PINK YUP...I gave what I wanted the idea and material to my designer-she made adjustments to what I wanted like doing it into a different champagne colour and twisted the tulle.
More of cute and and simple EG...cos I keeping it.
Girly soft design...umm..can be done lah....can use the frilly layered organza material you can choose the corsett or bustier type cos usually organza for frilly effect they dun use together with french lace top.
I haven seen you so difficult to advise le..if you daring to be different and look sophisticated can try using tafetta a different fabric that look elegant..
If your WG is frilly already no point doing the same type for EG, maybe do something different lo.
The frilly type usually pple used for WG...for EG..maybe use ez manage material (no hassle in walking cos you may need walk around when you do table photography.
There are also duchess satin or chiffon or maybe japanese silk for cheong sum for your choice of EG.
Think you really need research least check what you want and try out some gowns at your BS...during your gown discussion with your designer, think she can offer you suggestions too..on which cut/material best compliment you.
Maybe I try find out some EG...for you to take a look , when your gown discussion? when your AD?