Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre


New Member
Hi cooldevil,

My hubby & I just want somebody to do it. No need pro. Now need to find one as no one want to do it


Pauline is the 'middlewoman' so need ti pay the hotel the middelman fee...sorry don really know how to explain.


New Member

i thought Pauline is the banquet mgr ??? u mean she help me to source for something n u need to pay her a fee??? sorry i am confused too ...but its okei


New Member
Hi Joyce

Hmmm.... u mean other then the fee that we pay the hotel, we still need to pauline an additional 'middleman' fee? Nvr heard of such thing leh?

Didn't noe they charge for emcee too... but perhaps, for those who require, probably have to check it again wif the hotel lor..


New Member
Rosalind, ya..there's an outdoor jaccuzi next to the swimming pool.

Hotels shld standby 1 in house MC ma...juz in case some couples really cant find 1...


New Member
Hi gals

I dropped by HIPV last sat, seen the garden agn..the decor too simple, was wondering whether any of u gals seen the crystal theme?

Pls share ur opinion if u've seen it. Thks!


New Member
Hi Joyce... mi thinking of either classic elegance or crystal... haven't decide also...

Hi Beth... think the nearest was sometime in Dec, rite? dunno leh... According to Pauline, there's some other changes to the crystal theme... so dun think anyone has really seen the latest before... unless recently, there's someone getting married using that theme?


New Member
Hi Rosalind
If dats the case, we wont know how it look like until we see it .
Btw, hv u made arrangement with pauline for the food tasting yet?


New Member
Hi Beth

Those who went for the wedding show have a brief idea how it's going to be like... coz it's displayed then... but Pauline was telling me that the hotel wanted to add more crystal or do abit of changes to the theme... so may be abit different lor... u receive the photos in the end or not ar? or u want me to send u the crystal theme only... maybe fewer pics can go thr'...

Mine wedding is next yr in June... so dun think will be going for food tasting so early lah... u leh?


New Member
hi ladies
Mi just went to food tasting recently...I keep forgetting to bring my menu that why I never update here..... paisay.... I will try to take the listing fr my hubby...OVerall food not bad....but Ad the chef got to prepare more tables so dun know the taste will be the same or not. I can say the food is one of the best I had eaten for wedding dinner.


New Member
Hi Ros
Yes! i like to see juz the crystal theme. Pls email me at [email protected]


cooldevil - really har, the food not bad....then i can rest assure liaO.
Do share ur menu with us so at least we can get some idea which 1 to choose.


New Member
Hi Beth...

I have sent u liao...

Cool... still waiting for yr feedback abt the menu leh... looking at the overall feedback, think, we can be quite assured of the food quality...


New Member
Hi Beth and Rosalind
err.... the menu with my hubby lei...always forget to ask fr him.... please excuse me I old liao ke ke

The food portion is big and some of the presentations are nice esp the cold dish. The drunkard prawn soup taste abit bitter but the prawn is big and fresh. The presentation not very good for this dish. Orr-nee nice but too much coconut milk not much orr-nee. The waitress and captain told me, AD then will have less milk more orr nee.

Hmmm... ee-fu noodle, I only eat a few mouthful cos I dun really like...taste good better than those I eat before at other wedding dinners.

This is all I can remember lei.... i must have the menu then can refresh my memory...hee hee....

We a bit worry dun know the taste and standard will be the same on AD cos the chef has to cook more ....


New Member
Thks Ros, will check later.

cooldevil, u mean there's only 1 chef on AD meh? Thot there shld be a few. Mmm... i tink 4 me dessert shldnt b a problem as long as the 1st few dishes are nice, fresh & serve hot. U know lah those old people hor, v particular over food. :p

Mine shld be next mth, as yet to get a call fr pauline.


New Member
hi beth
Wat I mean on our AD,their chefs normally will cook one big pot then divide into a few plates so the taste dun know will be the same or not.... during food tasting the chef only cook for only I table mah ......

hi ladies
I will be using Crystal theme..... I made up my mind liao :p


New Member
Hi Ming
My pixs are look the same as Rosalind...taken fr the bridal show one..... If u want to see the actual Deco maybe U can come down on Dec 12 to view mine ...:p


New Member
thanks i will take note of 12 Dec ^_^ Congrats to U! so u have taken all your PS right ...1mth + n your big day!!!

since u using crystals as your wedding theme, does it mean alot of stuff (ie. gowns, flowers etc etc) also link to the crystals theme ^_^

care to share with all of us?


New Member
Hi Ming
I might be asking my florist to do some touch up at the hotel .....I haven really sit down and talk to my florist yet....

I choose crystal theme cos I love the ballroom crystal lightings ..... My WG is Victorian style with long train... err.... what u want to know huh? I dun know what to say lei...

