HOKKIEN BRIDES... AnyOnE?~~~~~~~~~~


New Member
Hi Lovie Dovie,

Yes, the cake is for GDL use. Wat u mean by marble cake?Tink I would prefer the traditional cake .. ahah cse nowaday seldom c ppl distribute these type of cake liao


New Member
Hi Kelly,

I bought my GDL cakes at Hong Lim Complex. It cost a whopping 1k for 40 cakes and the reason for this is becoz my MIL adds a lot of things together with the cakes, thus the price!

On my AD, my MIL insist that we gotta bring cake over to my maiden home but for those cakes, just use marble cake will do.

I don't know about urs! If u wan the contacts, i can give u teh contacts but only tomorrow as i left the namecard at home!


New Member
Hi Lovie Dovie,

wow.. cost u 1K for 40boxes of cake, tat is exp...wat did yr MIL add in the cake tat cost so much. It is $25 per box.. e most exp I have seen is like $12 or $15per box.. any photos of yr exp cake for me to c?

Do you have photos to show me on the marble cake as I really don kw wat is tat? it is e normal cake tat hve some chocolate line. haha. pardon for my ignorance.

No worries, u can give me by tmr..


New Member
Hi Kelly,

My MIL add in alot of things for the GDL cake lor.. Got alot of sweet sweet stuffs de. I didn't take down any pictures then. I try to ask my fren coz he was there on my GDL and might took some pictures!

The marble cake that im saying is those round, soft cake that u can buy at bengawan solo! I dont know whether is it the same as ur "chocolate line" BUT if ur chocolate line cost ard $6/$7 then it might be the same coz marble cake dun cost much..

I try to give u the pics by tomorrow as i will be meeting them for mahjong.. Wahahahahahahah


New Member
Hi Lovie Dovie,

wow.. sweet sweet stuff...

I tink I know e cake u r referring to.. Oh, we need to brin marble cake to groom hse on AD? My mum didn mention it so guess I don need it lor..haha

wow.. playin mahjong, i hve nt play for a very long time liao.. haz so sad..

U hve forgotten to give me the contract for the cake wow..


New Member
Hi Kelly,

I've forgotten to keep a look-out for ya! But luckily my office got a box of my GDL cakes!!! Here we go..

Poh Guan Cake House
Blk 531 Upper Cross Street
#01-57 Postal Code 050531
Tel : 6534 0136

U can refer to the attached pic though it's not clear!!!

P/S : U lik to play mj too? Hahahahahaha


New Member
Hi Lovie Dovie,

So u r ordering those traditional cake...It is not wat I wan to buy but then no worries i can still show my mum to let her make e decision. I am referring to those real "individual cake" from those cake shop like Garden Pastry or from "Bengawan Solo".

P/S: yaya i like to play mahjong but then nt too well lar then hve nt play for long time so skill nt goos liao.. hahahaha


New Member
Hi Lovie Dovie,

It's ok no worries
I have decided 2 buy cakes instead of traditional cakes as i feel it is nicer n nowaday nt much ppl go for those kind already.. haha I wan something to be different haha


New Member
Hi Lovie Dovie,

haha.. thank u.. I am tryin 2 find more things different from other ppl cse i don like to be e same.. haha.


New Member
Hi Lovie Dovie,

Ya i also tink so cse that day I juz went to 1 of e shop in chinatown to buy some stuffs for GDL n it cost me $70plus and all e things I buy is cheap cheap 1 like basin, potty, towel, etc. I never even buy e "Xi" lamp.. e boss still ask me to buy toothbrush n toothpaste from her which cost like $2plus for a small tube of toothpaste. Really exp.

The boss still ask me to buy those things for "An Chuan" which cost abt $10 or $20plus (Can't remember liao), then my mum say no need so early buy lar.. haha Cse all the things needed for the "An Chuan" is all the cheap cheap stuff like the beans etc where got so exp. Tink they purposely mark up the price to earn our money.


New Member
Morning, Kelly!

Totally agree *2 hands up*. U went the other time i went there to buy "some" things & it already cost me $150. It was so so so expensive! And i can even name out how many things i buy..

