Hainanese Brides, anyone???


New Member
yes. so qiao..i work at hdb hub but always go to raffles place cos i need to collect documents from there sometimes before meeting up with customers..

bumped into kokolyn and petrina at raffles place before...just went to raffles place with my sister today..kanebo is having sales for 3 days at hong leong buidling..eye shadow palette only 4 dollars...cheap cheap!!


New Member
hi all,

actually i just want a simple gown, but a bit pomg-pomg is ok la cos only wedding can wear such things.

i went to the thomson branch last week but have asked to go to the tanjong pagar one and they are still arranging for me.

Janf - actually i first went to the tanjong pagar one and it was their ppl there whom I was impressed with. but cos i wanted to think about it, i asked them if I could sign at the nearer outlet i.e thomson when i've decided. This was what i did. keep fingers crossed that i can find sth respectable at tanjong pagar... sigh..

huey - i doubt i will change BS la.. cos already paid almost full amount liaoz.. plus i also dun really have a design in mind (which is why i decided to go off-the-rack instead of custom-made). But yes for evening gown, i may end up having to find a good tailor to copy a design or sth... jialat...

and my PS is in mid-April!!! so fast (and this was latest we could push it) and i've not lost weight yet!!! ARGH....


New Member
chrysallisph...u are so slim...no need to lose anymore weight for the wedding, really..

my gowns were also off-the-rack..cos my mtm evening down was quite disappointing so i wore that as a tea dress instead...


New Member
Ya man, chrysallisph, u are just right la. Don't worry too much about losing weight. My BS designer told me that some of his clients lost weight till they looked tired and sallow on the AD. Not worth it lehh.... just maintain as you are now and that'll be the best way to go


New Member
Ok everyone, I guess its about time that I call No Signboard to make reservations for our CNY dinner, considering the fact that its gonna be the end of Jan next week.

Here's the namelist again. I shall be reserving for:

1. Nellie & Shawn
2. Huiz & Eric
3. Janf & TH
4. CSI, Leslie & Louisa
5. Ivied
6. Petrina & Ray
7. Li Ann & Thomas
8. Sherrie & WH
9. Christine & THua
10. Lance & Kelly
11. chrysallisph & PH
12. Kokoyln, Jacob & Jolie

.... which is a total of 23 adults and 2 kids. We shall order ala carte there and then, together with a lo hei thrown in


New Member
Ok, reservations made for dinner on 19 Feb 08, 7.30pm at Geylang No Signboard Seafood. Address is 414 Geylang Road.

They are fast man. Starting to serve lo hei daily starting tomorrow all e way to chap goh meh. So the lady said there's no need to tell them specially now that we want that. We can order there and then.


New Member
chry - dun worie, take ur time to search for ur perfect off-the rack coz i went thomson wedding b4 to look at their gowns n they really hv alot of off-the-rack.. my wedding n evening gowns were off-the-rack too but lucky mine was still considered new coz it was only worn once by the model when the BS participated in a wedding show, aft tat i took a liking to it n chop it liao..

talking abt food, this yr reunion dinner, my ILs+my pama n sis n us are having it at QianXi restuarant.. so challenging haha.. tink my ma muz be conscious abt saying the rite thingy n not saying wrong thingy in frt of my ILs haha..

huiz - today my ma called me n sounded like end of the world 'i got diabetes! i wana cry now!' omg.. i oso duno how to console her.. coz she has been healthy all along juz tat eat until so old, sudd now then hv such thingy, she cant accept.. i juz tell her its old ppl's problem lah.. n hvnt even do detailed bloodtest, she oredi worried sick liao.. hope next wk when she do the bloodtest, its controllable by medi n its mild case.. then she still can joke "i muz hv ate too much cakes & pineapple tarts! all these i cant eat foreva lah! boohoohoo!"

duno to luff or to scold her.............