I will update u all on the food tasting after my hubby is back in town.


New Member
Hi cooldevil

i am wondering whether can source own florist to do some touch up at the hotel (now that u have mentioned it so i guess this is the answer i want to know) heehee

thanks thanks


New Member
Hi cooldevil
U'll be the 1st couple to use the crystal theme..will also take note of ur date, most likely will pop by to take a peek if u dont mind.
Woww...Ur WG's victorian style, muz be v nice, I guess u'll be taking the long walk to the stage ya, if not it'll be a waste.


New Member
Hi Ming
I'm checking with Pauline on this will keep u update :p

Hi Beth
Hmmm... I want something special lor... cos most bride will either wear tube, spagetti, bareback or sexy WG.... i want to surprise my guests...hee hee .... They always thut I will wear something sexy but now a bit "bao shou" :p


New Member
Hi Gals....

Why not we meet up and go together... if Cooldevil dun mind of course... but of course, we won't stay for dinner lah... juz go there c c look look...

Hi Cooldevil... Think u gotta walk slowly... very slowly... hehehe... I like long train too... but mine think won't be too long... coz mi very 'lun zun' later fall down.... that time when wif the other brides to SL... Nearly trip on my train also...


New Member
Ros, not a bad idea to meet up but hubby will follow leh, can? coz he wanna c how it looks like too. If its ok, juz let me know wat time u're gng down. Eh..Maybe can even bump into cooldevil, who knows ya hehee...


New Member
Sure I can also meet u girls :p or u all can come my room and look for me..... at least have another feel of the suite ke ke ke

Hi Ming
Yes we can engage our own florist to do some touch up :p

Hi rosalind
I also very cho lo one lei.... instead of march in I roll in...ha ha ha ha..... anyway, mi haven decide whether to take long or short march in..... Will ask pauline on earlier date .....


New Member
Hi Beth

Think my hubby would most likely follow too... Since cooldevil agrees... we go gatecrash her wedding... yipppeeee.....

Hi cool

Hehehehee... okie... u be the first to roll in, I be the 2nd lor... as for the march-in... u mean we have choice one meh? tot the last time I saw my friend march in... one standard path only leh... got shorter one meh?


New Member
Hi Cool

meaning we can get our own florist to go down n take a look n decide what we want isit?

Ros, Beth ...
my FH n i also want to follow ^_^



New Member
Hey! sure thing, It will be fun..hehee..wat do we need to bring huh... to sabo cooldevil..hahahaa..
*juz kidding lah* later cooldevil scare until dont dare meet us, Anyway let me know wat time u gals plan to go hor, I want to c the beautiful cooldevil in her gown too if she allows!!


New Member

I'm new at S'pore brides forum. I'm considering HIPV for my wedding dinner next Oct, coz the promo package seems good. Does anyone have any pics of the ballroom to share with me?


New Member
Hee hee.... another gate crashing???? my hubby will faint lei..... All of u are welcome to see the deco and suite lor...we are here to help one other.... then u all can have yr own idea when it yr turn mah.......

Ok what time u all want to meet huh? Rosalind, u see my pix b4 right? SHould be able to recognise me....hee hee....... at earlier date, I will PM u girls my HP no.


New Member
yeah can u go too? Cool is very nice to let us c c her wedding n of coz to c her in her beautiful gown too! u going anot? i already asked my FH n he said ok ...Beth, Ros also going ...come along

must thanks cool ^_^


New Member
Hi Ming,

wow that nice of cool...
should be able too...want to see you, Beth and Ros too... so meet at HIPV crystal ballroom outside or?


New Member
Huh? nothing nice but my gown ke ke..... so u ladies will come in the evening right? whta time so I can make arrangement or u all come to my room and look for me?:p


New Member
i think so we can meet outside crystal ballroom wat time?

Ros, Beth?

Cool - hope we r not disturbing u

btw, have u settle your deco with your florist?


New Member
HI Ming and cool,

I think we met at the ballroom..see look first ..then go up find does that sound?

HI cool,

what time you will be in your room...?


New Member
hi Jenny

shd be ok with me (we meet at the ballroom) your FH coming too?

before we go n c the beautiful bride ^_^


New Member
Hi Ming
I no time to chat with my florist lei ....these few days I busy meeting my ex bosses, ex colleagues to pass them my invitation...more or less settle liao.... will talk to my florist next week.

No lah U all free to come..... hmmm... I think i will reach hotel abt 3pm....depends what time can check in :p

Huh pretty bride u all will be disappointed ke ke


New Member
Hi gals!
Sorry, was bz throughout...juz manage to get some free time.

I'm fine with it, U gals juz note down when & where & my hb & I will be there.

Cheers to all!