1. Potty
2. 2 face towel
3. 3 Lamps
4. Baby's bathing tube
5. 2 pairs of slippers
6. 1 Red Big plate
7. 1 Cup

and that's it!!!

Also i bought 2 pairs of candles and candle holder, ala carte.

And all, it cost me $150.. My eyes was blinking away! I didn't buy all those beans or what coz a small bag of beans will anyhow cost u like $3 le.. Terrible..


New Member
Morning Lovie Dovie,

I tink I bought lesser than you. Let me write out wat I bought:

1) Potty
2) Baby's Bathing Tube
3) Round Basin
4) 2 Cup
5) 2 Face Towel
6) 1 Red Big Plate
7) 2 Pair of Small Clog (Tis clog is very exp.. tink abt $16 per pair or $16 for 2 pair)

I did nt buy the lamp as that time i was thinking of goin HK to buy but then couldn't find.. so sad

ya the small bag of bean is so exp. we can jus go n buy ourselve and it is so much cheaper.

Hw cme u need so many Lamps? The candle is the dragon n phoenix one is it? Still need buy candle holder meh? I didn kw wow..


New Member
Hi Kelly,

Then now how? Where are thinking of buying lamps?

The Lamps are soley those "lamps" and it's diff from "dragon & phoenix" candles. WIll need the candles holder to keep the candles in hold!


New Member

wow lovie-dovie, you are like a ritual encyclopedia =P i heard about the not stepping on "platform", but i dinno about the stepping on husband's feet and laying the clothes over the suit. as for the putting on jewellery, actually it's not the jewellery that btb shld be afraid of (shld welcome them with open arms *lol*), bt the action. heard some MILs v "bad" and pantang, when they will find excuse (such as putting pins/ jewellery on you) to touch your head and push it down. it's "symbolic" in the sense that the bride will be scared of the MIL.

so i have heard of horror stories when MILs actually try their best to push the bride's head down, while the bride tried their best to "resist" the push -_-"


New Member
btw i have some questions. for an chuang, is it necessary to buy new bed/ mattress? and if we intend to "rotate" between staying at each parent's place, where do we an chuang? at the parent's side?

another question, pin jin shld be from the PIL or from the fh's pocket? i know the older generations last time also asked for "tables" at the banquest as part of the pinjin, but now we are paying for the banquet ourselves, how? like v lugi for the bride's parents....


New Member
Morning Lovie Dovie,

I also don kw, either go back chinatown to buy if nt go somewhere else to find lor.. wat to do, cant find in HK. but the "Xi" lamp that i saw at chinatown is much cheaper cse I saw e same pair at Jurong Point selling for $38.00 per pcs where chinatown is selling 1 pair for $42.00. Somemore that time I wen tis salesgal keep asking me to order the whole set of weddin things which usual price is abt $800plus then they having promotion and still need abt $400.. wah still so exp wow..

The lamp is those "Xi" lamp is it?

Hi VV,

Yes, it is necessary to buy new mattress but then i hve persuade my mum to forgo tis as I hve juz moved to my new hse in Feb'09 n it will be waste of money to buy new mattresss.

If u hve yr own place, u hve to do it at yr hse, if nt then at yr parent place.

My pin jin is fm my FIL n not from my finance pocket. My parent also gt ask for tables from my finance and we are also paying the banquet ourselve. Y u say lugi for the bride's parent when they will keep the ang pow collected from the relatives.


New Member
Hi VV,

For An Chuang, u will definately gotta buy new beds! Mattress, pillows, bedsheets, all new!!! We don't wan to buy at fist but MIL instead on us doing so. As we stay wif them so we place th new bed at their house! If u dun have a hse, put teh new bed at ur in-law hse but not ur own as u're marrying into their family!!!

PinJin by right should be given by future in laws but if they dun have money or express desire that hope the PJ comes from ur hubby's pocket, u will have to give. As for the amt, both parents gotta discuss. Normally is $1888 or $2888 and besides this, u still got to have another amount for the "nappy" money(non-returnable). Hope it helps!

Hi Kelly!

