Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre


New Member
sure with share with all of u

By the way, if u all need printer to print yr invitation card u can contact Hi-Tech printer. They are charging $90 for printing (300 inserts) Tel 64589455. For hotstamping, 0.35cts per piece and template additional $80/-
This is the cheapest printer I can find


New Member
Hi ladies,

I went to HIPV yesterday, i saw the classic theme, i like it alot except the staircases in which i feel shld be cover up.

the flowers can choose ourselves. bt any one took photos? can send and see?

[email protected]


New Member
HI chan
Mine is 12/12/2004. Will let all of u know which theme I choose so that those interested in the same theme can go down to take a look

I might add my own decor too will discuss with Pauline when we meet for food tasting
Really like her service.......Thumb up for her!


New Member
Hi all
I'm oso holdg mine @ HIPV, i hvnt seen the latest wedding favours & other themes except garden, if u ladies hv the pics can email me?
[email protected]
Pauline said she'll email the pics but til nw stil hvnt rec'v anything fr her, oso like to know those who hv Pauline as their coordinator, hw u find her?...I've only spoken 2 her twice on the phone & met her once during collectn of wedding cards. Perviously mine was Jasmine but she had since quit due to family commitment. (dats wat i heard)


New Member
Hi Beth
My co-ordinator is Pauline. Maybe u can send her email to remind her. She might be busy and slip out of her mind :p
hmm.... yr AD is 1 week after mine


New Member
Morning cooldevil

Oh, I did remind her but didnt seem to get any reply.

Food tasting - Dunno yet, waiting for Pauline to arrange. I'm stil fickle abt the food menu, 2 many to choose fr. haha..Hv u gone for urs yet? If u hv, do tell me abt the food ya.

Hi Rosalind, i've chked my mail but didn't rec'v urs, cld u re-send agn. Thks.


New Member
Hi Rosalind

Prob the storage space 2 small 4 large file attachments. U can send it to my other email add. pls chk ur PM.


New Member
Hi Beth

Have tried to send u again... let me noe if u haven't receive it... I split it into 2 ... so u shld get 2 files...


New Member
Hi Rosalind

Sorry to say, i stil hvnt rec'v it.
Guess the files too big, Think no nid to send it agn coz it'll turn out 2 be the same.

Thank u 4 ur efford though.
I'll try to arrange wif Pauline to view the pics.


New Member
Hi beth
My food tasting is on 18 oct..... I arrange earlier...normally pauline will cal u one month b4 yr AD...... I need the food tasting early cos our parents want to discuss .....

U try email pauline so that she wont forget .... :p


New Member
hi Cooldevil

Most likely i'll cal her mid Oct to arrange 4 food tasting, ur parents stil nid discussion huh, they muz be very particular abt food
btw, dont know whether we can change menu if found food not up to standard or dont like..Mmm....


New Member
Hi beth
I mean discuss what they want GUO DA li and etc....I dun know all this so let them settle themselves...

SHould be able to change but dun think u can have another food tasting ..... mi and hubby selected the menu waiting for his parents to confirm lor..... just get them involved and they will be happier lor....


New Member
Hi Beth... Sorry... can't help much... strange leh... the rest of the gals all receive....

Think u better remind Pauline lor...

Wow... u all so fast go for food tasting liao? think mi would be the last one lor... my wedding is in Jun 05...

U all must be give me comments abt the food leh... then I noe wat to choose & wat not to choose... hahahaa....
that's the benefits of being the last... but of course, I would be really lonely too...
once u all finish yr wedding...


New Member
Hi cooldevil
ic...i wil be getting both side parents involve too. Hopefully the food turn out to our satisfaction.

Hi Rosalind
Its ok, the email i'm using kinda sux. My frens encounter the same problem when sending big files. Anyway, I've got Pauline to email the pics to my hubby. I hvn't arrange my food tasting yet, wil surely share wif u once i've tasted it.
Hey! where'd u get all those cute icons??


New Member
Hi Beth

It's alright... it happens... as long as u get the photos, shld be okie...

As for the icons... go to any search engine, eg. yahoo search or Google & search for Kaoani... u shld be able to get quite a few website wif these and save watever u want lor... if u need other help, let me noe..


New Member
Hi Joyce
Probably u can chk wif the hotel, maybe they can recommend some eumcees for u but i guess it will not come cheap. Why not ask 1 of ur family members or relatives to be eumcee instead, it'll save the hassle.


New Member
Hi all

Like to know, are u ladies given a deluxe room as bridal suite? When i viewed the room, I was told it is...


New Member
Hi Beth

Mine's a Bridal Suite... I have seen it when I went over to HIPV to sign the contract. The room is not very big lah... nothing to be excited about... In fact, for the whole package, the only thing I dun like was the Bridal Suite... but better than juz getting a room lor...

Hi Joyce

Hmmm.... mi asking my friend to be my emcee... so probably will be giving her ang bao after that lor... some hotel provides but of course not very personal lor...

And think if u get those professionals, it's really ex... see wat's yr budget lor...



