Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre


New Member
Hi Karon, hehe...don't know if we will have such surprise too...

between, just for sharing, i find the free software from is very easy to contain the many wedding photos that we have...

for those with blogs/ web sites and u wan to share with friends thru emailing, just go to and upload the photos, choose the presentation style and copy the html code to your post in ur blog...very simple....

hope this tool is helpful....

i intend to do the same thing for my wedding day's photos... :D


New Member
thats my concern too,i am quite worried that guests seated in the lower ceiling
ballroom might be blocked,since e stage for e long march in is not centralised.


New Member
Hi babystarlet,

Sure will block one lor... But bo bian la..

That's why arrange impt ppl to sit near the aisle lor.


New Member
hi Karon,
thanks for sharing ur lovely pics wif us!
Tink i'm going to bug u for quite a while cos we definitely have a lot in common... haha!
wat i mean is, e same JP and i'll be holding e solemnization at HIPV too!
Just u march in together wif hubby then go thru e solemnization? Or does it have to be my father bringing me in 1st?
dun really know wat to look out for now...
hope u'll answer tis qn 1st ya... i'm still thinking of new qns...

Hi Babystarlet,
i'm taking e short march-in, mainly to avoid my guests being blocked by e pillars. 2nd is bcos i'm really clumsy, so better to reach e stage faster in case i fall!


New Member

alot of friends advise to have long march in...

cos along the whole day, that moment is one of the most memorable moment ...


New Member
Hi Serene,

Hmm, for my case... my father march in with me cos my hubby got an fractured ankle which not recovered on that day so he waited for me at the stage instead of marching in with me.

May i know what theme will u be choosing? if its crystal theme then its advisable to take the long march in... Did ask Vasanthi abt short march in b4 my AD. And was told that stage position will be diff... meaning, if u choose the short march in, yr stage won't br the mirrored one. Hmm, hope u get wat i mean... If not, u ask yr coordinator. She will be able to explain to u.


New Member
oh! thanks for e advice! Maybe i'll really check wif Vasanthi again... haven't really decided on short or long... of cos, i would have preferred long march-in, but my FH tinks otherwise, so i thot i'll juz give in to him tis time around... but after hearing ur advices, i might negotiate wif him again!
Thanks gals!

oh ya Karon, would u happen to still have any sample speech for MC? Cos i dunno wat to ask my MC to say during dat nite for solemnization etc..


New Member
Hmm, i do have emcee script... but that don't include solmnisation ceremony. I also dun know what my emcee said that day leh... Cos i'm standing at the door preparing to march in... hahaha!! But do leave me yr email add. I can email u.


New Member
Hi gals,
my school just had the PROM at HIPV and overall it was a nice experience. The banquet manager is great to work with. He is an indian guy. He makes sure everything is in place! this is our second year hosting the prom at HIPV! the banquet manager has always been great.

they also prepared the glass showcase for us! haha which was quite a surprise cos mine was not a wedding!



Hi all,

Anyone has the latest photos for the latest wedding decor of HIPV. My wedding is in next year feb ... time seems to be running short for all my preparations liaoz leh ....

Is anyone engaging a musical group for their banquet? any idea on where to place them? :p


New Member
Assirac, has your HIPV wedding coordinator contacted you yet about decor?

I'm not sure bout engaging a musical group but i think you can check out more from different bridal websites. My colleague had a harpist perform during the pre-dinner reception!


hi assirac, u can check out Karon's wedding pics.. I think hers is the latest HIPV wedding we had here in HIPV thread... Think HIPV changed a few stuff like the sand glass showcase, wedding cake..


New Member
hi gals,
been so busy i couldn't update u all on my food tasting last Tues... Everything went on really well! All thanks to the coordinators at HIPV, namely Florence, Ves and Murali! They are great pple wif fabulous service attitude, in my opinion! (Cross my fingers, hope they will give e same service on my AD!)

Hi eveulove me, i tink i popped in the ballroom and saw e set-up for ur school's prom!


New Member

For those looking for musical groups/bands, can sought out this group of musicians [email protected]

They are a young bunch of young enthusiastic singers. Their group also consists of keyboardist and emcee. And their rates are really reasonable. Do check them out !


New Member
hi serene,
i think i saw 2 couples popping into the ballroom.. heheeh dun base ur impression on our deco!! cos the wedding deco is much better!!!!!!!


New Member
just went to HIPV for my technical testing...things went well and met up with Gosh, another coordinator for banquet..nice gentleman to talk to and he gave us many suggestions to run the programmes well....

hope we r in good hands


New Member
hi Karon,
can i ask u something again?
Any idea if i can get the coordinators to be my emcees for e nite?
Cos my friends are all too shy to appear on stage, and i also dun wish to spend extra on engaging professional emcees...


New Member
Hi Serene,

Maybe u can ask Vasanthi abt it cos she ever mentioned to me before they have an lady emcee for $180. Not those very very professional type lah. (Pro needs abt 500-600)


New Member
HI Dazzle81,

Hmm, i think its not bad... Had recieved comments from colleagues, friends and relatives that the food is good...


New Member
Hi Karon,

Congrats! Sorry was busy preparing my wedding for next Tues & hardly log in. Heard you are pregnant .. was happy for you. You look gorgeous on your wedding .. ^_^ Will update you once my wedding is over.

Do take care!


New Member
to vonvon - all the best to your wedding!!

to syncgal - the so-called negotiable perks are the free corkages, parking coupons, wine for bridal suite..the rule of the negotiating is "always ask for more that what you can settle for."

vasanthi told me wedding couple get to have the whole set of wedding favors when they check out .:D


New Member
Hi syncgal,

Free Wine per table? Dun think its possible lar... Wine corkage charge waived maybe but dun supply free wine?

Yeah yeah, will get the whole set of wedding faouvrs upon checking out...


Congrats wor!! Update us on yr AD okie? And of cos yr pics to show us.
Happy Wedding!!


New Member
karon: congrats on your bb!

vonvon: congrats on your big day next week

well on the free wine...was trying my luck lah..haha..anyone has nice, cheap wine lobang? Vonvon..are you getting the in house wine or getting from other source?


New Member

I got my wine from The Red Cellar (outside supplier)...

Got my wine only at $14.50/bottle. They do have $12.50/bottle but by the time i went for my wine tasting, its out of stock already....


New Member
syncgal - wine..too much la...more free corkages better cos u will save alot especially multiply by 25 or 35...depending how much u bringing in.. :D


New Member
dear ppl, thanks for advice..aiya now trying to save save save.... did you all manage to break even or "earn" a little after the banquet?


New Member
Hi syncgal,

U can call 6334 2320. If nobody picks up, means haven't open yet cos they r a wine pub. Operating hrs like usual pub like that. But usually the boss will divert the call to his mobile. So u can try calling, he is friendly. And u can go down for wine tasting w/o any obligations.

As for my banquet, my hb earn ard 3k. But if to include bridal package, AD PG etc.. Its a loss overall.


New Member
we will hear different stories...some will earn enuff to buy a new LCD tv..some will lose a few tables cos many absentees...some just barely break even...

so depends on how big ur ang pows are...:p


New Member
Hi HIPV Brides,

Can anyone advise which First Course Prsesentation songs are the best?

I received a list of First Course presentation from Vasanthi, but not sure which one to choose.... sigh..


New Member
Hi Karon
I havent get to receive your emcee script.

Wondering if you or anyone else has the Program schedule during customary & wedding dinner?

I really appreciate if you can help me with it by sending it to me.

Thanks alot.

[email protected]