Yes, the lamps im talking about is those "Xi" ones. Don't get dupe by them!!! U know how much my "xi" lamp cost? $12.. Wahahahahahaah. I bought those battery operated, ancient like lamps and PASTE the "xi"! Ez job! Wahahahahahahaha! Save money somemore.. YEAH!

Anything else i can help with?!?!?


New Member
Hi All

Appreciate some help over here..
Would like to know what exactly are the items to buy for Guo Da Li? Potty, Lamps, etc.
Does dialect affects the type of items to buy?

If marrying to Cantonese, does MIL have to give dragon & phoenix bangle?

Thanks alot!


New Member
Hi elstrial,

For items on GDL, u can check out : http://www.goldenhappiness.com.sg/index.shtml
Dialects will more have much affects on the things to buy unless both parents request!
If marrying Canto, by right, mil shld give u the dragon & phoenix bangles! By left, some didn't coz broke to buy DIL two! (D & P comes in 2)

Thinki ::: for my MIL she paid $20+ for a box. For mine, i paid $11 for a box. Mine is cheaper coz mine is only a cake! The pictures u saw above is from my MIL to my parents!


New Member
Hi Lovie Dovie,

Sorry for the late reply. So far we haven't talked about the betrothal money thing. Don't dare to discuss about this right now because I think it's still early to talk about (our wedding is on Dec 09).

Hi Kelly,

Glad that your meet parents' session turn out to be good.


New Member
Hi kappating,

I think u can sound ur parents out for the betrothal money juz in case, the money u gave doesn't really goes well wif them!
For my side, i didn't sound my parents out as they said anything and so, i really leave it as "anything" and don't expect them to kick up a fuss which they really didn't!
Hope it helps!

Hi Kelly,

Helloha! U bought ur "xi" lamps?


New Member
Hi Lovie Dovie,

My parents are fine with the betrothal money. They also said leave it to us as long as we are happy. So now it depends on the groom's side to see how generous they are. Heehee!


New Member
Halo halo Lovie Dovie,

Hve nt log in these few day cse busy n sick yest

I hve nt bough e "Xi" lamps as no time to source, guess wil hve to source after my food tasting on 4 July 09. Can take a photo of yr DIY "Xi" lamp to show me since so cheap I also wanna do myself haha

Of course there is a lot of things tat need yr help lor. wanna ask u the "nappy" money is a must to be given by the groom to the bride parent is it?

Hi Kappating,

Thanks. don tink too much, yr meet parents' session will turn out to be good too

I agree with Lovie Dovie, you should sound yr parents about e betrothal money in case of anything.


New Member
Hi Kelly,

What happened to ya? Poor thing! Getting better?

I will take my lamp and show ya tomorrow

Nappy money is impt and that ur hubby/his parents have to fork out the sum to give. IT'S A MUST, dear.


New Member
Hi Lovie Dovie,

I am having flu, coughin and sore throat
.. lucky nt e swine flu. haha.. feeling better now. Thanks

ok. then I shall wait for your photos.

Ok. then I will hve to inform my hubby abt tis? any amt will do right? do u happen to kw wat "Nappy Money" in called in chinese? Cse I wan 2 write the name in the AP in chinese mah.. haha


New Member
dear all,

any min amount for nappy money? My mummy need to buy a gold ring for my hubby as part of Guo Da Li??


New Member
Hi Kelly,

Morning! For my Lamps, u can refer to the above. It's not so well-taken so bear wif me! U can DIY the lamps like what i did.

Nappy Money, U no need to write anything on it. Juz make sure to seperate Betrothal Money and Nappy Money will do! Any amt for nappy money will do.

Hi Ferlis,

If let say u give ur mum 10k for betrothal money, it's impossible to give ur mum 10k as nappy money as well. In this case, maybe you can give her $488/$588 etc.. The amt don't have to be big. Give an amt that u're comfortable wif!


New Member
Afternoon Lovie Dovie,

It's ok as long as I can see e lamp.. I saw on 1 of the forum, some1 saw e "hello kitty" lamp at beauty world shopping centre.. tink i will go n take a look.. haha

ok... noted.. but tis is for Hokkien bride oni or it is for all dialects cse i ask my mum abt tis n she also don say she don kw haha.. so though hve the chinese name so can ask her..