New Member
janf: wa lao.. ur ma very gao xiao... diabetes still talk abt pineapple tarts... wait till detailed test bah.. maybe mild case or happen tat day only... not so fast *pan si xing* de lah...

chry: ya, i also tried n tried my OTR gown... took me 2mths to find a AD gown.. evening gown also last min then managed to confirm. go more often lor. shortlist wat type of gown u wan first. then it's easier... then ask them let u try all tat fits ur criteria... sure have something u like de...

dunno wat happen to loinky? has she delivered yet?


New Member
I m back from leave. my father in law passed away last friday.. so took leave to settle his stuff..

Still not dilated yet.. but gynae says in a good position to deliver.. occasional minor cramps felt only..


Active Member
well loinky, sorry to hear about that. but just as well lah...if you give birth ard this time, then CNY you also cannot go anywhere mah. hehs. So take the chance to rest lots lah...and prepare for delivery...conserve your energy...


Hi mais, i am thinking of going for fish spa at Qian Hu on one of the weekends in Feb or Mar. Is anyone interested? half an hour is $10 one hour is $19. They don't take appointments, so we have to walk in if we are going.

loinky: sorry to hear about your father in law. hope you are ok. so your baby engaged liao? i got a colleague delivering in feb also. she say the head at the position liao. anytime can give birth.


New Member
CSI: i juz had a taste of ultimate feet swell... had gynae appt @ 9am, walked the entire shopping ctrs in orchard till 10pm. Feet started to swell @ 12mid while i was sitting on chair. raised my legs for abt 1hr then the swell subsided... So i was immobile for tat hr...
Super pain. looked like pig trotters... haha


New Member
last nite there was a documentary on 101 centurion hainanese man... Mr Chew.. he has 6 children, 12 grandchildren, 16 great-grand children...
he looks so fit, staying all alone cause he prefers independence.. his daughters take turns bringing him to medical check ups once a mth. he does everything himself - cook, wash. his daughters clean once a wk 4 him though...

i hope my grandparents can be the next centurion couple...


New Member
CSI, Haiz.. no choice.. thought my father in law could hold on until my gal is born.. i also not planning to house visit except my mum's place.. can't hold my urine well.. hehe.. so its best to be home..

Is contraction like period cramps? Any symptoms a wk before or anything before giving birth?

Petrina, u very zai still can go shopping.. i m not the shopping type.. walk a few hrs will make my whole body ache.. hehe..

Lance, no dilation so baby is not engage yet.. but head is down.. so still waiting.. but hopefully after new yr.. haha..


New Member
Petrina, how old are your grandparents? I was telling my mum the other day that I can call up Mediacorp and queue my granny up for another of this documentary. She is now 95 and can make it to the centenarian club soon. I just bought lunch for her (mum went hosp for review so I am on leave to granny sit today) and she amazed me by finishing up the whole pack of kuay chap!


New Member
Hi Hi...

Chrys - you're already so slim leh. Still need to lose weight?

Loinky - sorry to hear abt the demise of your FIL. Take care.

Lance - prefer the outing to be in March.



Sad to know abt the lost of ur love one... do take care.

contraction pain is like menses cramp but just that it is on and off at a regular interval. For me i had loose bowel b4 i gave birth... hehe oh ya.. i walk alot b4 i deliver... My grandma, mil oso keep asking me go walk walk hehe. Maybe thats y my delivery very fast.


Active Member
yap, it's like menses crap. just more intense. I had no symptoms before delivering...I only had diarrohea and vomitting, but I think that's more likely due to the food poisoning from eating at that Thai restaurant...(hubby also had diarrohea so, must be it lah). Otherwise, no symptoms at all. If not for that, I would have been walking ard and shopping manz...

Erm, whether baby is engaged or not...does not depend on dilation lah. Gynae told me that they will feel belly to check if baby is engaged or not. For my cousin, all 3 kids, engaged but she never dilated...until gynae had to give her medication to help dilate.

Yap, I walked a lot too...A LOT. hahaha. My delivery was fast (as in the pushing bit). I only took a looong time to dilate.

