..


New Member
well i chose traders hotel cos of the long march in at the temasek ballroom.. intialy my HTB also feels that it is too longish..but when i told him i wanted a long march in and the tables on both sides won't be blocked by any tables.. he was happy to have our dinner at temasek room..
importantly it has a big foyer which you dont have to share with other rooms..


New Member
Hi All,
fyi Charlotte has tender. Its a pity that she left Traders. There will be another coordinator to follow up.


New Member
ya its a pity charlotte left traders.. hi lynn, pls share experience with Joanna once you have meet up with her.. hope she is as nice as charlotte..


New Member
Hi Lynn,
Do remember to share with us on ur meeting with her. Ya hopefully she is as nice as Charolotte.
Any idea which hotel she from?


New Member
Hi Cindy,
My wedding cards are printed via Traders contact which is commently use by hotel "T-Dragon". U can also try out other printer. Jux that hotel recommend, so I jux use them to print to save trouble as they also help us collect the wedding cards from hotel so we no need to make another trip to go down the hotel to collect the cards. The price is reasonable,normal print 1st 200 pcs is $100.


New Member
HI my AD will be on the 18th OCT 08 this month in Gallery.May i know anyone done has done in gallery room can advise me on where you placed the reception table to welcome the guest..Pls advise


New Member
Thanks Min Min. I didn't quite like the 4 standard designs from T-Dragon that Joanna had emailed to me. I had emailed to them to ask them to send me nicer ones. Awaiting their response. If they dun reply me by this week, I'm jumping ship. Heh.


New Member
Hi Min Min,

Sry for the late reply. I have no idea where's Joanna from but overall she is friendly and nice but response from her sometime a bit slow >.<

Hi Cindy,
I did my printing in M'sia, SGD will be $55.00 ^^
Printing can be collected this or next week. =)

My AD is in Nov. What've u ladies prepared so far?


New Member
Tingting, I'm going for the coming wedding show this sat. Will be signing up during the wedding show, hope the perks are good!

Btw, i have viewed the renovated Gallery Ballroom. Compared to the Temasek Ballroom, the colour scheme is lighter which i kinda like it. The look and feel is slightly different from the Temasek.

Btw, the coordinator whom i liaised with is Joanna. Very nice lady.