New Member
Hi Rosalind

Oh..juz curious only coz my contract stated i'll b given a bridal suite. Seen the rm & It isn't that spacious, it has a living rm w bathrm + private bedrm w bathrm. I was told its a deluxe rm & they use as a bridal suite as the hotel dont hv a specific rm juz 4 bridal unlike some hotels....I dunno whether u've been told.

Anyway, i'm fine wif it as long as the hotel dont breach the contract.


New Member
Hi Beth

That's the suite lor... think Pauline mentioned that they will do some minor touch-up to the Bridal Suite...

If deluxe room is without the living room one... think if u take the function room, they will offer u the deluxe room rather than the bridal suite...


New Member
Hi Rosalind,
i think i'll stop the debate on d rms Hee....
i guess both of us will be using the crystal ballrm so the rm wil be the same too...if any doubts wil chk up wif pauline.


New Member
Hi ladies
The HIPV Bridal suite is ok ....Otani Hotel dun have a living room smaller than HIPV..... I guess most of the bridal suite is the same except M hotel.... afterall, U only stay at yr room to rest till evening then by the time you back in the suite already quite late liao...I personally think no need a big room lor unless u need to have tea ceremony there....

Hi beth
U manage to get pauline to email u the pixs? I always got fast response from her thru email


New Member
Hi cooldevil

Ya, i need to hold a tea ceremony..coz aunties & uncles wont be there @ my family's home.

Yes, finally got the pics but it doesnt elaborate much on the ambience..i've personally seen the enchanted garden when i was there, not bad though. Didnt like the Oriental yet to see classic elegance & crystal splendor.

Rosalind & cooldevil - Hv u made ur choice on which themes to choose? I proba will choose crystal..


New Member
hi beth
Most likely taking crystal... yr AD is after mine right? so u able to see and then decide lor....

How many relatives? if alot, hold yr tea ceremony in the ballroom...... I think the suite can accommodat more than 10 ppl. 20 will be too quezzy... but tea ceremony only take abt 10min...should be ok lor....


New Member
Morning cooldevil

Yes, mine is after urs. Err...wldnt it be too late to decide by then? Thot need to confirm theme & favours by 2 weeks time...anyway, heard them said crystal will be nicer. I believe u r gng for food tasting soon, do let us know the outcome


New Member
Hi Rosalind & Beth,

Thanks for the advice. HIPV charged $250 & above for eumcee, very expensive. My FH & I approached 1 guy friend but he rejected.

We feel kind of sad , so don really feel like asking any more. I want to ask relatives but if they reject then very pai sei one


New Member
Hi Joyce
At least u try rather then wait for solutions, who know mayb ur relative will help, no need to b embarass abt wat, i got rejected by my cousins too
but still managed to get 2 friends to b eumcees... Do u hv other friends beside that only 1? Probably u can gather some more frens & ask whether they're interested to b eumcee, explain to them that script for the speech(fr hotel) will be provided, juz hv to read it fr there.

Btw, when's ur AD?


New Member
Hi Cooldevil

New Otani's suite has gotten jacuzzi which HIPV don't have...

Hi Beth

Mi holding my tea ceremony in the Bridal Suite too... and I probably will be choosing crystal too... but still waiting for Pauline to send me the lastest or waiting for someone who's getting married soon using the crystal theme...

Hi Joyce

Hmmm... so how, u going to pay the hotel $250 for the Emcee? How abt any colleagues? Dun be sad,
if really cannot find then ask the hotel lor... sometimes, it's better to get professionals also... unless, u r really close wif yr relatives, otherwise, quite tough to get them to be yr emcee lah... Dun have to be pai sei lah... juz try yr luck lor... or hint hint first & see their response before really posting the question lah...


New Member
Hi Rosalind
Is it New otani is at near Liang Court right? My gf just had her wedding 1 month ago.... didnt hear her say got jacuzzi lei..... I was in the room very normal lei....

U mean HIPV dun provide emcee... my hubby did ask my ex coordinator, she say is free lei..... Otani also provide free emcee...... just say a few words must cost $250?


New Member
Hi Cooldevil

Ya lor... that's the one leh... dunno leh... the one that my friend showed me come wif jacuzzi... was it a suite?

I'm not too sure if HIPV provides Emcee or not... but I'm getting my fren to help me with that... think fren more personal... but tot normally, hotel will provide it for free... but of course, u dun expect someone special lah... juz probably the captain or manager of banquet will do the announcement for u lor...


New Member
Hi Rosalind & cooldevil
woah...jacuzzi in d rm, so gd...HIPV only has it @ the swimming pool area wor. Tink after wedding already so exhausted, dunno whether stil got time to enjoy their outdoor facilities the next day bo.


New Member
Hi ladies,

HIPV charge $250 for the so call 'middleman fee'. On top of that Eumcee cost about 200-400.

Up till now, still haven ask other frens or relatives to help cos just finish reno.

Good news for everyone out here, heard from Pauline that there will be Classic elegance theme wedding on 25th Oct. Do pop in if you are interested