Petrina...wah, you walk so much in one day. haha. careful ah.


New Member
CSI / Loinky: i behave as though i not preggy... my other frens were commenting... my hb also say me.. i move n rearrange bedroom furniture all by myself...
in order to create bed space for bb.

yest again go shopping... i have to elevate my legs every nite to have normal looking legs in the daytime... hehe, after a hard day's labour work, my legs usually turn into pig's trotters...

i'm gonna rest in bed frm march onwards.. to prevent unnecessary contractions...


Active Member
you are not alone. I did that too. I was redecorating the whole house, move furniture, set up christmas tree etc...all by myself. It's called "nesting instinct". Just be careful...esp since our ligaments are softer now...


New Member
CSI: haha, nesting instinct... i become so paranoid on dust n dirt for hse.. i think if my legs permit, i'd have rearranged the entire house manz... true abt the ligaments.. my knees r giving way soon...


New Member
CSI, oic.. cos i asked the clinic asst. if the baby is engage (she worked in this line since 17.. n she's 50+ now i think) but she says engage also no use.. not dilated yet =p tomorrow going for checkup again..


New Member
petrina: i watched the program "te4 xie3" about the hainanese guy too. quite interesting. he's really v fit and independent.

lance: my hubby has been asking me when you are gonna organise the qian hu outing.


New Member
Is Qian Hu easily accessible? I am not sure if their prices are similar, but I have read about this other place opened by Yeo Yann Yann at Novena too


New Member
qian hu not accessible at all... unless u drive... next best method is to take shuttle bus frm CCK Bus Interchange...


sherrie: Ha ha, tell him we go in March la. After CNY everyone should be more free and available. I still packing room, i think need to take leave and clean liao. Jia lat.

Huiz: We can carpool to Qian Hu. ;) The novena spa is more expensive but it is more central. Hehe... We go on a Sunday in March so your hubby can go too.

How about the rest of the ah mais? You gals interested to go for some fish spa?


New Member
Baby is not engaged yet.. no dilation.. if no symptoms of baby coming out on the 10th.. have to induce on the 11th, 12th.. oh my.. wat can i do..


New Member
haha.. will talk more to her.. n rub tummy =) but how come gynae choose to induce rather than wait for another 2 wks..


Active Member
you mean induce when you are at week 40 (your EDD and baby still no signs of coming out?)

my gynae also the same. Pro-inducing. Coz once it crosses week 40, there is a risk of baby coming under distress...coz placenta would have aged and not enough nutrients being passed on to baby. The risk is not high, but it's there lorh. So some gynaes probably dun want to take the chance.


New Member
ya lor.. baby still no signs of coming out.. so have to talk to her to move down..

wats the process of pro-inducing.. my gynae was saying that if still no dilation, he will insert pill from below 1-2 days after wk 40.. if still can't dilate dan c-sect.. but i hope not to c-sect =p


Active Member
er, I meant pro-inducing as in gynae is not against inducing. Some pple prefer all natural etc.

Yap. For me, gynae burst waterbag, insert pill to help speed up dilation, gave drip to help trigger contractions (contractions will also help push baby down lower to engage).

Talk to your baby more...sayang baby more...heehee...then baby will listen to you. kekeke...


New Member
Ya lor.. i still have few days of talking to do.. seems like this thread very quiet recently.. only the few of us..


New Member
loinky: i so gan cheong for u... i've been having nightmares on delivery dreams recently. plus my boy has been super active... he gets grouchy in me whenever he's hungry... will somersault non stop till i get some food... edging me every chance he has...

funny thing is i'm partially enjoying it... hehe


New Member
Petrina, r u on maternity leave already.. i will be taking mine next wk.. cos gynae says not so fast.. my last gynae checkup should be tomorrow.. if still not open dan no choice liao.. induce next wk..


New Member
Happy happy New Year to everyone! May all your wishes come true this year

I guess this shall be the first CNY where I can see firecrackers going off. Shall keep a watch out for them at 12mn later ;-P
